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Everything posted by Twinreaper

  1. Working on new intro clip for 343i Web Show...

  2. Realize that bloom itself is not what effects the firing of the weapons, or the pace at which it can be fired. Bloom is just the reticule funtion. If you nulled out the blooming reticule, the weapon fires the same. The changes involved in the reduction of the what you all call "Bloom", is actually a set of field values in the weapon tag, that MegaloScript is changing. Said values consist of about 7 fields of weapon data. Again, bloom itself is not a game changing feature. It just visualizes for you, how and when the weapons firing effects dissapate and respond to firing times.
  3. You kinda just did. There's a link for the official member site in this post on the previous page. If it's not there, I'll link yah in a bit.
  4. I'm glad you like it. The music was just a simple guitar intro. Originally I had a simple drum beat behind it. I may add it back just to see how it feels when combined with the intro footage. Also, I'll start working on the next script more. Ten minutes should be an easy fill with all the Title Update posts and community involvement with it.
  5. Upped the sample intro into the "video" folder on the dropbox fileshare. Also thru in the script in docx form in the "script" folder. I am currently working on a script for the first full episode. We should use the smaple script as a trailer for the public. I'll up the script once I'm done. I'm shooting for 20 to 25 minutes of show...but I can cut it down to what you prefer. Let em know what length you would optimaly want each episode to be. BTW, first episode will revolve entirely around the title update and how the community has contributed or inspired 343 to impliment the changes. All sides of the TU will be covered ina funny and humurous pee your pants way.
  6. Upped the intro for Taco. Hope he likes it. Next up is planning some skits from the community forums...

