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Everything posted by TerribleTimbo

  1. Certainly looked that way :/ Or maybe that is just how crazy you can toss an objective this time around. Also, being able to shoot while holding a flag? Seriously? Hopefully this is just something you can customize because it didn't even look like the flag carrier was walking much slower than default speed. Maybe they will always have a huge icon over their head or something.
  2. I don't think 343 has actually said anything about a ranking system other than "something will be there that will please people." Thus, nothing is confirmed (unless I've missed something along the way). The only thing we know of is that a Reach type overall rank based off of play time more than anything else is still in place (using xp instead of credits), and a placeholder hinting at a secondary skill ranking (frankie getting to A-7 or whatever).
  3. Ah yup you're right. To many weapons with "rifle" in their name for me to keep track of.
  4. I don't like this. There would need to be some perfection equivalent for objective games in order to justify giving xp for it. Unless, of course, there is a whole bunch of other ways to get xp in objective games, which I imagine there would be. This would be so bad it's not even funny. Lets punish people for being amazing team players. I get the reasoning behind this but the reason of a party system in matchmaking is so that you can play with friends no matter how unbalanced you team may appear to be rank wise. It is the players decision as to who they group up to play with and boosting will always be an issue when there are ranks in games. This would only make the ranks system rewarding rather than risky. Knowing that you can play absolutely horribly for who knows how long and have no worries of severely deranking is a bad idea.
  5. From what I can remember bloom is only on the dmr and pistol as of right now and that it doesn't affect how the weapons handle in any significant way.
  6. I vote no on having the smg return. There is no point in having any weapon silenced in Halo games because it takes literally no time at all to figure out which direction you are getting shot at, with or without radar. The assualt carbine is basically the new plasma rifle. In the MLG videos where pros got to play they said it was pretty much exactly like the assault rifle...yet better than it somehow. We will just have to wait to play to see how everything pans out.
  7. At the bottom of 1:02 it shows some players joining the game. I take it that the first 4 numbers/letters are their call sign in game, but are the second set of numbers/letters possibly hinting at a clan/team system in game?
  8. Maybe that is what the AA Efficiency ability thingy will be, kills and assists will help refill your ability meter.
  9. I know it's a small issue, but I hope they bring back different colored medals for multikills. They may have been placeholder images but they all looked like they were blue with white stars...which is kinda boring considering how medals have been progressing through previous medals visually.
  10. I'm sure she is going rampant in the clip, but another possibility is whoever is in charge of the world gained temporary (permenant?) control over Cortana and was speaking through her.
  11. [media=] [/media] Shows off pregame lobby footage? New map name, Haven.
  12. Frankie had an interview and said the video showed crawlers, watchers (hovering guys), and knights (bipedal enemies). Interview was on the e3 stream showing on spike tv so I don't have a link.
  13. No. Halo is Microsofts big franchise and is owned by them. The only chance of halo ever appearing on a rival console is if Microsoft backs out of the gaming market and sells the ip.
  14. I would rather they just make the HUD customizable rather than taking the time to make one for every helmet in the game.
  15. They will probably change it if it is too short of a distance. Fall damage just makes you be more cautious about where you're going in the map while engaging/fleeing. I was able to play perfectly fine in Combat Evolved and Reach, as well as without it in 2 and 3.
  16. I believe that this is what the hardlight shield will be. A temporary front shield that you can run with, but not be able to fire weapons/use grenades. I got this pic from this thread. As for the regeneration field I think it is just a renamed regenerator from halo 3, no bubble shield type effects.
  17. I'm sure there will be an initial playlist. As for whether or not the playlist will stay will depend on whether or not mlg keeps halo 4 on the ciruit.
  18. I would say that if you're going to have each kill increase one teams score while decreasing the other teams then you should start the game out at some number other than zero. Maybe have it start at 25 or 50, and if one teams score gets to be 0 then they lose, or if one teams score reaches 50 or 100 (depending on the starting value) then they win. You could set it up so assists, multikills, and skill type kills (sniper headshot for example) are worth more points to the killing team just so it is possible to have differing scores. For example, two kills to start the game could cause the score to be 23-27 (if started score is 25-25) if they were done individually, or 23-30 if it is a double kill with sniper headshots (2 points for 2 kills, 2 points for the 2 headshots, and 1 point for the double kill).
  19. This ^^^ Also, if say a map were designed to hold 32 or more players then it would be practically unplayable if you didn't have close to the max players in the game because there would be too much open space to cover to get into the action. The majority of halo matches are played 4v4 and I don't see that changing with halo 4.
  20. A lot of the armor looks pretty funky to me. I would choose the amazon pre order just so I could have a skin to be spiderman though. I hope the armor available in game looks better than these.
  21. Of all the maps you could have forgotten, you managed to forget the best map in Halo 3 (Heretic). Edit: You actually forgot that entire map pack, Longshore, Heretic, and Citadel.
  22. It wasn't the setting that ruined blackout. For example, actually putting a window in at library completely changed the map for the worse.
  23. We would have to wait until after e3 to make a good prediction as to whether or not it will win. It does have to compete with Diablo 3 and we all know how well that has been recieved so far.
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