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Everything posted by Trifle10

  1. i would go to other planets and make all the other planets in the galaxy owned under the unsc infinity and start training a massive armada that can repel any attacks including invasions. that or go look for more places that would be a forge inspiration
  2. Trifle10


    after playing cod i noticed that if i couldnt get a kill and kept dying over and over again, a deathstreak would kick in that would assist the player in getting a kill such as an extra health boost upon spawning or dropping a live grenade after dying. i understand that you get Comeback Kill, when you get a kill after dying 3+ times after no getting a kill. but this medal isnt a deathstreak that can aid those who are having a crappy game, probably why most players quit who are frustrated from not getting a kill and just die who thinks halo 5 or a future halo game should have deathstreaks?
  3. would be a nice option for halo 5 since i hate joining and the team im on is always losing which we cant turn around. sometimes in dominion, i join and my team is in last stand Update: here is a picture of some random maps. ive censored the website in "message" when you click on a game, you see the match options
  4. i use to use my mic but then one day i lost it and because of the smack talk that i recieved i decide to talk no more so i set my preference to 0 and my in game voice settings to muted and team and party. plus i have too many distractions that others dont need to hear
  5. theres a new playlist? sorry been busy with other things and must of forgot today was monday
  6. Trifle10


    couldnt think of a name. i understand legendary is suppose to be hard but is spartan ops legendary almost impossible by yourself? it seems like the enemeies do 1.5 additional damage and you do .5 damage less most enemies can drain your shields in a few shots and then finish you off with 1 shot to the leg. yet when you melee a knight it can take btwn 3 and 5 melees to defeat them while they get a 1 hit melee kill this is a small list i have compiled that shows the legendary differences using a dmr on an elite zealot, it takes a whole clip of headshots to drain sheilds and a few extra shots to finish them off using a rocket on a knight takes 2 shots, the first one drains their shield and the other finishes them once the enemies kill you and if you had a non loadout weapon such as a scattershot, you might as well say goodbye to that weapon since it disappears before you can finish off the enemies if you dont have the right weapons and vehicular support, you can rack up the deaths while only depleting the enemy's shield another thing, if you got something that you have to defend, the enemies will wipe you out quick and quickly finish off the objective if legendary gets anymore tougher where you do .10 damage and the enemies do .90 damage, doing legendary solo couldnt be attempted any thoughts on this?
  7. lol 3rd choice. anyways it would be nice but highly unlikely it wont happen
  8. -br a four shot no. 75% of the time the i use the dmr and im battling a br, i always lose the duel. if that were to happen than dmr should got up to 2 shot, otherwise you might as well only use 1 weapon thats overpowered -theres a support upgrade that comes with a specialization called stablitly which steadies aim while taking incoming fire -dont support. got very annoying on reach when i tried zooming in with the sniper and took fire and kept trying to scope but all it did was affect my aim. at least now i decide when i zoom in and out, not by those who shoot at me -what your saying is on objective variants of ctf, you want infinite ammo while on standard ctf, you want no infnite ammo. i do agree that the flag holder should have normal ammo and not endless but the flag carrier cant use any other weapon other than a pistol and melee plus someone with a dmr/carbine/br could easily kill the carrier from a distance while not taking as much damage from the pistol -flag juggling kinda exists, all you have to do is drop the flag when a teammamte is ready to recieve and you juggled. lol no, the flag is usually dropped and everyone usually rushes it, both allies and enemies the only thing i want changed is the br to do less damage. everytime i face a br no matter what weapon i use, i always lose and it doesnt seem like a fair fight
  9. well yea, that was 2007-2009 when it had about 30k
  10. "Running around rushing is what feeds campers". i dont rush the campers but surprisingly my other teammates do. "If you're that much better than your camping enemies, you shouldn't be being beat by them. It's like people forgot that camping is a crybaby's word for Tactical defending a position". its hard to be better than those "noobs" who just camp and camp and camp, over and over and over again. the only time you should camp is when your defending an objective such as a flag.
  11. because im great with 10 and can instantly turn around to get enemies who might try an assassination. helped me out alot in reach when i used armor lock and all they did was melee me. 4 would be way to slow for me. those who can use the highest sensitivity and can get kills know what their doing and can usually last a little longer than those with sensitivities 5 or under thank you Skit, glad im not the only one going "insane". Velgance, i lol'd at that too. its so true. you might as well call in ordnance for the enemies
  12. just because it was implemented or at least an illusion of it, doesnt mean it will be useable
  13. didnt know where to put this. i have a possbile story idea for a future game. its not much but it could be the starting point of an epic storyline the unsc uses the covenant intelligence and discovers the covenant homeworld. the unsc goes through a very tough stuggle to wipe out most of their homeworld. and the unsc story ending could be that the unsc goes to take on the entire covenant armada
  14. will there actually be a Season 2 or is that it for spartan ops?
  15. when i was forging and playing on skyline, i noticed a hornet in the distance. did anyone else notice? it has occured to me that A) 343 added the hornet with the majestic map pack the hornet was added when halo 4 was released and not implemented if A occured, that means 343 can add any older halo vehicle they want such as the elephant from halo 3
  16. i love it. its also helping with my weapon commendation. its on tier 3 atm, though im getting about 1-2 kills with it in matches that i get it. other times im killed when i pick up the weapon
  17. im 62% done. done the campaigin on legendary, solo. the only War Games commendation is the perfection commendation. since i always end up with 7 or more deaths in matches i had 15 or more kills
  18. was in a clan back on halo reach. sorry, dont know if ill recommit
  19. its legendary, not leg-gendary lol. im actually glad i lost my mic because most players just want to smack talk like their da boss when there really not. plus getting insult for your name because its something you like. i had an older gt which i changed its name and boy oh boy, did that name get flooded with hate messages. im working on spartan ops episode 6 on legendary. already beat the campaigin on legendary. losing interest in war games because of .... trust me, its very stupid and i made a "i dont get it..." topic
  20. it wouldnt be Rumble Pro if there was a radar. thats what Infinity Rumble is for
  21. pretty fun playing extraction during the crimson playlist. cant wait to try something else for a change. will majestic still be playable? will multi team be coming sometime in the near future?
  22. not really a problem in multiplayer. if you sprint enough and hopefully no one else took your power weapon, you can get it back. this is a big problem in spartan ops. once you die, you will notice your weapons vanish as soon as you spawn. unless there's more in the op, theres nothing you can do. as far campaigin, i havent really noticed since i havent played camp much
  23. alright, there is about 20 hours left until the monthly challenge for war games updates. i am wondering if the monthly challenge for war games is going to be something else for a change, or if its still going to be To The Victory Go The Spoils where you have to win 30 matchmaking matches for 30,000 xp. i dont mind the xp but this has been the second month of this same challenge and possibly going on to a thrid month. all the other challenges have updated when they ended, yet this one has not.
  24. had a mic, not sure what happened to it. anyways, i dont listen to voice since im not going to play it through my tv. i dont know callouts very well but could learn them (as long as the calling doesnt change). i play big team, some dominion, grifball, some infinity slayer, some majestic team, some snipers, and multi team (when it comes out). wont touch team doubles, flood (unless im working on the gametype commendations), team objective (never did in reach), and MLG i never act like a jerk on purpose. my gt is under my name
  25. ill give it a try update: it does work. just brought my next lv xp from 29k to 4k. got any more codes?
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