  7. Upped the intro for Taco. Hope he likes it. Next up is planning some skits from the community forums...

  8. Working on "The Web Show" intro credits...

  9. It's simple. Find a fail you spot. Then with the shout box and the content in complete central view in your screen, hit the "Print Screen" button. This saves the screen image to the clipboard, then just open up any image app and paste the image in. Of coarse trim it up so that only the Shoutbox is there...similar to mine. Perhaps it would be best to just code the fail into the post rather than post with an attachment?
  10. I would love to be part of a web show. Can be co-hosy? I got a script for the first episode. We need 5 actors total for the first one if you like my script. I'm gonna send it to you in a pm. Enjoy!
  11. It was bound to happen, and leave it to me to come up with a much needed thread to display and laugh at the many many wrong things that happen in our shoutbox. Rules are simple, screen cap an epic shoutbox fail and post it here. Maybe after enough following we can arrange an Epic Fail of the Week, with some sort of prize. Maybe a cool nifty profile medla or something...IDK. I'll strart off. Captured today around the *-ish in the morning hours...
  12. I'd be willing to help out. Not sure what I could do but I am up for anything. Edit****!!!! I was doing wash and I came up with a real good first episode with all the dialog and shots planned out. I'm going to write a script for it up and send it to you. See what you think, and let me know.
  13. ^^ Completely true. If you go back and watch the 10 year VidOC released, you hear Marty and Joe talking about it. They state they needed to release another game before Reach that would not take long to put together, but at the same time, not make the community feel cheated. As Marty stated, the entire game used brand new assets and music...something they DIDN'T want to do, but alas...it ended up turning into a full fledged title by the end of production. If anything, this is the one good title I would desperatly like to see brought to the markeyplace. My son sold our H3 and ODST copies to get Black Ops....DOH!!!! and a half!
  14. Lmao I'm a thumb sucker.....rofl The person above me has pretty pink panties on that compliment his arse nicely. (never where a short skirt when above me) The person below me has a grunt for a best friend.
  15. Wow, only looking for one name. Go ahead keep making yourself looking like a jack-ass. Did you even bother to look over any of the sites I provided as examples of where I have been? Oh yeah that's right, your just mad cause someone spanked you. You couldn't even come up with valid arguments for anything I stated before. But that's ok kid, keep posting...it's funny as hell. Hey Spectral, Bubonic, Serene, Vore and G00n......wanna join the discussion?
  16. Couldn't agree more with most of everything you posted up Bubonic. Good to see we still have the same standpoint. One thing that does bothe rme, is how quick people are to point to B-Net when they referrence the "community". The community of Halo players has thousands of outlets. Bungie is just simply one of them. Cheesey, if you are properly going to try to correct a truth that Bubonic provided, then you first need to look at a broad majority of all the Halo sites and their content. I've seen Bubonic around for a while, always glad to help and give proper truth feedback. Don't bash him cause you don't agree. Be a little mature than that. As for how people describe their wants.....it lacks. Bubonic, and a few others from what I have seen, are the only ones who put enough thought and explanation into what a game needs. most of what I see is simple stuff like, "just because" or "it'll make it better". Before adding silly suggestions, you need to have a good idea of what is broken exactly, why it is broken and how you can simply fix it without too much programming overhead. That aside, I don't really care to add anything outside what the developer already has in mind. If 343 was really that hard up for ideas or ways to improve the game, don't you think they would come out and ask for it? I'm fine with whatever they decided to do. I will adapt and move forward as I always have. But if I did have to request one thing for Halo 4.....it would be no remake maps and 100% raw brand spanking new map layouts and terrain. No regarbled crap from previous titles.
  17. Ok, right off the bat you do know that the 360 is a gaming console right? It's library of code called xenonlib, contains full featured code of DX9 and DX10 as well as other proprietary dll functions. The 360 does not emulate anything. Every game made for the 360 uses the code library to create compatable assets. You simply can't just emulate anything of that magnitude. You call it a "keycode". Judging from the myriad of unused technical definitions on your end in reply to my post, you obviously have no clue as to how the Blam! file encryption or encodeing is handled at all. Halo 3 and Reach use an encryption scheme called "public and Private" keypair. This exclusive keypair is what enables them to create and sign maps that can be verified and loaded by Blam! Even using MegaloScript, they cannot stop the core function of Blam! from checking or refusing to load added maps or assets. On top of that, following the tech heirarchy of the engines, each tag is specifically encrypted on top of overall map encryption. Giving us dev tools that allow to do these things at home allows the community the ability to open, change and replace map files at will. There is reason why they don't give this to us....it's not just because they want to be dicks. And no, they can't just go and make a program that bypasses this stuff. These are hardcoded engine snippets. The only way to bypass it would be to release a seperate engine along side the retail one. Which at that point, divides the game into 2 player bases...the custom and console straight. You think they want to develop 2 different versions side by side? The short answer...no. Next point, stop referrencing the original Xbox and Halo 1. None of that matters in terms of the tech advances of the newer Blam! engines and consoles. Halo 1 and the original Xbox are universes apart in how they manage memory, handle graphics etc... Halo didn't even utilize 40% of what the Xbox was capable of when it was out. Memory issues were non-existant then. In Halo 2 however, the lag and frame rate was obvious when we used new items and new assets. halo 2 pushed the Xbox to it's close limit. If you were a modder of Halo titles, you should know this very well. I was a part of the modding community since it all started back in halo 1 when IronForge and Steelix were in the heyday. I stayed a part of the community but decided to specialize in Halo 2. I've done bsp conversions noone else could, created new tag assets, and helped various members throughout the gaming community. Go ahead and poke around Halomods, Remnantmods, rework3d, halomaps and Monstrmoose. Tons of people know of me and my work. I still do map making and other things for the H2MT at Monstrmoose for Halo 2 PC even now. As for your lame example of a ten year old sniper projectile swap...lame. Is that best you could do? And don't try to pass that off as a good example of why we have a Needle Rifle. Thats just BS. A better example of community modding that gave ideas to Bungie would be the SP map use in multiplayer. For the longest time we converted SP maps to be used as mp and made them into stand alone playgrounds. Also since Halo 2's end, we yearned for a chance to play from the vantage point of the marines and ODST...hence Halo 3 ODST. Those are good examples. I can post names of community members till the month ends, but I find it much more satisfying to have you go to some websites and look for me there. It's not worth my time to prove myself to a half assed douch like you who is still stuck comparing future and present Halo titles to Reach and upcoming Halo 4.
  18. ODST was hands down one the greatest if not the greates campaign to date. The whole thing was picture perfect. Not one time did I fail to realize what was happening. Bungie did not make ODST for money, they wanted to show what happened between halo 2 and Halo 3, but from the perspective of earth's own ground forces while MC was away. Marty did a fantastic job with the music and the levels were awesome. And yes, without ODST we would not have the firefight we have now. More than likely we would have the firefight of then in Reach. A second ODST based on several pivotal moments throughout the Halo 2 and Halo 3 era would be awesome!!!
  19. Well, you can forget about Halo 2 ever coming back to the 360 as it was. In order to have Halo 2 in its original form back on the 360, would require a reworked emulator. The emulator needed would have to be re-written and re-issued just to stay compliant with the most current "xenonlib" of 360 resources. The only sole reason Halo CE got a re-make is becuase it is the game that started it all. It was a milestone in FPS's that went down in history. The only thing that Halo 2 did that was really great, was jump start what we know know as Xbox Live. Other than that, it was the rushed half assed sequel of a great game. It's the truth. Giving Halo 2 a makeover would require a lot longer than it took to do Halo CE. Not only but that, but you also have to look at possible game engine compatablility issues. Blam! from CE was basic and simple. The 2nd generation of Blam! is much more sophisticated and poses a much more threat to compatability. Also, there really isn't much they could add into Halo 2 in terms of special extras like they did with halo 1. From the start halo 1's story was clouded in mystery. You didn't get anywhere near half the backdrop or intel on everything that you did in halo 2. Now don't get me wrong, I would not mind at all seeing Halo 2 running the newest shader template and particle physics, but it just isn't worth while enough for M$ to devote another 2 years + just to pull it off. But who knows....
  20. Argh... I hate "adding key index -1" map errors.....AARRRGGGHHHH!

