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Everything posted by JetEyeNight

  1. This guy gets it. My problem is people will sacrifice the win to protect their K/D. So what do they do? Instead of pushing the fight to try to make a comeback, they'd just rather sit in their spawn. I stealthily made my way to their base on Ragnarok, and 4 of them were in a circle meleeing each other. WTF? You want to play against these people? They aren't even trying to win. This community seriously lacks competition and a winning spirit.
  2. The problem is not that I'm scared of invisible people, it's that I can't see invisible people to shoot them. They just hide and when I get close they just turn on their invisibility until I walk away. They lose, it just takes longer for them to lose. I prefer a quantity of quality games. More games = more XP = leveling up faster. I don't like games that take the full timer to finish just because the losing team refuses to push the fight and when I try pushing the fight they just hide with their invisibility. Yes tactics and strategy are a good thing, but if you're just hiding, not trying to make a comeback then you just made a quick loss a long drawn out loss.
  3. The game is getting way too boring. Halo is supposed to be exciting. Invisibility should be limited to power ups on a timer like they used to be, just like Oversheild and Damage are now.
  4. It's not that I'm getting beat by it, please don't misunderstand me. It's that I AM beating you, it's just the game is taking way too long to finish. If you refuse to move and I'm winning, I'm not coming to you. The games are ending without going to score. In Halo the etiquette has always been if you are losing you should be pushing the fight to try to make a come back. Now people refuse to even do that. They try beating the other team with boredom. They figure if they camp long enough with invisibility the other team will come to them and they'll get a surprise kill. LAME! Edit: In fact I go soooooo bored by waiting around for people to move that I went AFK to make this post. Guess what? I didn't die once! I was standing out in the open! If the losing team was at all trying to win, I should have been killed several times. But NOPE . That's how lame people are getting. They have to abuse everything given to them.
  5. I've been running into it more and more where people are just camping with invisibility in Big Team Battle. Games are taking way way way too long because people refuse to move and they just camp with invisibility! The only game type worth playing is being ruined!
  6. If a teammate shoots me at the beginning of the game, or overheats the mech and and stomps on my warthog, you can bet I'll be greifing the entire game, destroying any vehicle I can find. Game on.
  7. Maybe because they gave it away for free, then took it back? I know I'm not buying it. The maps are terrible. If it's any indicator, any future map pack will be terrible too.
  8. Well before MLG and PRO let's get a legit FFA playlist.
  9. While I loved the original LOTR movies, they were more depressing. They left you in an emotional wreck. The Hobbit was more of an adventure. It left me pumped. I preferred the Hobbit.
  10. No, this is how Halo maps are meant to be designed and the good maps have been designed like this from the beginning. Arena style.
  11. They are extremely boring to play. I will never touch them again.
  12. We don't need people dominating with the Banshee for the whole game. So no buff.
  13. Weapon variety has always been important in Halo, yet there are those in this thread who think it's OK that the DMR outclasses everything else, and if noone can beat it then they should join in in using it, which does not promote weapon diversity. That is the wrong approach to take. We need balance. People should be able to be successful with the weapon that best fits their playstyle. As it is, the DMR can outshoot everything at nearly any range simply by "hip-firing" (not aiming down scope). How is that in any way fair? The DMR is supposed to be a marksman rifle. You should need to aim down scope to get the benefits of accuracy. It definitely needs to be nerfed!
  14. Correct. I would like to see Rumble Pit make a return where they have all those gametypes I listed. I don't want seperate playlists for all of those gametypes. Perhaps Lone Wolves for FFA slayer only. Action Sack for crazy gametypes. I've played quite a bit of Regicide, and I just get tired of everyone helping the king kill me. I'll be going after the king only to be shot by other people, then the king cleans up the kill.
  15. Can we get some good playlists please? I want some good FFA playlists. 16 people FFA. FFA Slayer. FFA Oddball. FFA KOTH. FFA Swords. FFA Snipers. FFA Rockets. Juggernaut. Etc. I'm tired of having crappy teammates. I want to only ever need depend on myself when I play this game.
  16. Every weapon is fine except for the DMR, which needs a nerf.
  17. The BR is fine, it's the DMR that needs to be nerfed a little.
  18. No, it is most definitely NOT WORTH IT. They are terrible terrible maps, unless you like walking around for several minutes just to find someone.
  19. Maps are way too big, and terribad. Boring boring boring. I feel like I have to move for 5 minutes before I find anyone, only to die to someone camping with a boltshot. Rinse repeat. Stupid. I want smaller maps for FFA.
  20. I think you mean the DMR is overpowered. Just hip fire against almost anything and win. The assault rifle is fine.
  21. Hey guys, my map pack was free as well and I don't have the map pass or the LE. What I did... I loaded up halo 4. Went the the marketplace. It said this transaction 0 points. Confirmed... voila! I now have the map pack for free.
  22. No, k/d is NOT the most important stat. Regicides are the most important stat. The winning team can have a K/D less than the losing team and still win because they focused on regicides. Also, NO... NOT very rarely can you win in objective games with an overall k/d less than the enemy team. It happens all the time. ALL THE TIME. For example in Dominion. You can have all the kills in the world, but if you don't play objectively you won't win. You can win objective based games without getting 1 kill. The enemy team could have 500 kills. They could still lose.
  23. Did someone promise you team snipers? Who knows when it's coming back if at all?
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