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  1. Hi everyone I am CommandoCanada. I love Halo and Linkin Park.(more like obsessed) A few interesting facts: I have NEVER been to Canada. My last name is Canada. Halo 4 releases on my birthday. I will be getting the Limited Edition Halo 4 Console. I like tech stuff. I like Twitter. I quit Facebook. This is my number 343rd tweet.
  2. Hello everyone! Names Xoker, Xokerfish, or Xokerfish321; feel free to call me whichever one you like. My gamertag is- Xokerfish321 I do like to play Halo Reach, I lost halo 3 unfortanately. I do run a clan named Crying Runes, there are rules. I won't state them because this isn't the clan thread. I have been around a couple days now, you might see me in the shoutbox sometimes. I have an OCD for grammar, if you haven't noticed, lolsz. If you have any questions just ask me whenever, post or PM me it doesn't matter. I do have have some more information in my profile on here, I'm not going to post all of it you can check it out if you are really wanting too. If you ever want to HMU (hit me up) on Reach, just shout, in the shoutbox, my name. If I don't reply then I'm not on, if I do... well then we'll go from there. Thanks for your dedication/time (catch the reference?) for viewing this! [Down below is a current photo of my Halo Reach spartan]
  3. Hello, I guess. I'm here mostly looking for imformation regarding the current locations of characters and other assets in the cannon. I like writing fiction and hope that someday it won't be limited to stuff posted on the internet. I guess I can post here too.
  4. Good afternoon to all (typing on Eastern Standard time) I'm Lynx, and I've been a hard-line follower of the Halo universe ranging from the games to the books. I read it all. It's all been so fascinating and I'm stoked to what 343 and the authors assigned by 343 to write up novels in the future. Also a question: I saw that 343i doesn't give out contact information for private ideas or messages but I have a question for those willing to answer. So I would like to hop onto cosplay for Halo, and give it a shot. But I don't really have the time to make a full blown Spartan III SPI suit as I would like to. I, however, do have the time and resources to do something like a ORION Project/ Spartan 1.0 Loadout used during the opening days of the insurrection. I'll post in a different thread if I need to, but opinions here would be great.
  5. Hello all, some of you may have seen me in the shout box for a little bit before I made this. I totally forgot, tonight's been spent doing nothing but watching Halo cut scenes and browsing the wiki for it. But I've been a fairly avid Halo fan, but I'm mostly interested in just the story. I'd play the games just for the juicy cut scenes and finding out more info. I recently noticed something about Requiem, but that can be seen in the topic I made after discussing it in the shoutbox. I'm a Marine in the USMC, been in for about four and a half years now. Decided to join the forums after suddenly going on the Halo wikifest earlier tonight. I enjoy programming, image, audio, and video editing. I also love music, mostly preferring Alternative Rock, and Electronic music. I'm beginning to get into cars, as my name might imply.
  6. Hey everyone! I have been playing Halo: CE since I was eight years old and haven't stopped since. I currently play Halo 3 because Reach was dissapoint. I also voice acted for FnS Productions as Ben in their Halo: Reach machinimas.
  7. Hello my friends, I'm new, I'm not Old and I'm a big fan of Halo like you . My Name is ExOfDe or in long ExplorerOfDeath, and I'm looking forward for Halo four and all the new things we can explore there;
  8. Hi, my name is Furi0usGeorge X, or just Furious by my friends. I plan on making a new clan when Halo 4 comes out... can you guess the name? PROMETHEANS! Didn't see that coming did you? (I'll bet you did) Also, I might have to find out how to spell it correctly, in order to not make me look like a retarded 13 year old (which I am ). If you are interested in joining the Prometheans, contact my LIVE account (I don't look at my e-mail much ;P) Hopefully, I will have a clan meeting map ready, just for aesthetics and messing around. We will also have clan battles with other clans, fun custom games (race maps, run-away maps, etc.), War Games, and Spartan Ops sessions. Perhaps even a machinima, but I have no idea about any stories. The only requirements for the clan will be the same emblem. Same body colors and emblem colors are optional, meaning you don't need to look like a bunch of robots. Contact me, Furi0usGeorge X, if you're interested in joining. Remember, this clan is officially starting in about four months, so in the mean time, have fun in Reach!
