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Emile A129

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Everything posted by Emile A129

  1. name to long, to many misspelled words
  2. i love everyone i love my destiny i love my halo

  3. RT @BungieHelp: Having trouble signing in to http://t.co/4ucwiEYycJ? A recent update may require you to clear your cookies or cache: http:/…

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Thanks Emile, this helped a lot.

  4. Yo recruiting for my clan just send me a message asap or check it out in the forums. Demented Hydra wants you!! ^_^

  5. IM backkkk foolss lol rise and stand

  6. Join us and check us out http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/174112 All who are loyal to us we shall be loyal also you join us and we join you. To are people we are bound but yet we are bound to nothing at all the only thing that limits us is time and yet time is not limited so are we then yet limited decide for yourself.....All I can promise is a brotherhood and sisterhood a fun and reliable community and a bond between members that shall last you a life time. Glory Honor Respect Fun Pride Humility Ambition Determination. These are qualities most appreciated and found within our clan gain some of these by joining the ranks and getting higher positions not based on recruiting but experience loyalty and Game ability. For a short amount of time high placing positions are available for 10 members worthy.
  7. Why didnt you make this a poll.......anyway i would say that guy who's whole squad got shot down and and went phsyco and scream at you and would shoot you some times
  8. is she lying though?.........................................................nope lol it made it a little more intense i feel but halo is halo and none the less it is a franchise i will follow to the end unfortunately and would love to do so.
  9. what you talkin bout yea it is
  10. okay it is pretty fun but we dont need it to be part of halo and other guy im pretty sure as a SR of 56 i was crapping on 130 like still trains
  11. i am back and i posted it in my file share a couple days late sorry
  12. ig get da freak out my forums and stop trying to troll seriously like swat your going complain about swat and saying irrelevant things go outside and play paintball get involved in extra curricular activities or go buy cod we dont need these chump stuff
  13. thank you halo doesnt need noobtubers ughh halo fans these days dont even know halo. Go back to your cod kids their destorying halo as we know it a grenade launcher what is this black ops next thing you know will have scavanger
  14. this argument was dumb to begin with obviously with mobility and dexterity i can get anywhere faster then you can duh and reload faster then you or was that an illusion too?
  15. bruh thats the easiest one to get . go into BTB and hop in a ghost 6-10 matches later in a ghost and warthog and you got your visor
  16. chillin and im back how was your weeked?

  17. lol indeed and above i meant to quote coldfreeze instead of that guy who doesnt know what hes talking about
  18. I agree again with Cold Freeze except the guns part i liked the guns
  19. lol thanks for doing something no one else wanted to do and for helping this guy see the errors of his ways.
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