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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. That unnamed Forerunner weapon from Halo Legends: Origins?
  2. My list, out of the games I've played, is 1. Reach 2. 3 3. CE and 4 are tied here. I'd say Reach beats 3 in gameplay and making the story and atmosphere feel serious and personal, but 3 beats Reach in terms of having a great story and in most places great music. Then again, both had great music, and you can't really give the games each other's music without ruining them. But overall I prefer 3's music.
  3. Halo 4's Campaign had the best story IMO, but the gameplay was lacking compared to the other games. It's a great game, but when you measure it up against the other Halos it falls short. It's too easy, too predictable. And the enemy AI is really stupid. They run into walls, get stuck in Banshees when they hit objects, and don't chase you like the enemies in other games would.
  4. Banned for going above the 1 pixel of space taken up per post limit!
  5. I love those moments when people watch me play Campaign, say "You're gonna die", and then I kill everything and say "How dead do I look to you?"

  6. Does anyone else drop in skill temporarily when they play on a lower difficulty than they usually do, then go back to the usual difficulty?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      You cant drop in skill from playing different difficulties if you have the skill. Otherwise, its just the psychological work on your mind that you were doing better/worse before.

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime



      Well this, people, is why I hate illusions.

    4. Frankenzer


      Never happened to me

  7. Exodus is without doubt my least favorite level of Halo Reach.

  8. Victory is yours this day. It shares a strength with the Arbiter's H2 armor, which is active camo, but it has a weakness the Arbiter's armor does not. A lack of shields. And that bit about protecting the head was because anything without shields can be shot there and instantly killed, so that was a hint about what the weakness was. I must now spell your name wrong because I can't type symbols like that. Axilus Prime - 1 RyuHayabusa - 1
  9. Campaign - Yeah...no. Just no. The only way this story isn't clear and easy to understand is if you weren't paying attention, or have forgotten much of Halo. Now, as for how good it is, I thought it was awesome, the best story so far, but that's just my personal opinion. What I think ruins the campaign is how redundant and similar the weapons are, how dumb the AI is, and how easy the entire Campaign is. You have enemies burst-firing you with 2 second intervals, never following you or hunting you down, repetitive and predictable Prometheans, and enemies trying to move through solid objects. Campaign was good, but falls short of past Halos. Matchmaking - Lag, stupid loadouts, unfair ordnance, poor map design. This one pretty much sucks. Custom Games - Barely any customization, and the maps are as stupid as ever. Forge - No fine editing. It's very awkward and clunky, and with the base maps being what they are, it's hard to build good stuff off of them. Forge Island, however, is good. A friend once made a great SWAT map on it. Theater - It's fine, I guess. But they should really add a function to save things as video files as well as scripted events, and make the videos accessible to computers as well from the Waypoint site. Menu Layout - MAKE FILE SHARING AND SAVING LESS CONFUSING. I mean DAMN! This part took me an hour to completely figure out every inch of. And ALL the menu music sucks, whereas Reach's menu music was all great. Graphics - I did not know we had Promethean Watchers scrubbing and shining everything 24/7. It's all too shiny, which makes it look fake. Texture detail has been achieved to a tremendous measure in Reach, I can't possibly imagine why they would downgrade it. Even if you don't add the realistic wear and tear that Reach had, there is no excuse for the textures being so cheap up close! Thankfully the complexity and poly count of the models was great in H4. Music - Only like two tracks are awesome. The rest is crap. We need more of this good stuff, like 117 and Arrival. Well, that's pretty much my response to your thread, even though I put certain topics in a different order.
  10. Banned for being better than me at creating extremely specific, improbable, and crazy circumstances under which to ban people...while I'm hungry during summer vacation!
  11. Banned for being a pony with the appearance of a dog.
  12. wait you can control the grenade launcher's detonation wat why didn't i know this before damn it i could have used it so much better

    1. PuRe PoNy
    2. BaconShelf


      Holding trigger creates an EMP too

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Well, now I know how Emile pulled off that cool Banshee EMP in the cutscene...


      I wouldn't have died so much on Pillar of Autumn if I'd known this, grenade launchers were abundant.


      I have got to try this as soon as I get the chance...

  13. Damn! I won Winter Contingency on Legendary without dying, and still no Carter helmet avatar award! What is this madness?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Caboose The Ace
    3. Quantum


      It's pretty easy if you just run down the side of the map and then just be smart. Google a walkthrough. I got it on the first try.

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      @Beckoningzebra, LOL.

      @Frankenzer, Ouch. Do you have the helmet now?

      @Caboose, Well, I have had some extreme instances of bad luck in Halo today.

      @Quantum, I use walkthroughs to look at gameplay and graphics, but not to actually help me. I prefer not to cheat. Speaking of which, running past the enemies or glitching through sections is even more of a cheat.

  14. I am pleased to inform you all that I am a monument to all your sins. Yep, I won Reach Legendary solo, no cheats, no skips. I even did the MAC cannon part without hiding under the gun.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Well then, good job? Most people don't do it, so...


      I'd say it's still a cool thing to do. In fact, apparently all of Bungie.net believes you have to camp under the MAC cannon until Keyes tells you to shoot the cruiser, and I did no such thing.

    3. Fishy


      Wouldn't that of just made it more difficult, especially since there's, like, 20 phantoms shooting you and you'd have to shoot through some of them..?

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      No. Actually, their altitude is so low, and the cruiser's so high, that you have a clear shot at the glassing port.


      Some people just don't want to face the hordes of invincible aliens like real men, so they skip, glitch, and hide through some parts.

  15. Banned for wearing Hayabusa without the color of enraged paradoxes in need of a shower.
  16. The Brute guesses were even farther off. JL's is closer, but not exactly on the right track.
  17. Hopefully I can hang on to it for a while. MS said they'd support the 360 for a few more years, so hopefully they'll release new games (Halo 5) on it as well as the Xbox One.
  18. Banned for posing while lying down in a picture larger than 100x100.
  19. If they came to hear me beg. There is absolutely no chance that any other achievement even comes close to being that hard. Two hours, and eight assassinations that didn't give me the achievement. Then, finally, got it. My soul was crying the whole time. And the sheer number of suicides...it brought my Campaign K/D down to a ridiculously low level!
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