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Everything posted by fzdw11

  1. So then let me ask you this, since you never answered my previous comment. If you have fun when succeeding, does that meen you don't when you're losing? The point is, you should always be having fun, win or lose. Winning should only enhance that fun, not be the only way you have it.
  2. fzdw11

    Help please

    Yeah, that one was a joke. xD The reasoning behind the second, if you start school on Wednesday, that's giving you more than 2 months worth of school prior to Halo 4 coming out. That being said, I don't know how often you get a report card, by when I was in school it was roughly every 9 weeks, meaning that you should theoretically have one by the time Halo 4 is released, and if you've kept up your grades, well, who's to say how things will turn out?
  3. fzdw11

    Help please

    Play Halo 4 for 48 hours straight on the weekends, no sleep! Sleep is for the weak anyway. On a serious note, though, if you can prove that you can keep your grades up and still play video games, it'll be a win-win. My suggestion is to do your homework immediately as soon as you get home from school, and do this daily, even without Halo 4. If you can prove that you're still be responsible in your school work, maybe your mother will see that and allow you to play on weekdays too, as long as you stick to your homework schedule.
  4. Slimes are awesome. They give you slimeballs, which you need to make sticky pistons. Sticky pistons=win.
  5. I hope I don't have to create another world. That would be horrible, especially since I just finished my slime farm the other day. Though I don't have clay on this world after they patched it in, and the first world I created with the patch, I found clay immediately. Only time will tell, but I'd wager to get the full effects of the update, then you'll need a new world.
  6. I'm gonna miss seeing you in the shoutbox my friend. But like you said, priorities and such. Take care, and I'll see you hopefully whenever you do get on!
  7. I'm assuming this was to me, and no, that's not the problem, I already thought about that and tried.
  8. Another one of these threads? Look, I feel for you, OP, I do. The other day I was betrayed twice by the same player, and once by his friend, just because I picked up the sniper rifle. His "friend" also betrayed my wife twice. You want to know the kicker? Once he got the sniper rifle, him and his friend went into a corner and just started t-bagging nothing. They weren't even playing the game, scores were -2 each. So why didn't I get the option to boot? The system as it currently stands in Reach is not perfect, no system has been. I brought this up in another thread dealing with this very topic, and I'll bring it up again here. Turning friendly fire off while in theory sounds great, it isn't the right option. If you do that, then there are no consequence for firing that rocket into a 2v2 fight. You get two kills and move on, while your teammates are fine. Maybe instead of turning friendly fire off all together, you make it so that it only pops shields, leaving your teammates vulnerable to enemy shots. My ultimate goal, however, is to simply keep friendly fire on, and put an auto boot function into the game. 2 betrayals per team, and whoever betrays the second time will get the boot, regardless of whether it was the first time they did it or not. This will put some common sense back into the game, in my mind. Knowing that there is no choice in the matter, you're likely going to try and be more cautious with your teammates.
  9. Reach is not part of this equation. Whether Reach was more casual or not shouldn't matter. Bungie created Reach, not 343. Now, onto your other points. "Classes" and "specializations" that resemble CoD perks. Okay. What about them has you worried? Explain your concern, and don't use "it's casual because it's in CoD" as a reason. Give me an honest opinion on why this is worrying you, without using CoD has a fall back. What about loadouts has you worried, other than being able to pick them. There has got to be something specific about it that is making you cringe, so what is it? And again, like above, don't use CoD has a fall back. Give me an honest opinion on why this is worrying you.
  10. Seriously? Because somebody plays for fun, you're worried? Is competitive play the only thing that matters in a game, because the last time I checked, first and foremost, having fun was the point of video games. But onto the OP... rather than just making a blank statement in your OP, why not give reasons as to why you're worried about how Halo 4 will turn out? What, specifically, is bothering you or making you question it? If you give us reasons, we can have a better discussion about why you're worried.
