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why do players on halo 4 find it necessary to act like trolls


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I so far have encountered people that swear and curse their heads off , young children playing do this as well , some players act like trolls, now its fair enough to say mute them or block them but as soon as you block one another one starts and sooner or later you are doing nothing but blocking people rather than playing the games,

why cant players act in a socially acceptable way yes enjoy yell and shout at shooting and blowing things up by please remember not everyone likes to hear foul language etc and little kids playing screaming and fighting with each other over the mic,

come on halo 4 players well at least some of you stop acting like little chat rooms trolls and just play the darn game

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Maybe it's more fun. I dunno. I have had quite a bit of fun trolling the same people you talk about on other games. Shouting and cussing can be a looot of fun at times. (The little kids, though, probably do it because they keep on dying. How fun is that? :( )


Personally though, I've never seen actual pricks in Halo 4. The last few times I ever bothered to play multiplayer I usually made a new friend who's nice and -


Oh right.


Don't forget where you live is a factor as well. 


Final answer, play with friends.

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Its just Human Nature. People get more attention for being a troll than for being polite. Kids not getting enough attention, act out, and the anonymity of being online gives them the opportunity they don't have in the real-world to say how they feel and whats on their mind. I don't blame them, because sometimes its not always their fault, and sometimes they say those things out of anger and don't mean it. And when and if they do... I try to ignore it.

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1: Cursing, while not welcome in most venues, is around because of the nature of gaming. That and the game is rated for an older age of player so they tend to curse more. Unfortunately younger and younger people are learning to curse at an early age because it is "cool" (not really but that's what they think). It is a part of parenting that has slipped these past few generations, among a great many other things.


2: Why do people think that trolling in any game or anywhere on the internet is needed? Because it amuses them. They troll because they get a laugh out of it. Best thing to do is ignore them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I so far have encountered people that swear and curse their heads off , young children playing do this as well , some players act like trolls, now its fair enough to say mute them or block them but as soon as you block one another one starts and sooner or later you are doing nothing but blocking people rather than playing the games,

why cant players act in a socially acceptable way yes enjoy yell and shout at shooting and blowing things up by please remember not everyone likes to hear foul language etc and little kids playing screaming and fighting with each other over the mic,

come on halo 4 players well at least some of you stop acting like little chat rooms trolls and just play the darn game

Uh I suppose it's because they just can.They feel as if seeking for attention is more fun especially that they can just get away with it and that it's much more of an advantage psychologically.

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if i see a troll in the game i will just troll them back and that stops them from trolling me but it is just human nature since they find it amusing to annoy other people but thats just some people so eventually we have all ran into a troll and that person annoys us but just do what some people do and thats troll the troller

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It doesn't help that in most gametypes and Spartan Ops, it's impossible to betray allies unless you run them over with a vehicle. So you can keep meleeing or shooting your allies without any consequences. Hence, you get annoying twits who will do exactly that just for the heck of it.

It was better in older Halo games where friendly fire was a default setting. If someone betrayed you, you could betray them back, or just boot them from the game and be on your merry way.

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There are funny kinds of trolls. But I don't like the kind of trolls that are just trying to ruins somebody's game. I don't think there's much to do about that sadly.

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There are funny kinds of trolls. But I don't like the kind of trolls that are just trying to ruins somebody's game. I don't think there's much to do about that sadly.

True. One time in Halo 3 way back in the day, during Double EXP weekend, it was Grifball, and some dude kept standing right on my spawn and betraying me the split second I would respawn! He was doing it so well that I couldn't stop laughing! I laughed until it hurt! I musta spent that entire match hearing "Betrayed" over and over, while staring at the respawn screen. I think I had like 200 deaths and like two kills, but it was worth it just for the comedic value! lol



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Meh, trolling has never been a significant issue for me...


Probably because I have the innate ability to delve into people's psyche and scare the hell out of them...


So...learn how to do that, and you'll never be bothered again.

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Meh, trolling has never been a significant issue for me...


Probably because I have the innate ability to delve into people's psyche and scare the hell out of them...


So...learn how to do that, and you'll never be bothered again.

that only works if you win the battle of psyche if they know you are doing it and fight back and win you will loose :troll:

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Well there is a difference between trolling and grieving, Grievers ruin the game, Reach had a lot of those.


Trolling back is one of the things I enjoy, especially the younger trollers, the best one I encountered was a kid screaming that we should be nice to him since it was his birthday, nobody cared and ignored him, so he got mad, started cursing and saying he would call the cops on us and tell them that we offered him and I kid you not , offered him a syringe of marihuanna.


So I acted all scared, because I didn't want the cops after me, so I asked him to forgive me for ignoring his birthday, upon which he said: "Fine I will not call the cops since it is my birthday, but do not ignore me again or else I will still call them." Then I hit him with a warthog, he got mad, he rage quited. Few minutes later I got an XBL message from him pretending to be a cop. I never laugh so hard.

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that only works if you win the battle of psyche if they know you are doing it and fight back and win you will loose :troll:

Trust me...


You could say it's sort of an art these days for me to find out what scares people.


I once found a troll that was able to hold his own against me in this game...and in the end we just friend requested each other.

So when I can't beat them...I can at least gain their respect.

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