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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. in reach i played at ******** tone of flood but in halo 4 i rarley play it dont know if i dont like or what i just never whant to pllay it
  2. recently ive started liking the scatttershote more than the unsc shotgun
  3. i disagree with pretty much all your points halo 4 is a great game the best halo yet i bet u enjoyed halo 3 alot didnt u http://www.343industries.org/forum/user/55254-opiatem/
  4. welcome to the comminty hope u enjoy your time here and follow the rulues have qustions send me a pm
  5. yes indead virus welcome to our comminty hope u have a nice time here and dont break the rulues have qustions send me a pm
  6. damm we were trolled by majerns lol

  7. yay u put it in the right section u learned from your mistakes
  8. eh 2012 was a hoax we were trolled by mayerns
  9. file shares are up for janaury 343 are working on it but this is not 343s site this is a comminty run forums next time try waypoint
  10. i like the new dashboard i rember when thet changed it once and it was a ***** of a big change not like this one good job microsoft
  11. 4 those how doloed it for free it was a taste of crimson now u peaple can make up yor minds to buy it or not
  12. afreed but it would mess up war games i mean boltshot and speed boost epic combo see what i mean
  13. jhonson fired at sparks and desrroyed him
  14. no need just so u know 4 next time its a new comerz commen mistake
  15. i use a carbine and a lightrifle its a good combo light rifle is a mini sniper in rangrock i sit on a rock and let the bambis aka noobs go into my line of fire pop 4 shots bamm dead
  16. hmm just wait maybe itll fix itself or just keep trying but mabe your connection thouh
  17. yes it a stalker perk after u die a red arrow apperes on your hud for a few seconds telling u where he is
  18. in the trailer it looked like an overpowerd vechilue but it isnt two to four peaple can take it down pretty easilery 1 person if hes good enought
  19. its like the staker perk i gives u the heads up for a few seconds so use it effectiveley and u own all the ordnce drops you will learn how to use it as time goes on
  20. yheah i think halo 4 is the best halo yet some peaple im not typing names u know who u are lol its just some players stuck in the halo 3 days
  21. yoou need to put this in the clan avertizing bit this is the wrong place 4 it
  22. a blanced game is a good game simple as but halo 4 is the perfect match bettween mlg and casual
  23. i hope not but maybe at the end of halo 4s life cycle they willl maybe
  24. meh its a glitch but i dont play flood very much in reach i played infection alot thought
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