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Composite Armour

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Status Replies posted by Composite Armour


  2. John Cena wrestling a Hunter crash into your living room. As they both see you, they start running towards you. What do?

  3. When you find out that your first college assessment has already been stolen via email from someone... Should I be happy or sad?

  4. Set Phazers to Stress, no..NO too much! *Druid has been over powered from stress and wont be on the forums for the next 4 days* take care guys!

  5. Black is the absence of color

  6. Question: Is it bad my favourite news site is Kotaku?

  7. When you get face palmed by a TeaWrex :/

  8. gotta love food poisoning

  9. As human beings, when we encounter a challenge, we have the freedom to choose how to react. Every decision that we make leads us down a different road. We will never come to exactly the same crossroads. Every decision that we make has significance. The tiniest choice that we make reverberates throughout the entire universe.

  10. Bethesda no longer exists to me.. At least not for the next 4-5 years..

  11. My mother died. R.I.P.

  12. So much community news lately..

  13. Attention duelists! My hair is considering getting an Xbox One soon!

  14. This past week I marathoned all of game of thrones.

  15. Just finished the entire Mass Effect trilogy for the first time. My heart has been stabbed and stompped on repeatedly.

  16. Quick question: What should my 500th post be about? :P

  17. I like to look up into the stars at night and ask myself where did the universe come from? , deep questions deserve passionate answers.. Makes happy about how precious life can be, especially when you see so many of your friends who stared death in the face, but pulled through. I like to sit up at night and look out my window and ask why life has it's ups and downs? But I guess that's one thing I'm fortunate for..

  18. That Skyrim MP mod works...sort of. Combat and NPCs aren't synced. But it's stable enough to travel Skyrim together.

  19. Did you shoutban ORDIS, Operator? Did he anger you in some way?

  20. I have been thinking Operator. I thought you'd want to know.

  21. Halo Reach servers seem to be disconnecting more often.

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