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Durandal v2

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Everything posted by Durandal v2

  1. Seeing as the game is using Halo Reach for multiplayer I would think they would not be exactly the same
  2. I would love to see them remake halo 2, but it probably will never happen.
  3. I like that you can have a magnum as a flag carrier. I don't like the touch to grab
  4. Halo 3- battle rifle Halo Reach- DMR I play a lot of swat and tend to stay with these weapons across all gametypes if possible
  5. I preorderd the limited edition at GameStop, I like the forest skin but I wished they had raptor instead
  6. I can't wait to see what happens in the campaign
  7. I loved duel wielding. People can argue about unfairness and "balance" but in the end it was a fun thing that helped set halo 2 apart from other titles. I say to bring it back
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