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Ramo 'Talusee

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Everything posted by Ramo 'Talusee

  1. Possible that 343 may be experimenting to see if Ragnorak would play better without banshee/ how players respond. So I expect this might change or result in several different variants of ctf like in Halo 3 when we had things like Sand trap covie that were pretty much the same as Regular sandtrap but with more covenant vehicles and such.
  2. Awesome feedback but please note 2 things (1) not 343 official site just a community forum made by fans. (2) It is the beginning of the second week. The majority of everything you mentioned will be fixed or upgraded with patches that normally come after the game comes out. I'm sure the people 343 pays to go around on the internet looking on sites such as these will find your feedback and bring it up to 343 but the chances of this being noticed may increase if this were on Halo Waypoint the official site of Halo.
  3. It is an unfortunate thing that the fans of the covenant have been ignored (more like outcast in my opinion) but we can only hope 343 will show us that they care by perhaps bringing back the ability to play as an elite on the multiplayer, perhaps adding more playable races like the brutes and the Prometheans, and maybe showing us that they have not forgotten us by making some important covie characters show up in scenes of Spartan Ops (like The Arbiter). Personally, if Halo 5 doesn't have elites at least in custom games... Chief can save the galaxy without me :/
  4. Halo is not trying to be COD. It will be never be like COD. It adopted some COD concepts and successfully (IMO) worked them into Halo without the horrific results of COD (which was a horrible selfish community of 8 year olds who only care about K/D and cry about the enemy having air support but dont bother to try to take it out). There are some bugs and flaws, it is the beginning of the second week after all, that 343 will work out and many more playlists released like SWAT was just recently. Timed Weapon spawns meant in BTB one team would dominate you, keep you trapped in your spawn, and annihilate you till the match was over. Which SUCKED. I should know because Ive been on both sides of that. Least now you can get rockets dropped right to you and have a chance of doing something. Both systems are flawed but that can be fixed if they add a classic set of playlists. so everyone who prefers the old can play the old and everyone who can play the new can play that too.
  5. Dual wielding was fun and useful for custom infection games but kinda dum for match making in imo. Most people who dual wielded got their rear ends handed to them on a silver platter by anyone using the BR or Carbine (which was everyone back in Halo 3).
  6. I don't think they should add a AR only playlist but if they did I'd certainly try it out. Also to over come your trouble with people using the DMR/BR on you, how about you work on your nade placement, strafing, and ambushing people rather than fighting them out in the open? I'm not saying you camp but perhaps avoid open areas where people could pick you off from a distance and use other areas in the map to get around.This would be even more helpful if you frequently play with friends with mics, they could tell you where the enemies are and you could sprint around and flank them. If they can't place all their shots on your head (which is what makes the precision weapons a really favored pick for most people) and you can get their shields off with a grenade prior to the engagement/during, etc. You should be able to rack up even more kills with the AR
  7. Halo 4's music just doesn't sound like Halo. Why you do this 343? Why?

  8. I havent played Halo wars in a while but me and my buds were pretty awesome at it and (the main reason at least) the reason being was this. We used scouts. After collecting as many of the credit boxes scattered nearby I would send my warthog (or ghost if I was a covie) to see what the enemy was building and based on what they made I would prepare a counter. If you are facing a covie, it is a good idea when you are scouting to find where their leader is and to see if his base is locked and making units. One should note that scouting can result in the death of your scout hog/ghost and resources may be wasted to replace. Enemies may also stop what they are doing once you scout them so keep a constant watch on them. If enemies put up turrets to stop u from scouting them, this isn't necessarily a bad thing because they now have that much less money to bring up units. Rushing actually is a strategy because it takes alot of micromanagement and coordination. A good rusher is always going about trying to get as much resources as possible so he can get his rush going faster. with my buddies on Halo Wars, we used rushes to set the enemy back several minutes which then allowed us to build up our forces while they were still recovering. Scouting your enemy and countering him plus killing his scout unit and or leader ,if possible, to stop him/her from jump starting their rush is a good way to stomp someone's rush. Harassment is also a tactic used to deter someone from getting their forces up. I mean think about it, if 5 hogs with machine gun turrets can make you waste about 1,000 creds who's really winning here?
  9. Lol. Glad someone found something positive to say about the xp cap.
  10. how about noob tube like the rest of the weapons that launch grenades
  11. Lol fail trolls are hilarious. You could at least use logic to back up your statements, most good trolls do.
  12. The assault rifle in Halo 4 is the best of them so far. I can actually kill people using the BR, Carbine, DMR, etc. with the AR. I think your problems are being caused by you not the weapon itself.
  13. It annoys me that there is no friendly fire, infinite lives, and or when you all die theres no "back to check point". That just says dont bother coordinating with your team or really trying at all, you can just spam yourselves at them til lthey all die.
  14. Thats a cool story bro...BUT let me get my friend who is an expert on cool stories
  15. Ive noticed the majority of people Ive seen bashing on Halo4 are still Grunt Minors on the site ( or new members). So I wonder if people are just coming here from COD to Bash on Halo 4. Just a theory and an IMO though
  16. Either Im high, or alot of the people complaining about Halo 4's campaign didn't pay attention to what was happening.

  17. Um...what the heck? Isnt the second mission the one where after Chief and Cortana survive the Forward Unto Dawn crashing onto Requiem they venture forward on the hog? I could be mistaken and if so please correct me. Anywho, no one was on the ship other than Chief, Cortana and some of Jul's rebel covies. EDIT: Just thought I should clarify a little more. Not a single living soul was aboard the Forward Unto Dawn except Cortana (if you count her as alive) and Chief. No marines just cheif and cortana unless 343 decided to mess up the canon
  18. LOL this should be a meme. Goes to Halo fanmade Forum to make Blops 2 vs Halo 4 poll. Is surprised everyone prefers Halo 4 XD
  19. Maker forbid anyone dares to read the books or worse yet, HAVE A CIVIL CONVERSATION ABOUT HALO WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS!! That would be heresy and we still kill heretics where I come from.
  20. The LR I hear is a 4 hit kill when zoomed in but only if your shots hit the head, everything else is like 5 hits or more. Thats op. I've also noticed that the BR cannot compete with the Carbine, the DMR, Or the LR. just my experience however.
  21. Guess opinions are opinions. Thanks for wasting your money by the way, It'll help 343 get Halo 5 up and maybe even Halo Wars 2 if the rumors are true.
  22. Weren't those Marines in the final scene IDK, scanning for signs of life and maybe even whatever signatures that death ray left behind? I mean it's not like the UNSC and all of mankind new the beam would make every human it touched into piles of ash/dust right? And when everyone on the station was beamed Cortana said she heard them.
  23. How many doritios and Dews did you get? And hopefully 343 got a whiff of this cause there should never be a limit on xp on any game.
  24. The UNSC Forward Unto Dawn(FFG 210) is a Charon class light frigate. This is the vessel that Master Chief is in when he awakes in Halo 4.
  25. Highschool football game with my lady, then a good night sleep, and Halo 4 with her tomorrow. Awesome right?

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