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Everything posted by Ccup-mann

  1. Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birth day to twam Happy birthday to you!
  2. I'm waiting for a limited edition.
  3. http://www.343industries.org/forum/forum/67-clan-game-arrangements/ Of course you can make a clan, just post it here ^^^
  4. I'm going to get it before you >:]
  5. If you guys wnat to play with a team on big team battle message me xCOSMOSxCupmanx . Prefered if you were Australian.
  6. lol i love rooster teeth and their vids
  7. I like the idea of more credits in team objective if you win, it makes players want to win.
  8. Mine was in living dead and i was like wtf?
  9. Firefight? guess i will have to wait until next weekend
  10. I always wondered why maps have a load fail, thank you.
  11. Congrats on a great achievement!!
  12. Second that. I'm dissapointed with team swat, i was hoping for more maps, i guess we have to wait
  13. Bye bye Ashlynn Good luck on finding out what you want to do
  14. KSI? No way, not for a billion dollars. p.s the rules are stupid
  15. Thank god that there is a shotgun, but the reach shotty looks awesome
  16. I like the way you think! But i hardly ever play btb snipers, its the BEST gametype.
  17. I will most likely join, you do know that there is no squad slayer
  18. It will be quite something if they could.
  19. When i saw this weekly challenge i rofl, i saw a youtube video last week about flawless cowboy and it was what you just said. EASIEST. CHALLENGE. EVER.
  20. pwned! You were sadly pwned by someone really awesome like cupman 600EXP
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