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Durandal v2

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Everything posted by Durandal v2

  1. Spartan- ll It bad the biggest impact on human history
  2. Durandal v2


    I prefer using the BR over the DMR but the DMR is the better weapon
  3. I don't think they understand that most halo fans don't want designer boots

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. A71william


      Absolute it's costly but an extremely powerful laser can be 5x5cm but power is a problem!

    3. Durandal v2
    4. Quantum


      Look at my profile picture... who did you think I was??

  4. Maybe we will see some of the UNSC prototype weapons mentioned in the books
  5. With main, side, and misc quests along with dlc you could play skyrim for days and never get close to fully beating the game. Skyrim is an awesome game and worth every penny
  6. Thank you for your input and i understand where you are comming from. Everyone has done something bad at one point or another but i just wanted to point out things i have seen happen more times than one I have done nothing to deserve this kinda lash out against me.
  7. I think if he wouldnt have died he would have been a very good character in halo 4 like Jul is
  8. I never said that, but some older members act like newer members are not people but problems
  9. First of i would like to say i have nothing against anyone or are directing this to any certain group of people. I am by no means a new member. I joined back in September and just sat in the background watching things unfold for the most part but i never passed "green" and because of this is can clearly see part of the problem on these forums. Some of these have been adressed but i will bring up everything i feel that is holding the community back - New members being treated like trolls (i have seen people judged by the name they choose before they ever post) Ex- 343ibot: Welcome to the community Weicsa! Dedicated member: Another troll just joined why dont we get this over with by banning them -A green member post in the shoutbox and everyone shouts No spamming, but then dedicated and trusted members will go overboard with the smilies and nobody yells at them. - A green member shouts hello in the Shoutbox and no one replies. A second later a dedicated member shouts im getting kinda of tired and then he gets 4 or 5 replies right of the bat. Also i have seen things that almost make me sick like long time members posting a going away message. And then someone would post a status update about bacon and get more replies than the leaving member I feel bad for the moderators because no matter what they do people will challange it. Believe it or not i can tell there is some sort of inside groups that turn people against each other. Others have hinted at this and i feel like if you do something wrong you get treated like crap forever. I would also like to point something out to my fellow green members. Rank means absolutely nothing! Do not spam to get trusted you are only ruining your experience on this site. Trust me when i say this "Its about the journey not the destination" so dont rush to dedicated because when you get there you will find out that its a bitter sweet victory getting dedicated but not earning it. I could put much more into this but i want to get my thoughts across to the community. Treat everyone equal and do not rush to dedicated. Everyone is the same and should be treated that way no matter what the color of your name is. I want to give a shout out to the mods and members that have been standing up for the community and whats right. And for those that have left because of the recent drama all i have to say is please come back to us, the community is not the same without you guys Avictus out
  10. If you plan on going into multiplayer you would want a team, most of the players are dedicated to the game and are really good
  11. What i think they should remove from Halo 5 Unlockable emblems - They have always been open to everyone from the moment they start the game - They take away from a player being unique - Some of them have pointless requirements like "buy a marked 12 month of xbox live" - Most people dont like waiting to level 130 to get a emblem that they like
  12. I would not even join a clan if i was you, they always lead to drama and fighting
  13. The person above me has a cool signature, name, and avatar The person below me steals internet from the old lady next door
  14. Welcome to the forums! Just like the others have stated there is a special place for topics like this on a side note: I feel that change is a major part of halo and that if they did not move to change the game halo would fall into the whole Call of Duty is always the same game thing
  15. I am sorry to hear about the loss of you friend His family and friends should be proud to know that he served his country with honor May he rest in peace
  16. Congratz, maybe one day i will reach dedicated myself
  17. I think the community deserves to know who these insiders are, until they are exposed people will continue to be turned against each other

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sarge


      Thats all we can hope for


    3. A71william


      Both of you are right.

      Sarge is right.

      SweatyBagels got his status locked for trying to get people to respect the staff...

    4. SatanicBagels


      no I locked it myself.

  18. Wouldn't it be amazing if they team with Microsoft. Nice post by the way, thanks for the info
  19. I want to see a fallout set in Ohio or LA
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