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Everything posted by blizz

  1. Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can't Lose.

    1. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      Dry, Red Eyes? Get clear eyes with Clear Eyes... It relieves redness and other things!

  2. Zelda, I'm so sorry to hear about the tragic events that have transpired for you over the past years. Just know that you have the full support of me and this entire community if you need it. Mere words cannot describe the pain felt by losing a loved one. "Although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, May looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow."
  3. S.H.E 26 - Never Forget.

  4. so essentially you might get banned because 343 is stupid. good to know.
  5. In this same boat. Main perk I use is Firepower, because I often find myself out of DMR ammo and having to switch to my BR for more kills. This is more common on BTB.
  6. I'm a slave to Microsoft, so yeah, of course I'm going to get the new XBox.
  7. Halo 4 is one of the few games where burst fire matters somehwat. However the DMR is superior to the BR in all facets. BR is good for close range, and hopefully when MLG playlists come out it will be BR only. BR also is excellent for SWAT due to the burst fire.
  8. They start insulting you because you play Halo (a game that requires skill) over CoD (campers paradise)? Tell your friends that you like real FPS games, and not dumbed down FOTM hide and go seek multiplayer.
  9. If you haven't received it yet, then you might not be getting one it looks like. If you had to update your email like me, but did it after Nov 20th, then you are out of luck also. I would suggest going to Waypoint and posting on the forums and hoping you get a response. Wish there was more in terms of support for 343, but right now they are extremely overwhelmed with issues, mainly stemming from their handling of spec codes in the first place. or this.
  10. It almost seems like the better the weapon is that you dropped, the shorter time it stays on the ground. DMR/BR/AR, all those seems to stay on the ground much longer. But I agree, this should be looked at.
  11. To win the SOPs challenge, you pretty much are going to have to turn your Xbox on as soon as the contest starts and not turn it off until its over. Best of luck!
  12. Free maps is the least they can do after the entire Spec Code debacle. Good info though for sure DV.
  13. ITS FRIDAY!!!!

    1. Harbinger
    2. Harbinger


      :( Never got to play Halo 3 online when it first came out and popular.
  14. G'd up from the feet up

  15. I changed my email yesterday and was told it should be fine. Contact XBox Live Support and they should be able to help you get it changed. My guess is that if you get it switched before they send the emails out on Nov 1st then you should be good. ***December 1st, my mistake.
  16. I was in the same boat. Just updated my email yesterday. My understanding from the XBox support staff is that they haven't begun to send them out yet and if you updated your email before Dec 1st then you should be good to go. Will have to wait and see at this point.
  17. Should I be concerned about not receiving my specialization codes if I updated my email from an inactive one to an active on just yesterday? My concern is that it gets sent to my inactive email and is lost for good. Tried contacting 343i support, but seems to be non-existent. Already contacted XBox Live support and they said I should be good. Any insight into this situation?
  18. I am in this exact same situation. I changed my email from an inactive college account to my new one yesterday, and I talked to XBox support and they claimed that the emails haven't started yet and that since I changed it before the November 30th deadline that I should be ok. I contacted a mod through Waypoint but have yet to hear back from them, and to be honest doubt that I might all together. Hopefully they will the change in emails before they start sending out the codes. My other concern would be that if it didn't get changed before November 20th, that it might be an issue. As of right now all I can tell you is wait and see and hope they see your new updated email. My guess is that this will be an issue for a lot of people and something they will ultimately have to address. If I hear back from anyone on the matter I will let you know. Supposedly 343 and Microsoft are in communications with each other and will see that you now have a valid email.
  19. You realize they are emailing out codes to unlock all of them by the end of this week right?
  20. I updated my email address today, should I be concerned the codes will go to my old inactive email? XBox Live Support staff said that codes hadn't been sent out yet and I shouldn't worry because they will be sent to my new updated email. I guess my fear is that since I updated it after Nov 20th, they might send it to my old email. Any thoughts?
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