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Everything posted by Buns

  1. Ok since the detective is being utterlly useless lets finally do something productive before we kill another civie. I vote null. Until we have better results of who might be who we should NOT risk killing another Pro-Town. If this keeps up then Mafians are going to be on near equal footing voting wise with Pro-Town. Let us take a break from the mindless accusations this turn and use this time to formulate an actual plan.
  2. I cant read it right now but Im going to preserve my spot. I already pre-ordered this book. Cannot wait!
  3. If you remind me chances are I'll be making it GT: Warm Bnus
  4. I like what rrhunt is doing so I won't vote for him. Prabbit seems innocent. I need to protect my skin and vote somebody. I dont understand if I was a Mafian why I would chose Mereel(who isnt even playing at the moment so he wouldnt be a threat since chances are he wont vote dead or alive). The smart choice would to go with someone talkative so they have less voting power. I vote Edward Kenway
  5. I only support this because you look good in orange. No congrats. Only a compliment Congratulations Director! Looking forward to now pestering you about staff responsibilities!
  6. Actually there is a way around the rules that allows Arbiter to aid the Mafians What if a Mafian contacted Ghost Arbiter and told him who to vote for but Arbiter didnt know this was a Mafian. This isnt breaking the rules since Arbiter doesnt know the true identity and is merely trying to "help" Meaning that we cannot trust Arbiter or Delpen9.
  7. The edgy remarks are not entertaining Lets focus on the game and the fact Pro-Town is now 2 down and we still barely know who the Mafians could be(besides the fact that they voted for Rue)
  8. Not really. You can always still vote as a ghost which helps. Do you have any reason why the Mafians targeted you first? Did you say anything that to anyone playing the game that might have tipped them off?
  9. Thats an impressive MB collection you have! I wish I had the spare cash to actually purchase some more sets. I also like the white background. It makes actually looking at the figures pleasing.
  10. Current votes(Just to help out SD) 4 - Rue(Yoshi, Fishy, Drizzy, and rrhunt) 2 - Delpen9(Ledgend and Axilius) 1 - Yoshi(pRabbit) 1 - Church(Delpen9)
  11. Current votes(Just to help out SD) 4 - Rue(Yoshi, Fishy, Drizzy, and rrhunt) 2 - Delpen9(Ledgend and Axilius) 1 - Yoshi(pRabbit)
  12. People insulting Nintendo and throwing around buzzwords like "relevant" or "lack of performance" are clearly ignorant and misinformed It doesn't matter if you dislike the Wii U. It doesn't matter if you think Nintendo games are for kids(Thats because the family audience is their target audience and largest demographic) . It doesn't matter if the PS4 can render more polygons then the highest end of Wii U games. Nintendo is what sparked life and good game design and (occasionally) good practices in the industry. The Playstation is a direct result of a failed partnership with Sony. What is regarded as one of the top fighting game franchies with the likes of Street Fighter and MK? Smash Bros. What is regarded as the best 2D Platformer series? Mario. What is regarded as the best party game? Mario Party. What is regarded as the best kart racing series? Mario Kart. What is the most popular handheld gaming peripheral excluding smartphones? Nintendo 3DS. I dont care if your opinion differs from what was said above. Nintendo is a money making powerhouse but they do something Sony and Microsoft fail to do consistently. That thing is called "Quality" Nintendo games are some of the best designed triple AAA games on the market. Some of your favorite titles were probably influenced by a Nintendo game or Nintendo designer. There is a reason you rarely here of a Mario game being "bad"(although there are some) because theyre made with quality in mind. Of course Nintendo isnt perfect and not all of their titles are top notch but they have a higher rated exclusive library then Sony or Microsoft. Nintendo's impact on the industry is whats important. For a lot of kids a Nintendo game is the first thing they ever play. Its thanks to Nintendo that kids are still growing up with games with excellent design and not playing some money grubbing trash like Candy Crush(although some kids still do sadly) If Nintendo was actually "not relevant" then nobody would care about the Wii U sales. Nobody. The 3DS wouldnt be the best selling handheld in the market and Smash Bros wouldnt be at eSports events like Evo. The beautiful thing is that a huge amount of people do care. If you're ignorant enough to truly believe Nintendo isn't important anymore then good for you. Its fine if you dislike Nintendo games or products. Their target audience is kids(this is a forum for a Mature rated game so I dont expect to find many Nintendo fans on here) and while they still accommodate for their older fanbase we aren't the primary focus(with exceptions like fantastic games such as Bayonetta 2) So quit trying to act edgy with your "lol lack of titles" or "lol weaker then a 360" and please contribute to the discussion in a way that doesnt make you sound uninformed. To actually get back on the topic. I am fairly confident the new console is going to be similar to what they did with the "new3DS". Its going to be the same as the Wii U just with better hardware. Nintendo will still support the Wii U but release titles exclusive to the "newWii U". Its Nintendo acting strange and pulling off absurd business practices as usual but as long as we get a Animal Crossing game on consoles I am fine with that.
  13. Black & White was a low point for the series but X & Y brought some fresh ideas and the remakes OR & AS are regarded as the best Pokemon games to date *excluding genwunners* The series target audience is aimed for kids. We dont need to stop them from enjoying games and having fun. I think we all agree its better if they play a Pokemon game over something like Candy Crush.
  14. Buns

    May MoM

    A little late with the congratulations, but congratulations! A well deserved title for Keko after all the work he makes you do!
  15. Being a QA Tester for games isnt easy. You need to have some sort of tech background. Preferably a computer science degree(which isnt easy. Please make sure you know whats in store if you purse a CS degree since it isnt just for games but is very versatile). You also need to get some contacts and start getting some work experience in now. Any job is fine. Just get a job. I assume you have to be 18+ to be a QA Tester too as well. QA Testing also doesnt pay well and is only a job for youngers unless youre some sort of designer too which wont happen unless you have a degree(Some of the Bungie PvP designers are also their QA Testers) Your best bet is to just go to big name company websites like EA, Ubisoft, Activision, etc and ask how you can help test their game. Chances are they're going to give better advice then us. I should also add that a lot of development studios arent really focused on QA Testing(Thats more of a publisher thing). Rather the inhouse developers are now spending time to also test their game nearly as often as QA Testers used to(something Bungie and 343i do). QA Testing doesn't pay well either. You won't be able to support a family or own a house just from testing games. If you really want to play and debug games your best bet is becoming a developer. That doesnt mean any of this is unreasonable or a bad idea. Being a QA Tester also gives you a chance to earn higher positions within the company heck I've read stories of QA Testers eventually becoming lead designers. Do what makes you happy. Research this and make sure you have backup plans ready just in case things go south.
  16. Why isnt this being promoted more? This is great! Excellent job Twin! Will this work on a pirated copy of Halo 2 Vista? My legal copy doesnt work anymore because of Microsofts dumb key limit issue despite the fact I removed it from my other computers.
  17. Buns

    Map help

    I'll make a simple guide for standard infection(not safe havens or any other variant) 1) Forge your map. You know how to do this. Just make the map you desire. 2)Ensure the maps has spawn points. You're going to need spawn points and starting points for the players. Humans = Defenders Infected = Attackers 3) Save your map. Hit start and look for the "Save" button. Name your map whatever you desire and confirm it. 4)Exit forge and head to custom game lobby. Load up the same game that you forged your map in. Now "select" your canvas you made the map on(if you forged a map on Foundry then select Foundry) 5)Start the game! If you did everything right it should work. The problem you may have is that you dont have 2 or more people to test it. If you play Infection by yourself then the game just ends automatically.
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