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Status Replies posted by Twinreaper

  1. Cellphones...ughhhh Sorry Elfie!

  2. @Self Destruct?!?!??!?!?!

  3. Judging from the view count I think the File Share needs... something. I'm going to post a drawing later on, but it'll most likely get low views.

  4. Mountain Dew is terrible. Shameful is what it is.

  5. Doom 4 at Quakecon!! Who else signed up for the Beta?

  6. Complete let down. Rot in hell Microsoft!

  7. Complete let down. Rot in hell Microsoft!

  8. Forget X-Mas! E3 is the best time of the year!

  9. Happy birthday Twin, sorry im kinda late

  10. Such lovely weather tonight. Perftect to do some star gazing while watching Cosmos...

  11. If anyone wants to play BF3 with Unease P34nut and I, add AAN2

  12. I called u earlier and said hAppy birThday but anywho Happy Birthday........ ;D

  13. Happy birthday bud. Getting up there I see. Good luck this year.

  14. Well... At least I still have my personality...

  15. Since I can't shout...lmao be sure to stop back on my profile to see my comments back to all the great birthday wishes! Keep'em comin!!!

  16. I just realized that I would buy any Halo game with Zanzibar and Standoff in it.

  17. Since I can't shout...lmao be sure to stop back on my profile to see my comments back to all the great birthday wishes! Keep'em comin!!!

  18. Since I can't shout...lmao be sure to stop back on my profile to see my comments back to all the great birthday wishes! Keep'em comin!!!

  19. Happy Birthday Dan!

  20. Happy B-Day Reaper!!

  21. Thanky uo for all the birthday wishes so far guys. I'm really lucky to have such a great group of friends here. I love you all!

  22. Thanky uo for all the birthday wishes so far guys. I'm really lucky to have such a great group of friends here. I love you all!

  23. Happy birthday Twin! Cue electric guitar solos and then the beating and breaking of instruments and amps

  24. Happy Birthday! And trust me I knew before the status update.....

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