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  1. Was actually hoping for improvements from reach. Bland game types. Big team slayer. Slayer with drops. Slayer without drops. Oddball, well glitchball because there are so many ledges and spots off maps people can just cheat with CTF without the ability to drop the flag so you can no longer try and carry a bad team by dropping the flag and killing the people chasing you .. you are forced to hold it till death. Swat is fine Regicide is a silly variant as it rewards the people who don't get kills. I can pull away by 5 kills and someone can get it back when they kill me. Seems pointless being a better play doesn't it? Dominion is a decent new addition but it again is just cap 2 bases and spawn kill. Koth is Koth. Weapon balance doesn't exist. To many weapons that reward bad play. A 1 hit kill if you hit anywhere rifle. A 1 hit kill anywhere 1 second charged rifle. The AR kills you in close quaters in less than a second. Not that anyone uses it because it's usless outside of that range. Slow the fire rate increase the damage a bit even though it's a terrible noob friendly weapon. The dmr is the only viable weapon of choice as a primary weapon. A rocket launcher that splits into 6 other rockets so hey if you miss you still get a chance to kill someone in a 30 foot radius. A stick launcher pistol that 99% of the time garuntees you a kill with each shot unless you can't use the right analog stick. Grenades explosive radius is like reach beta. No dedicated servers. American host > any other country. Being from england this means i get killed behind cover through walls after they have died and so on. I upgraded from a 1 meg connection at my old house to a 30 meg connection here. And it feels the same. Shot reg (to do with above) Either change it to client side so when i shoot someone in the head 6 times they don't get away due to living in america. Or do something with it to balance it for the rest of the world. Glitches on maps. Ledges down near kill barriers holes in geometry that should never have gone live. It's always nice to join an oddball game and see someone hopping around under a random spot in the map and you have to just wait it out. Don't know what else to say really.. I gave it a go. I was sure nothing could be worse than reach and you hit only slightly above it. No it's not that 'im a bad kid' or i need to 'l2p' as i assume people will comment here. Check my stats if you want. I had so much hope that you would listen to feedback and make a once great game great again. But meh maybe ill change to one of the people who come on every week to play a few games of multi team that you seem to make the game for.
  2. Yup this has been a pain since halo 2.. American host.. the full second advantage of being shot through walls / cover.. dying after you kill them.. not trading beat downs. But you just have to live with it and lol a little bit when you win a 1 v 1
  3. This isn't a glitch this is a hole in geometry.. Things like this shouldn't get past. Even the most basic mapping tools have features that warn of holes in geometry. This is live due to being lazy
  4. How you let this go live i have no idea. If you are red team on this map playing oddball you rush the ball throw it back and then just camp in the glitched roof and unless you get super lucky and don't die from the guardians you can get inside to throw 1 grenade before the whole team that is sat camping in there kills you. Also makes flood impossible for zombies. More silly things that have gone live
  5. You are not allowed to say anything bad about anything in this game or people will say you are just hating on the game. Don't make a constructive post or it's just whining..
  6. If you don't like ability's don't use it.. So everyone uses promethian to see you through walls and you pick not to. Smart move. If you don't like sprint don't use it.. So you move slower than everyone else and can't make certain jumps. Smart move. No one thinks halo 3 was good. It was a horrible attempt to keep what made halo 2 amazing and bring it up a notch. The shields are back... They should have never gone so it's not a good thing it just should be. People are complaining because halo is based around static power weapons and standard weapon + nades gameplay. Not care packages and random drops on the maps that you can't time. That and the weapon balance. DMR + Boltshot is the only viable choice. You have the best rifle and a 1 shot kill pistol for people who close the cap
  7. I don't think any maps work for 2v2 at the minute.. They all seem to big to the point where you would get matches that consist of 2 people rushing 1 guy then just hiding / staying at the other side of the map the entire time. I want team doubles implemented though
  8. But then that would make the br overpowered and faster to kill at all ranged. You can't have 2 main rifles.. because if they are different one is always going to be better. It needs to either be the br or the dmr. And as much as i hate to say it the dmr is winning.
  9. RazersGhost


    How does the drops effect killing in MM? Well im not going to go over every weapon but being rewarded for just being able to get a few kills with something like a SAW that basically makes you immune to death in close range is silly. The games before worked. Halo 2 was near perfect. No kill streaks static map drops. Easily the best halo (console) ever. Then halo 3 tried to add in the throw able crap that was never used in anything above social. Then reach.. well lets not talk about that. Now we have faster paced gameplay with less health and a gears of war style loadout where you pick the best 2 weapons. In this case DMR and the promethian pistol. And with this setup we can just cycle through ordinance drops. A good player is someone who is good at the game. If it was somehow based on who was a better fan then we would have a terrible system where pros in the mlg list would play against people who aren't very good but have been playing a long time. And the reason there are a lot of threads like this is because a lot of people think this. It's not just a few people thinking hmm this is going a bit 'COD'ish'
  10. It's people like you that ruin games. People who are passionate as sad as it sounds about a series.. and give feedback on new releases. I know a ton of people who gave huge ammounts of feedback during the making of halo 4 who gave tons of feedback during reach and wanted to make the game better. But we don't get listened to. And then the majority of the community who play this game every now and again and will swap between games, come on the forum and say blah blah blah don't like it don't buy it. We (the people who care about this series) Have played since halo ce and will continue to until they stop making halo's. When we come on here and say X needs fixing Y is fine. It's not a 'oh were not playing this game anymore' thread. It's genuine feedback across 4 others games that we feel is imbalanced / op / out of place.
  11. I meant halo the series Well it's about player skill in the lower end yeah. But when it comes to the point where people aren't missing shots it's dmr all the way. It kills faster works better at all ranges.
  12. Make a poll because i would much prefer halo 2 system to halo 3.. Anyone could get a 50 in halo 3 it was stupidly easy
  13. I agree with the op. After halo 2 the games have been more catered towards people who jump on and play a few social games or run big team with friends... Obviously this has worked as the sales show but the few of us who actually want to face equally skilled people online get screwed. We either get a game of people where we win before they have got 10% of the objective / kills or we face a decent team. And this is unfair. As much as it's fun to get overkills on people who are running around trying to figure out how to get up a ledge it's also going to put them off the game if their only experience of online gameplay is getting dominated by people who should have either a hidden rank or a visual one that separates us from people who aren't as good. There needs to be a proper ranking system brought back as well as some play lists for the competitive people. Before anyone says it yes we can do custom games.. and most of us do but it's still nice to be able to rank up and unlock the new armour and so on while playing a competitive game type
  14. I just wish that the weapon that became an icon in the series was the main rifle people use.. not some remade one from a failed game
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