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Fox McCloud

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Everything posted by Fox McCloud

  1. Hey Friend. :hugz:

    1. Zelda


      Hello Fox, how have you been? :)

    2. Fox McCloud

      Fox McCloud

      Great my lady. I'm going to send you a private message right now!

  2. Congrats Edward! I knew this would happen sooner rather than later.
  3. Interesting. This is coming out for the 360 correct?
  4. Does anyone still play MarioKart Wii online? I would love to play with you guys! Post your friendcodes here. I will post mine shortly. Lets go racing! "Do a barrel roll!"
  5. Um. I don't know man. What did you do? You could go to Halo Waypoint to figure this out.
  6. Halo: Reach is the only Halo I play on a consistent basis anymore. It's MP is unmatched and I love playing customs with friends.
  7. Mafia is going to be so much fun!
  8. Good job purple dragon on MoM. :)

    1. Spyro


      lol, thanks, and that's "Mr. purple dragon" to you. :P

    2. Akali


      you misspelt Mrs. Pinky Dragon ;)


  9. Nobody, appreciates Spyro's being MoM as much as me. This purple dragon has been nothing but friendly since I joined this site. Spyro has been so friendly to me during my stay on 343icf. He means so much to me. Spyro deserves being MoM more then any other dragon out there. He is truly incredible. Spyro you will always be my favorite purple dragon buddy!
  10. Yeah guys, we should do this. Gamertag: Yur Teamate
  11. You're making me want to go out and watch it!
  12. Add me, and we can play man! I'm always game for Halo matches! Gamertag: Yur Teamate
  13. Would you like to join our me and fishy's clan? We are deciding how it will work right now. PM me if interested.
  14. Keep Calm and Halo On!

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      I'll drop this here:


      "Keep Calm and Armor Lock" -BeckoningZebra1



    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Spoken like a true reclaimer.

  15. This would be really cool. Add me: Yur Teamate
  16. Yeah, we don't really compare to Halocustoms in the sense that they have hundreds of customs games.
  17. Add me man! I would love to play with you! Gamertag: Yur Teamate
  18. Add me man, and we can play for hours into the night.
  19. Thanks for your honesty. Your right. People make accounts make accounts to bash a Halo. Does it make it right? No. But as a forum we have to embrace them anyways. A member is a member. We have to make them feel welcome.
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