  9. To whom it may concern, My name is Collin, I am new to this site, I would like to get to know some people. I want to start using this site more, I am going to start threading, I am going to be the next MoM, otherwise known as Member of the Month, I just want to invite anybody, and everybody to check out my profile, like my threads add me as a friend, or just to talk and get some help. I am open to all people. I am not single, I have to put that in there otherwise (once again I'd be in trouble). I'm sorry If I cannot help some people with issues that they may need help with, or knowledge of. I surely will do my best though. Thank-you! Sicerely Your Friend @CollinRay Gamertag: turnmyswagon123 My kind of music to jam to While Pwning on Halo xD
  10. Is this thing on? *Tap tap* Psst! Just start typing already! Right! Right! Sorry! Ahem, so... where to start? A name? Hmm. Call me what ever you like. I have been called many things like: Awesome Caboose, Caboose, Slayer, Steven, Stevo, Stevie, Stephon, Kyuubi, Drake, Zach, Zachari, Smart Ass, Dumb Ass, retard, pony lover, halo fan boy, and many more. Likes? I like to draw, as can be seen on my deviantart. I like music, mostly any kind. But, I prefer techno, dubstep, and electronic. I'll play any video game, given I own it or can buy it. To be fair though, I'm mostly interested in FPS, RPG, MMO, and shooters. About me? I'm your typical 15 year old gamer, with a slight problem of multi-personality disorder. So expect me to be random and say something that would either make to much sense or no sense at all. I have been called crazy, do I believe it? Yes I do. I got into halo when I was six, that was in 2003, that's nine years ago. My aunt's fiancé was playing Halo 1, I was fairly interested in the, what I quote from my younger self, "Weird midget aliens." (aka Grunts or Unggoy) The next year I saw him playing Halo 2, asked him if I could play, and ended up beating and talking smack to a 20 year old. It was funny because he raged. From this day forth I have collected all the Halos and even pre-ordered the Legendary or Limited edition for most of them. Now that halo is over with, how about some other things about me? I'm a brony, and I love it. So get off my back. I rant occasionally and will end up making it sound like I'm Dr. Phil. I don't really know what else you want me to say so... this is it. Want to know anything else? Message me. Either here, on deviantart, or on the xbox. Oh! My gamertag! You'll never believe it. GT: Awesome Caboose "This is MrKyuubi signing off." 'I've always wanted to say that!'
  11. Hello. I am a trickster. Not a mean-spirited one, but certainly a tricky one. I enjoy intrigue, harmless pranks and interaction between people. I am also forgetting myself. My apologies. I have many names, but you can call me Dara or Eris, here. I love to write, play games, read and hold intellectual or emotional discussion. Above all else, I love to listen. I'm told I'm quite long-winded, and I've come to believe the truth of that. I tend to overthink things a little too much, so that my schemes or tricks end up being hopelessly complicated. In addition to the easily spotted tricks and pranks, I love riddles. I love solving them and I love creating them. Other than that, I consider myself fairly easy to get along with, I hate it when friends get hurt, I love meeting new people and learning all about them, and I enjoy playing video games on my time off from writing. I'm shy about my voice and I don't usually use pronouns when describing my own actions because I'm not comfortable with disclosing my 'actual' gender. I get some flak for that, but I don't really mind that much. You can call me whatever you want- he, she, it. I don't care. It's the internet, after all, and I'm almost certain the lot of you will picture me in different ways if you picture me at all. If you're confused about what exactly that means (and maybe curious), you are more than welcome to PM me about it. I'll