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Everything posted by kewcomber

  1. Did you know that the jackals actually are just mercenaries for the covenant?
  2. This is amazing, I can't imagine how long this took you, props.
  3. I like how it looks like a storm trooper
  4. they should have another forgable map
  5. contact customer service, it's definitely something i can't help
  6. i prefer the xbox version better, mainly because my pc sucks
  7. I'm SR 77. And that's just cause I play alot, I'm only decent in halo.
  8. The problem w/ that is that it would be really hard to have AI as advanced as MLG
  9. 343 seems to have made halo 4 w/ alot less assassinations, they need to diversify more.
  10. I love all these ideas. I can't agree more w/ the guns.
  11. I lost my Reach disk so now I'm playing 4 but I like to remember the fun times I had on it. The problem w/ 4 is that the Hazop armor (my favorite Reach armor) now sucks. So now I'd like to know what is your favorite armor type.
  12. It's safe to assume that we will hear from her again, 343 wouldn't through out new characters at the beginning of a trilogy.
  13. what is the gun and sword arm then?
  14. no, the developers made pistols have a high ROF to compensate for duel wielding. if you have both, it would be good as a primary.
  15. armor lock was great, but it was unfair and really not suppose to stop bullets, but to cushion impact.
  16. UNSC: Nail Gun: automatic nail gun pierces through armor Ion Rifle: automatic rifle shoots beams of ions Covenant: Mercury Blaster: shoots out mercury so fast the liquid is like bullets and spreads out like a shotgun Energy Rifle: same material as energy sword but fires it as bullets.
  17. I liked the plasma repeater because it did enough damage to kill and it was fun to vent.
  18. I want to upgrade the warthog because it's not that realistic. The gunner is too vulnerable. so I propose a more armored vehicle with 6 wheels. I call it, the ECHIDNA. It looks like something to the effect of this: http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&safe=off&tbo=d&biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch&tbnid=DJwci8hi-YYg8M:&imgrefurl=http://www.ipmsstockholm.org/magazine/2008/03/tamiya-m20.htm&docid=Vuy4FbM8B6FbZM&imgurl=http://www.ipmsstockholm.org/magazine/2008/03/images/m20_1.jpg&w=640&h=480&ei=YOv9UOD2Iejw0QG0zoDQCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=856&vpy=127&dur=3307&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=197&ty=158&sig=106868165913162362213&page=1&tbnh=140&tbnw=192&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0,i:94
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