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Status Updates posted by ShockGazm

  1. Resident Evil is free on PS4! Grab it while you can. ;)

  2. I'm thinking of getting an Xbox One soon, should I get the Xbox One S or wait for the Scorpio? Hmm

  3. Signing out for a little while, see you guys around.

  4. Going to be active this week on the forums, I have a week to myself so... yeah. *Starts dancing**

  5. Have a great day TWAM! ^_^

    1.  Twam


      I will try thank you :D

  6. Peace out 343i Community Forum!

  7. Apparently The last of Us is coming to PS4 sometime this summer! YES!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. H2O Craigievar

      H2O Craigievar

      It saddens me to see you guys going for the PS4 as I own an XB1. Oh well haha

    3. HIWBC


      It also saddens me, looks like a lot of people have the same opinions as Caboose The Ace. Hmmmm I thought that it was a minority but ohhh well........ Obviously not :(.

    4. H2O Craigievar

      H2O Craigievar

      H5WBC do you have a XB1?

  8. I couldn't imagine a world without music.

  9. Scored a hat-trick today with my 5 a side Team, and we won the game 5 - 4! I'm a happy larry right now! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sadly Just AL
    3. Akali


      woo i have gotten many hat-tricks at my school but they suck and have no co-ordination but gratz gazm

    4. ShockGazm


      Haha cheers! :P Yeah, I play in a real football league, nothing like school if you didn't know, haven't been in school for around 5 years now. The teams we come up against vary in skill, my team who are also my friends are descent,players including me. :) Been playing for about 8 months now once a week and in this game I scored my first hat-trick in was my last game of the season too.

  10. The lack of Dr Pepper in my life is rather... disturbing.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Sιlεƞτ Aʟρнα

      Sιlεƞτ Aʟρнα

      Dr. Pepper is good! :3

    3. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Very sad. I used to hate it, but not anymore.

    4. ShockGazm


      YES! People who also like Dr Pepper! <3

  11. So happy that I finally have my PS4. It's simply the best!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ShockGazm


      Haha, good choice of words. :P

    3. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      They're both great, to be honest. Neither is better. PS4 has an edge in graphics, but after some benchmarking, Xbox One definitely has better servers. But as personal preference, PS4. Good thing you got it. :3

    4. ShockGazm


      Yeah, I may get the Xbox One next year when Halo 5 comes out. :) I think both consoles are good but I have to say the PS4 is the way better choice, personally. Yeah, I can try and get you better at fifa, lmao. :P

  12. I could listen to Queens of the Stone Age all day. ♪

  13. Favourite TV show/shows? Mine would have to be The Mentalist, House, Burn Notice and The Walking Dead.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShockGazm


      Lmao! Oh... you. :)

    3. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      Walking Dead, Spartacus Vengeance, Supernatural,and Futurama

    4. One


      Courage the cowardly dog. Man, I miss being a kid. :(

  14. What would you typically eat for breakfast? if you have breakfast in the mornings that is. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spectral Jester

      Spectral Jester

      sausage, bacon, egg, tomatos, fried bread and a little bit of black pudding

    3. Azaxx


      jealous of SJ

    4. CandiBunni


      I enjoy toast, bacon, eggs with cheese, cereal, or just whatever is lying around. I'm about to get a leftover taco from Taco Bell though.

  15. What is your favourite soft drink? Personally I think Dr. Pepper is just heavenly, espesially when it's ice cold. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vitamin Pwn
    3. Father B

      Father B

      When I eat at Subway I enjoy a Sprite-Fruitopia cocktail.

    4. Azaxx
  16. What would youu consider to be a good snack? lol, I'm hungry and want some ideas. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShockGazm


      @Aztec Interesting idea, lol never heard of those cheetos before.

      @One That's too much effort. :( But, I agree that is a manly snack, one must kill a bear first to prove that you're worthy of eating the boar, the ultimate of all bacon. =P

    3. Azaxx


      I just everything in my pantry, then there isnt anything left :(

    4. ShockGazm


      I feel you bro, I tend to eat everything one day and the next day I'm like "Why is there nothing here!?". lol

  17. Milk Chocolate or White Chocolate... Which do you prefere? I personally love white chocolate. =P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Azaxx


      WHITE CHOCOLATE, there is no equal

    3. RedStarRocket91


      I used to prefer white chocolate, though now I tend towards milk. Must be that I'm getting old!

    4. FIREN4


      White chocolate, it's the chocolate of the century.

  18. It's 11am, do I get out of bed or sleep untill sometime in the afternoon? :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azaxx
    3. Spectral Jester
    4. ShockGazm


      Yea, I couldn't get back to sleep anyway, went to the gym instead.

  19. It's official, Dr. Pepper is my addiction!

    1. FIREN4


      Lol, that is a nice soda

    2. ShockGazm


      Can't get enough of it, lmao. =P

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