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Mr Kittens and Gibberish

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Everything posted by Mr Kittens and Gibberish

  1. YEAH! Like Jurassic Park...still one of my fav. movies, cant wait for IV to come out! AND THIS!
  2. FIRE FIGHT FTW! I only played it once, but it was very FUN! I am not really a big fan of Spartan Ops, the Main reason is that 343i put Dr.Halsey in it, when she would have had a HUGE role in the Main Campaign Missions! Which would have made the Campaign 10 Thousand times better! The Second reason everyone would probably disagree with me and there would probably be a Big discussion on it, so I am not going to mention it.
  3. Just submitted a job application, wish me luck!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Maestro
    3. BeckoningZebra1
    4. Cooliest


      Always an exciting time. Applying for new jobs. Hope you get the one you want. :)

  4. Welcome to Blue Team lilsilmarilion! I hope you have a wonderful stay, at our luxurious two bed Hotel room, with an 86" Plasma Screen Television, our special mini-fridge (with all the good goodies), a 5x5 foot hot tub, and a view showing all of the beautiful Himalaya Mountain range, and 500 foot cliff drop, with the optional parachute for 5.
  5. Wana join forces in the 2v2. Tournament?

    1. ShadowFiend216


      Sure! What shall our Team Name be?

  6. can you give us a hint? Anger? Madness (loco crazy delusional type thing)?
  7. the Flood/Grave Mind? sorry I read that wrong...For some reason I misread FLOOD for FOOD...lol but for some reason I am leaning toward Forerunners even though I know I am wrong.
  8. lol I dont know what I was thinking. ShockGazm - 1 JL - 2 Zag - 1 Ruby Rose - 1 UncookedMoa - 1
  9. Correct! ShockGazm - 1 JL - 2 Zag - 1 Ruby Rose - 1
  10. good job, but you only got half of the riddle right...
  11. We met as Children we were good friends you saved my life you promised marriage I thought you died I was sad we met again face to face I did not know you but you knew me for I had to go to fight off covenant never heard from again who are we?
  12. I know this is going to be wrong but, ummm...Lord Hood?
  13. Took a bunch of epic screen shots of my spartan...

  14. Lotsa stuff on my mind

    1. Spyro


      You need to talk about it? I'm here if you do.

  15. Sorry i hasnt been on for a while Lets just say there is a possibility I may be getting Reach...but a very tiny slim molecular puny small little microscopic teeny chance though.
  16. cant sleep...stupid insomnia

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Welcome to the club, we meet every night when we are supposed to be able to sleep.

  17. He ate himself. 35 million years before he forgot to...
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