  11. While I like all of the proposed ideas in this thread, I just can't see any of them working well. Putting a ban on Halo 4 campaign talk is not the right answer, because that will just tick people off who've already beaten the game and want to discuss with others. Adding a "Spoiler Halo 4 Campaign" thread may work in theory, but we're going to have a massive influx of people who are not going to be aware of said thread, and just start creating new topics left and right, and what are we supposed to do then? Have the mods try and keep up with that? I don't think that is such a good idea. Making a whole new forum section seems like the best plan of attack, but at the same time, the above applies. Are new members going to see it? And is it worth it to have Twam and the mods monitor both that forum and the Halo 4 forum to move anything that contains spoilers? Sweamy has it right, and it's an unfortunate truth. The best way to avoid spoilers is to avoid the site.
  12. In the northern Rhône Valley region of France, what are the predominant grape types used in wine production?
  13. So in objective type games, you alter the system. You take out kills and assists from the equaltion, and then you add in flag kills, and killing the flag carrier, as the only kills that matter. Add in an assist for helping kill the flag carrier, etc. Same with oddball. Territories becomes a little trickier, perhaps you only get a kill while in a territory, or you kill somebody who is in one? The point remains though, in an objective game, the objective should matter above all else. I'm sure 343 has something up their sleeve for objective type games, we'll just have to wait and see.
  14. I haven't had this problem, but I do have another problem. I would play with my wife, and now all of the sudden, her character can only move forwards, backwards, and side to side, but she cannot turn nor look in any direction but the one she's currently looking in, which happens to be slighly downwards. Anybody have some suggestions? I've tried just about everything I can think of besides redownloading the game, so anything else would be helpful.
  15. According to Hex Color Codes, Violet should be this color here which is code #4F2F4F, however it is much too dark for use on this site. There is another violet labeled as violet(SVG) that matches the color we currently use. Like Twam said, they appear to be correct names based on the Hex codes, they just are not "normal" to what we are used to seeing.
  16. I'm usually not one to purchase special editions, but I just couldn't pass up on the maps which I was going to purchase anyway, and then Forward Unto Dawn with it? Why not. Limited Edition all the way.
  17. Wow. Some interesting picks here. My personal top 3 Firefly Game of Thrones Doctor Who This list could go on forever, though. I watch too much TV.....
  18. Agreed, but what if you picked a primary and secondary color, like you do now, and then were able to customize which armor pieces got which coloring of the two?
  19. But it's also a matter of where you hit the scorpion/wraith. I used 3 laser shots and killed myself 3 scorpions the other night, all because I aimed it at the canopy or treads. A direct shot, rather than dragging it, is better in Reach, as long as you're hitting the weak points of the vehicle.
  20. From everything that I've seen and heard, I don't think your concerns are going to be actual once the game is released. It looks like it's still going to play and feel like Halo, and everybody that's played it has pretty much said the same. Like Red Death above me said, though, we'll have to wait and see to be sure.
  21. fzdw11


    Jet pack is actually one of the few AA's I very rarely ever take, but personally I don't have a problem with it being in the game. While it has a tendency to "break" map flow, it isn't all that difficult to counter, and it does make you a sitting duck while flying. On the other hand, it does allow teammates to join a battle above them if there is room to fly up. Either way, though, I don't see it as a problem and as long as 343 is creating maps with the jet pack in mind, I don't think it is going to be an issue.
  22. Aw, I hope to see you back here soon Derp! You were fun to talk to. Good luck and you will be missed!
  23. Have fun camping, and we'll see you soon!
  24. If it's somebody on this forum, then they haven't been following the Halo 4 news very well. Our guys are top of the line at bringing us the latest information, and what he said hasn't been stated anywhere. "There are iron sights" - heh.
  25. Having a theory is fine, I have no problem with that. I just find it hard to believe that they are dates. Where did anybody ever state that they were? In your original post, you said "these numbers were akin to dates" - - where did you get this information from, or is that just what you believe?
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