  21. Argh... I hate "adding key index -1" map errors.....AARRRGGGHHHH!

  22. Lets not forget that 343 worked with Bungie during the development of Halo Reach. This was stated many times over during various VidOCs and interviews. Hating on Reach or lack there of in Reach, is like trowing a pie in the faces of 343 as well. They are compentant folks and will carry on with Halo just as good as Bungie. Don't worry be happy!
  23. Ok, since I am experienced Halo modder from the old school days of 2003 I'll chime in on this. First off to above poster a few lines, comparing Halo to Unreal is idiotic. They are 2 way completely different engines that use way off the chart different formats for handling content and format encryption. Plain and simple to the point, allowing us, the community to have in our hands not only the development tools for creating custom content, we would also be required to have several other parts of information and tools that can end up being completely disatrous for the entire community and live. Said content is as follows... 1. Pro dev tools. There is a reason we don't get them. They are unrestricted and proprietary. 2. Using dev tools to communicate with our consoles like the 360, would require us to have complete unlocked access to the nand, hypervisor and cpu/dvd keys or any other hardware specific encryption. 3. Said dev tools would also require us to have in our possession the same Public and Private key pair, that allow game files to be properly encrypted and run, the same exact way as our purchased store disc content. Now because we would have in our possession everything we need to make new map files or assets "legal" to the eys of tthe game engine and console, this also allows people to properly re-encrypt and replace core game files. It opens up too many cans of worms. Halo CE was a completely different beast from what you are asking. CE had knockoff tools that ressembled the pro ones, but lacked official support or any "real" non-watered down key features. Furthermore, just getting these tools would require roughly 9 months of standalone programming. In addition, these same tools would have to be made to use the current game used graphics code. In Halo 4's case it would more than likely be DX12 or higher. Now, a majority of the community is not going to have a PC that runs DX12 or a X64 OS with enough horsepower to turn the gears of the dev tools. No developer would want to restrict the creation of assets to a mere 10% of it's core gaming community. Crytek tried this with Crysis 2, and there was a huge backlash because there was no X86 or lower spec computer support. Lastly, lets be real honest. Most gamers think they can create, rig and animate game assets. Everyone thinks they are modding or asset creating gods. But in all honesty, most of the things I have seen or helped people with have all turned out horrible. I can count on one hand, how many actually decent rigged biped or vehicles I have seen in my near 10 years of modding Halo. Oh and I almost forgot......if you were to have custom content on the console, how do suppose you would go about making this content memory friendly? Didn't think about that did you? Every asset in a Halo game is usually located insode of one of the 2 or three resource" maps. This is donr so the game can flow at a smooth pace without having to constantly freeze up and load unload assets in the memory buffer. Adding completely new things to a game that utiizes this archetecture would be game suicide. Load times would be excrutiating. Think about all these things first hard, then reply with a few "how I am wrongs" And just for you Eos, here is the official pro /con on it.. Pros: - User created assets, maps, etc... - Replay value. Yes it can provide years of variable gameplay - Inspiration. Future titles could get ideas from what we have made. Cons: - Lack of sequel gaming due to re-making sequel assets. We see it CE with Reach stuff everyday. - All your hard work becomes property of Microsoft. No cred, no rights no nothing. - Spike in pirating of 3rd party development applications. 3dsmax and maya aint free you know? - Cheating. Show me once, where public use of pro dev tools hasn't lead to this. - Endless pages of utter crap to sort thru to find one or 2 good things to play. - Hardware capable of utilizing and running a server that collects, syncs and distributes stats standalone from Live and service record API's. I can go on but I'm getting sleepy....
  24. I absolutely hate the thought of playing remake maps. But if I did want to see a new version of some old classics, my list would be broken down into 10 maps total..... Halo 1: Infinity, Gephyrophobia, Danger Canyon and Ratrace Halo 2: Colossus, Burial Mounds and Foundation Halo 3: Construct, High Ground and Narrows Although to be completely honest, I think Bungie had done the multiplayer maps correctly in the fact that they used great looking and well layed out pieces of sp maps for multiplayer. There are so many ares from all the previous Halo titles that would make better playing grounds than nay remake they could ever dish out. Hell, half of the greatest areas have either been done thru bsp conversions in Halo 2, or brand new bsp's in Halo 2 PC. If 343 wants to do something new but still re-makish for maps...go back and look thru every halo's SP maps and do one of them. It worked for Reach didn't it?
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