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Everything posted by Eqwinoxe

  1. Anybody wanna have a Build date/Play date? If so message me on the forums and i'll get back to you as soon as possible. Weekends only. Weekdays I'm on build epic things with GSD!
  2. It wont let me download it. It still says pending when i have nothing downloading. But i got it for master chief!!! For got to say one more thing. XBL run out on the 26th
  3. Im in GT: xxHal0Leg3ndsxx I have a mic and play everyday and almost everynight. Just message me on here.
  4. Bf3 For Sure because of the graphics and all of the realisim. It puts u on the edge of ur seat.
  5. Creepers for sure!!! They come out out out of no where! LOL!
  6. Thanks for this comment! I would really like it to!
  7. Yes that would be awwsome where is a lot smaller than the Pillar of Autumn but is flyable by the players. Just think of a epic battle like that where we have to destroy others ship. Bascily like battleship but in the air.
  8. What I want, is new Characters. All of them is lame expect for Master Chief and to fly the Pelican and the Longsword.
  9. Cingrats to you Drizzy_Dan! I hope I will be able to join a playdate or tournamate or something but I hope you serve us well as Staff. One again Congrats! :unworthy:
  10. i like it alot even the redical bloom is awesome. It gives more of a challenge to people. Also, its way better than halo 3 as i said before.
  11. Eqwinoxe


    I choose the basic helmet from halo 3 or the recon helmet like in my Siginature.
  12. The thing I was talking about befor it was a longsword. I forgot for awhile never played in a lng time. So yeah and it would be cool to drive that
  13. Eqwinoxe

    The Warthog

    Nice info!!! Some of this i didnt know or i forgot lol but thanks for the great info keep it coming :unworthy:
  14. U see on my armour (on my signiture u can see what i look like) and this is what i where. The recon helmet, the sniper bullets on the left, the security shoulder on the right and juns chest plate and i look sexy. LOL
  15. The best thing os to go against a teammate on xboxlive and let him walk around and alway aim for the head. Dont worry it will be easy after you get the hang of it. U got this!
  16. Eqwinoxe


    Tell me why you like this playlist.
  17. Eqwinoxe


    Which one do you like the most?
  18. Nice! Keep em' comming and wouldnt u call it epic wins too. ? Im just saying all thoes lucks kills and all. Just kidding.
  19. Ima a General...I would be higher if my Halo:REACH didnt break on me. Well not broke but scratched. Btw i have the old xbox, is that any good. (ARCADE)
  20. down packed i say the dmr and thr br was the best weapons ever.
  21. If they let you be able to fly the jet thingy that when u call the laser guided bomb run thing in halo reach those thing would be awesome to fly for arial battles and ground war.
  22. Eqwinoxe

    New Weapons?

    Is there going to be any new weapons in HALO 4?
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