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Status Updates posted by Spitfire

  1. I've been starting to question why I go to this forum every now and then, all that ever happens is I start to remember sad memories of the forum.

    1. Fire


      Because you get to watch it grow and evolve, and you get more memories to treasure.

    2. SuperIntendant


      True, it sure has changed a lot from when I started :P

    3. VivaLebowski


      Might as well ask, why do I continue to live, it only brings up bad memories.

  2. Check out this Xbox 720/ Ps4 game

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spitfire


      And no, that is not CGI

    3. CandiBunni


      Well that doesn't necessarily mean the consoles will be able to pull off that kind of stuff in game. That's probably just what the engine is capable of.

    4. Spitfire


      I know, but I still can't get over the graphics lolz

  3. Everyone get ready for E3! We're gonna see gameplay footage, the new enemy and Spartan Ops!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Marcus! You live in Garden Grove! Cmon! Thats closer to LA that Costa Mesa!

    3. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Marcus! You live in Garden Grove! Cmon! Thats closer to LA that Costa Mesa!

    4. Doll


      you know it!

  4. I always get hay fever so early into Summer -_______________-

    1. Azaxx


      But i though us bronies were immune to 'hay' fever....:D

    2. Spitfire
  5. I just watched a Minecraft Music Video, it's really awesome!

    1. Fire


      More join the brony army.

  6. Wow, I have just enough money to get Halo 4 Special Edition. woot!

  7. I just made a youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/ThePyrotar it would be great if people could subscribe to it!

  8. Just a little reminder of what is gonna be released next Wednesday

  9. Just somehow got the Windows 8 consumer preview to work with Minecraft

  10. I heard from some semi-reliable people that Minecraft XBLA will be released this week, on the 16th.

  11. Windows 8 is awesome, I just finished instaling the consumer preview

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. One


      Can you install it as a separate OS and keep all your files?

    3. Spitfire


      I don't think so.

    4. SuperIntendant


      Mountain Lion is much better :P

  12. I just finished doing a 24 hour Minecraft marathon...I think I'll go and get some sleep now.

    1. SuperIntendant


      Mis thinks that is a good idea.

  13. I just found out the next Xbox will almost definitely be announced at CES 2012

  14. I just found out the next Xbox will almost definitely be announced at CES 2012

  15. I should have been sad when my flashlight batteries died, but I was de-lighted!

    1. Fire


      I didn't know my batteries were dead, so i tried knocking it's lights out

    2. SuperIntendant


      ... Some how I feel dirty...

    3. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      I tried lighting up a storm with the batteries

  16. My Little Pony FTW!

  17. New forum skin rocks!

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