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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. Actually, I just remembered that if I get a new computer with Windows 8, I can not only run this game, but also one that is way better. Halo 2.
  2. Ok, sorry about that. And no. Wrong track, it's not a weapon.
  3. Problem here is, PC doesn't give you control over your look speed other than sensitivity, or your movement speed, unless you plug an Xbox controller into it. Also, the trigger of an Xbox controller is much more effective for speed-firing a semiautomatic weapon. Plus the controls are easier to use, all placed in ideal sections of the controller, etc. And on top of that, a PC with the same price as an Xbox offers much less graphical/framerate ability.
  4. A frag grenade is closer to the size of the thing. And if you're using the riddle, I suggest you re-read it.
  5. Extremely wrong. Are you guys actually using the riddle, or guessing?
  6. Halo Reach! Best gameplay, good music (Not the best music of all Halos, but still really good stuff, dynamic or emotional depending on the situation), and I did like the characters.
  7. I actually prefer root beer or sprite. Though out of these two, definitely Coke.
  8. Rage because of losing all my progress. It's like having the power shut off after you did almost a whole campaign in one go, right before you could save! Except that this is like times a thousand, because...life is longer than a Halo game. But then I'd use all my knowledge and stuff to become better than before in every way.
  9. Microsoft always tries to force people to buy their products, their way. But at least the game looks fun.
  10. Closer, but no... Farthest guess I've seen all day.
  11. That looked cool. Not to mention my jaw dropped at the sight of another Halo game. I might get Windows 8 just so I can play this.
  12. Awesome! All those I help would die, With only a single shot, But with my help, delayed, Is the time they finally fall and rot.
  13. Banned for being an Elite sniper. Aren't Jackal snipers bad enough? XD
  14. Dang. Halo Reach is harder than Halo 3 overall, but I got really screwed up the first few times I attacked the enemy because 3 and Reach require completely different tactics.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Well, Halo 3's first level is harder than Halo Reach's, but past that, Reach seems harder.

    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      None of them are really that hard........

      But CoD veteran is EASY.

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      COD doesn't require skill or strategy so much as it requires speed.

      The fastest will usually win, from what I've seen. Run, spot an enemy, move your reticle to his general area as fast as possible, quickscope, and fire until he drops. Now if that tactic works on a game in multiplayer, nothing can possibly make its campaign hard.

  15. Dang. Can't rent Reach anymore, so now I need to order it online. Until then I have to just make do with Halo 3.

    1. The Stig

      The Stig

      You can still download the Demo for free, It lets you still play MM, Albeit only on the Map "Powerhouse"

    2. Frankenzer
    3. Axilus Prime
  16. In Halo 4 I prefer the BR. But in Halo Reach, which is the main Halo game I play, the DMR is my favorite non-power weapon. It requires skill to use, unlike the Halo 4 DMR.
  17. There was a weekly challenge for killing BOBs? But I killed two of them this month on Legendary, solo!
  18. Topic starter got banned, but that doesn't mean we're banned from ever continuing this again. You all seemed to be having fun doing that, so here you go!
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