answer any question about myself to the best of my ability-- or at the very least make something interesting up if it ends up being too embarrassing to talk about truthfully. In video games like Halo, I'm fickle, rarely using the same strategy twice, preferring to rely on surprise and the chaos of close quarters rather than the measured calm of long range combat. I can't resist a challenge, if done right and disclosed intelligently. It's a bit of a weakness of mine. Oh, I've got one single major pet peeve that will be an absolute bond breaker for me if you'd like to be my friend. I don't like bigotry or intolerance. Tolerance of all people is my own personal motto. It's a sort of 'I'll treat you right and I'd like it if you do the same' deal. Of course, I'd prefer it if I could get along with everyone, but there'll be some discord of ideas in any large gathering of people. If you want to politely discuss a difference in opinion, that's fine. I'm good with polite discussion and refutation. But let's try to keep it all civil, shall we? No need to go overboard. You already knew that though, if you read the rules. ^^ That's all for now. I'll see you all around the forums, and I hope I can make new friends here. I was going to end with a riddle, but I don't have one ready. Purely informal, Dara
  12. hey 343 ppl im new to this forum group so just throwing my name out there lol i love halo and anything that supports it and i hope to get to know a few of you guys
  13. Hello all, Vynledis (that was a Warcraft III character of mine) is what you may refer to me as. Shorten it with "Vyn", if you find yourself having problems pronouncing the full name. I've finally take the time to create a 343 profile, so that I may commune with fellow Halo fans, as well as venture ever further into the 343 community; in honor of our beloved developer, Bungie. I should have done this from day one of handing the rights over, but I never took any time to do so. I've been by Bungie's side, even through this decade of wonderful Xbox gaming experiences, like I hope that some of you have as well. If you have, and if you've taken time to read the books, comics, etc, then I am sure that we shall relate well with one another. If you'd rather just talk with me on Xbox, (GT: Vyn Stormreaver) then feel free to try and take up the remaining spots on my friend's list. I'm going to always try and have this tab pulled up on my browser, so I'll SHOULD be on whenever I have my computer on. I'd like to relate with some of you, and find people who share my interests that are not only revolving around Halo. But that does not mean that I intend on treating this like some sort of "social network", though the relativity is quite similar, in a sense. You have my gratitude, for taking your sweet time to read these three bullets about me. I hope to see some of you on LIVE, and I shall see you in the Forums.
  14. Hello... What can I say... I enjoy gaming when I can. I like to dabble with photo shop. I've been a fan of Halo from the get-go... urm... If you want to know more, feel free to ask
  15. Hello 343i Community Forum . Just like to start out by saying that I LOVE Halo, and always will. I think that 343i is doing a pretty good job (taking care of Reach), and will do so in the future. In Reach I mostly just play TU ZB as I adore the zero bloom, it reminds me of the previous Halos, and that just makes me tear up :'). With TU ZB as my warm up, I absolutely adore playing MLG with friends and teams. I look forward to my time in this forum and can see that it will be a great one! -MaGiiXz
  16. I'm new to this site and the few days that I have been on it has got me thinking. I should have came here a long time a go before I got a facebook (Which I deleted). This is my favorite thing to do on the computer to do now besides play games like Counter Strike and WoW. I love it. I was born and currently live in Tennessee. I love to have my thoughts heard and enjoy playing Video games with Friends.
