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Everything posted by Crymzen

  1. I play alot of old games, i still have my ps1, ps2, n64, gba, gamecube and dreamcast but the one i have been playing the most as of late is the first Shenmue on the dreamcast..love that game
  2. I own both and love them both, each consol has it's own upsides and downsides..fanboys of each consol will only focus on the upsides and do anything they can to put down the other consol..truth is though they are both awesome systems PS3 has resistance wich is an awesome series, the multiplayer has never been any good but the story was awesome
  3. I have spent a good few games walking around the map not being able to find anyone so you can cross fast paced off that list, it is frustrating though
  4. I'm wondering if this is going to work they way they hope n the 360..smaller games have required up to 4 discs...i have a feeling this is going to require alot of disc switching and if that's true then it will ruin the immersion for 360 players, i may just pick this up on PS3 or PC because i can't be bothered with all that disc swapping crap
  5. I also own both games, and i HATE Blops 2 multiplayer. now first off..don't get me wrong here, i SUCK at Blops 2, and i'm not saying what i am about to say because i suck, i know i suck..i know half the times i die it's because i suck. the other half of the times that i die is complete bull****..i mean..pulse(by pulse i mean burst fire) an entire assault rifle clip into a guys body only to get killed by that guy in three shots to the legs with a damn pistol..that just doesn't make any sense right there..the majority of my totaly kills are from battle axes..and i havn't even unlocked battle axes..i just jump into sticks and stones. Knifing is also complete crap, i get right up in a guys face and knife him only to get knifed by him a second later..i just can't wrap my head around crap like this 0.o it boggles the mind to a degree where i am never going to pick it up again
  6. I'm having trouble getting my flag set properly, the flag shows up just fine but there is nowhere to capture it..even with a capture plate set with labels
  7. I prefer slayer pro without radar but i agree on other points
  8. Hey don't get me wrong, i would love some of the classics back, while the words "We are not bringing back and old maps, PERIOD" were never used..they do have all of the map packs planed out already, everything that is in the season pass shows no signs of have any remakes..so unless they decide to release maps outside of the season pass..i can't see us getting any classics. that being said though..i have already seen some pretty sweet looking forge remakes of old maps so maybe they will bring out a playlist for forged maps
  9. I own both, Halo 4 on the 360 and Black Ops 2 on the Pc, after playing them both i have to say Halo 4 wins it hands down, BO2 has a pretty entertaining story but the multiplayer sucks..big time. If multiplayer is what you are after then it's halo all day long. Halo 4's story is also alot better than BO2, BO2 story is entertaining but it just can't compete on any level to Halo 4. I bought BO2 to play with some friends on steam..if i could get a refund i totaly would
  10. they released details on what maps are in what map packs and showed concept art, none of them ar eold maps, they all look original Source
  11. Valhalla is ragnarok 0.o Maps i would like back are Gaurdian Construct The Pit Narrows ( i mean seriously they have the basic narrows model in that campiagn mission..why not transfer it over to MP?)
  12. There are thousands of youtube videos that beg to differ
  13. I live in the UK and have yet to have a single problem with lag
  14. It does seem like you die and get kills alot quicker in H4..i would prefer it to go back to how it was in H3 but that's probably never going to happen
  15. I have to agree, while firefight was awesone..it was still always the same thing over and over and over again, no matter what map you pick. Spartan ops gives us some variety
  16. i'm pretty sure halos noob tube was the actual nade launcher in reach..and i'm pretty sure Halo 4 noob tube is the sticky launcher..comparing a plasma pistol to a noob tube is rediculouse as it does nothing but take your shields down or stop a vehicle for 2 seconds. a noob tube got it's name because the kill takes no effort, it's instant..with a plasma pistol you still need to switch to your next weapon or perform a beatdown..and in the time it takes for you to charge the pistol, hit someone and then switch or beatdown you could already be dead. a plasma pistol is pretty useless against a good player IMO
  17. I don't see how, it seems like it encourages it more than anything, It isn't possible unless you grab a bunch of friends and boost out the challenge My point exactly
  18. Yeah i have to agree, this is pretty sketchy, honestly it's easier to explain things in writing than it is in person. why do i get the feeling you will invite someone in to the aprty and try and either Scam MS points out of them..or ask for thier account details
  19. I'm also working on a map and gametype for one flag which is wierd because i don't like one flag, mainly because it usualy involves alot of camping, i hope to sort that out in my gametype and map, i'll post up the info when it's done
  20. Yea this map is too big for swat, i like the map..it's not a bad map, i had some soe fun regicide games on there but for swat it is too big. Maps i would like to see remade Construct: this map was good for pretty much everything except flag and bomb, the map size is perfect. The Pit: do i really need to leave an explanation here? it's pit... Lockout: Yes please! black out was fun to play in swat so why not remake lockout again for H4? Midshup: because the map is balanced and so much fun to play
  21. Havn't checked this out in game yet but from the pictures you got the scale of the map right, I have seen people make jumbo version of lock out..they got the look righ tbut the size was way off. i'll be sure to check this one out
  22. I'm glad they added the option to turn it off in custom games <3
  23. You are putting this all on 343..did 343 make halo reach? i think not..bungie was heading in this direction with reach, and now the idea is fully realised you have a problem with it? don't get me wrong, i would love for things to go back to how they were in halo 2/3 i prefer halo 3 but that doesn't mean i'm going to waste my time complaining about different things have become. you can compare it to CoD all you want but this game is still fun as hell, halo CE lan parties were fun as hell, Halo 2 was fun as hell, Halo 3 was fun as hell and guess what shock fkin horror halo 4 is fun as hell. (i did not include reach because i hated the multiplayer) Halo 4 is your manwich..so stfu and eat
  24. really? might be a bug or somthing then , mine says 5
  25. 10 seconds is being genrous lol i was playing some spartan ops yesterday, the mision in episode 2 in sniper valley, i got sniped as i picked up the weapon drop sniper rifle, respawned 3 feet from where i died and the sniper rifle was gone
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