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Everything posted by NJL

  1. i would assume its campaign unless there's a BTB aerial gametype. never know.
  2. Well for one thing, any game you get you're just going to give them your money what do you expect to get halo 4 for free? maybe if your friend actually played the halo series he might have a change of heart but i probably would say nothing to him shrug and walk away. im getting halo 4 because ive been a fan of the halo series, its very good story based and i just cant wait for 4 to come out. its also really fun when your friends come on and play too.
  3. NJL

    Gamer Girls

    This is probably the weirdest yet funniest topic ive seen yet. but anyways, i play with anyone girl or guy, age? ehh 18-25? sounds like you're looking for a blind date but as far as age goes as long as they're mature dont talk your ear off and actually work with you as a team i have no problem with that.
  4. wooooooooow what the hell happend lolololol this ought to be good!!

  5. Hey Lone welcome to the forums
  6. well.. im back , not dead, tired.. at least i did what i could to help out around my area... hope everyone was safe..

    1. Spyro


      Nice to know you're still alive my friend.


  7. "Super storm" is fast approaching, wont hit land until tuesday if its still on time and doesnt change direction... which means itll gain strength out in the water could potentially get to cat 2 within the next day or so.. then the winter storm combining it.. hell on earth. thoughts and prayers for everyone that has already been through it and are about to go through it... stay safe everyone..

  8. Boy today is gonna be a fun filled day..

    1. Loser


      to me its a bad day

  9. -shrugs- maybe you shoulve worded that in the original post. it sounded to me you were referring to everyone.....
  10. the range went well. had a little trouble in the beginning but had a strong middle and ending so thats good. reach in a little bit or ODST idk yet

  11. NJL

    Shade Turret

    The shade turret was commonly used in custom games, but ive never seen it used in actually matchmaking and in the campaign (reach) on certain missions it seemed that whenever covenant used it, it's rate of fire was really fast but when you use it, it seemed the rate of fire was really slow. all in all, shade turret is kinda pointless.
  12. not bad, i do agree. im always bored playing reach, but when there's certain friends online, its the best time ever!!
  13. that does make sense and all but like lets say someone wants to do an 8v8.. then what? thats where im getting at.
  14. this sounds like youre a cocky *******... degrading people and putting clans down. no one is perfect people run **** the way they want to its just what they do, there's no right theres no wrong, people run them to the best of their ability. If you think youre mr. perfect, go ahead and start up your own clan thinking youre the best and better than everyone else.. i dont wish failure upon you but good luck..
  15. Off to the range hope this goes well...

  16. oh my, i went from a green grape to a purple one.... yay!!

  17. NJL


    GT NJL442 if im not busy with work id be more than willing to go through with ya.
  18. First time i ever played was in 2002 was at my friends house, halo 1 campaign on normal stayed up all night beating it then we did split screen. got pissed because i was kicking his ass everytime until he camped with rockets and finally won XD
  19. Agreed with killer, not only that from which he stated but its not like everyone is going to keep the weapon they start out with. there will be multiple weapons laying around giving you more of an option.
  20. Best of luck, hope you achieve what you dream
  21. Ive never had it happen but what happens when you get credit banned? just how it sounds? you dont get any credits?
  22. NJL

    UNSC Mammoth

    Did anyone else notice from the view the picture is, it kinda looks like the spartans helmet visor?
  23. This has been bugging me for awhile... why in the hell do you only allow 7 people in your clan? are you part of the 7?
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