  17. In case you didn't know, I'm new here. I'm not much of a forums user in the first place but I like to diversify My gamertag is KILL3R4184 If you guys have Gold, or plan on getting it, send me a friend request and we can play some Reach or CEA. I usually like to play Team Swat or just mess around in forge. Anyway, I hope to find it easy to settle in to the community here. You seem to have some very helpful people on-board and it shouldn't be too long before I become an avid user. -- Andrew
  18. Hey guys, been meaning to post an introduction but am just now getting time to. Well, I guess I'll start with saying that that yes, I'm obviusly a Halo fan, but that's all I really play. ....at all XD I'm 14, turning 15 on Friday, November 25 and have been playing Halo since I was about 6 and have been stuck with it ever since. I live in Tennessee, have a huge passion for music, and love graphic design, Science, and in-depth thinking. XD (I overthink everything, and usually have too much to say about the simplest things just because I think in many different perspectives) The musical instruments I can play are Trumpet, (main) Guitar, Piano. I also know how to play many other Brassinstruments, and can also play some on the dums, but those instruments are the ones that I know most fluently. I was thinking about making a Photoshoo/graphic design thread, but didn't know how many people ever... designed.. XD I was thinking that people coud post images that they had designed or digitally painted, annd maybe even give each other ideas on what to make, or maybe even have a different thread every week on a common subject to create images. Well, I'm glad to be aprt of this community and hope to make a lot of friends with you all. Thanks for reading, RANMAN
  19. Following the halo universe is my happiness. If only it were happening in real life, I'd be fighting the Covenant right now. Who else shares the same views? Let's get talking about what we'd do if Covenant actually invaded ;D
  20. Hi I'm a massive fan of Halo CE for PC as well as Halo custom edition and Halo 2 for pc, Have played and finished the campaign in co-op on all the other games but do not own them (I spend to much time and money on a computer to warrant an Xbox360) I'm Here to see if the great series will ever return to PC.
  21. Hello, this is James, Spartan XX7 [REDACTED] My online handle is SterkOks (surely if you see this it is me, unless someone copykittied me) and that name translates from Hungarian as Strong Axe. A navem Sterk Oks. Place of Birth: Sol, 3, North America, USA, Michigan DOB: 29/04/xxxx Interests: Being awesome, playing Halo, playing guitar, chilling with good buds. I LOVE HEAVY METAL. This is a fact you must know about me. My top five bands are Pantera, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Judas Priest, and Amon Amarth. I like retro metal, and a few songs here and there from more recent times but surely if it's 80's I'll like it. I got into Halo when a friend of my brothers gave him (my brother) his old copy of Halo 2. This was a few years before 3 came out, and I didn't like the game at first, simply because they nerfed so much that it wasn't fun to play. But as I started to play the campaign more and more I realized that it was a really fun game. It's sort of a funny story that when Halo 3 first came out I didn't want to play it because I thought that it was stupid, but I really enjoyed the second one. There used to be a store up here called iZone where all the nerds would go to play WoW (mostly) but they also had an XBOX and that was the first time I was exposed to Halo 3. I was shocked that there were Brutes in the first level (it did not occur to me that the Elites were friendly) and I was also freaked out by the bubble shield. I was in the start menu and I hit X, not knowing that it would deploy something that looked like a grenade.... Then the brute ran into the shield.... [for the record I FAILED at playing that mission, but hey, it was my first time] Then I rented the game, and after that convinced my mom to buy me it, and had been playing the campaign for the longest time. Then for Christmas 2009 my mom got me Halo 3: ODST and XBOX Live. Yay. Ever since then I have been playing Halo and loving it, being a fanboy even. I went to a midnight launch party for Halo: Reach, of which I bought (or my mom bought) Legendary Edition, simply because FIRE!!!!!! FLAMING HELMET!!!!! YES!!!!! Now in my room you will find a 60 inch TV, a dresser, and a Halo Shrine. In my 4 years of Halo I have played all the games, read the Halo Encyclopedia, done every easter egg, gotten nearly every skull (thanks a lot mission one of Halo Wars), read every terminal, gotten most the achievements, and loved every moment of it. I also designed the ideas for several stories of my own creation based on Halo, like for example a few machinima (never got off the ground), an idea for a story called Halo: Sanghelios, which was the events of Reach up to Halo 3 from the perspective of Rtas 'Vadumee and Thel 'Vadmee. That's basically my whole Halo story, ask me any questions you have and I'll be happy to answer and please, please, for the love of god, don't be an idiot. Thank you very much.
  22. I should start by saying hi,can anyone help me out, i became a member about a week ago if anyone wants to help just message me ok,and hi again
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