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Mid-game joining. Pros and cons?

Baby Boo

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Like most of you, I have seen the halo 4 news. Joining mid game being part of it. I actually think it is a bad idea. Sure, it would be good when you are missing 3-4 players in a game like infection, and you get some players joining to take their place, but all in all, seriously. What's the point? I can't even begin stating the reasons it shouldn't happen. What do you guys think? Opinions?

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I think it is a good idea. There should be a skill system, making quitters leave less often. This makes the game faster yes, and can help you when you are down a few guys. I really, don't see a problem with it all to much. Plus i wouldn't mind joining in game process, i believe they have a different ranking system style. IF they are going to introduce in session join of matches. I just hope it is good, and doesn't remain like Reach's.

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-Join a game that is about to end

-Join a game that is already lost/ no way to win


Only way I could see it work is if stats dont track when you join a started game. Or, games can only be joined in the first half and if the score margin is close.

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What they should do is make it so after halfway through the match no one else can join the game, that is so you don't join a match that is about to end or no way of winning.

It would be a good idea though because if someone leaves another person could take their place, meaning it would be a fair game

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i think its a bad idea, apart dfrom the fact it feels like CoD and stuff, people will join in a late game because someone has quit because they are losing, and then someone will join and get an instant loss, this has to be done in a different way to CoD, like, make different people join lobby then after 10 seconds the lobby solidifies and no one else can join apart from in postgame lobby, again, Like CoD, just different.

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well you only join if you leave the lobby, if you stay you get to play full versions of the game and not just half. and people have been asking for this for a long time, and when they do give it to us, we hit them saying its like COD? i think that's unfair for them and they have been saying that the game is not like the games its being compared to *cough*COD*cough*

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I like the concept of joining in progress, and if it's done properly then I think it could be a great addition.


In social games, if it's similar to BF3 where you're joining a server then great. However, in ranked matches I still think it needs to be the old system of matchmaking, opposed to joining a game in progress.

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I think it would be terrible in ranked, for these reasons:


1) Joining a game when it's just about to finish (even if you get a win, its still boring)

2) Joining a game where your team-mates are getting smashed in the rear.

3) Having to beat 5+ players to get a win in a ranked game would suck ( assuming the playlist is a 4v4 )

4) Your Win/lose ratio would be meaningless.

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I think it would be terrible in ranked, for these reasons:


1) Joining a game when it's just about to finish (even if you get a win, its still boring)

2) Joining a game where your team-mates are getting smashed in the rear.

3) Having to beat 5+ players to get a win in a ranked game would suck ( assuming the playlist is a 4v4 )

4) Your Win/lose ratio would be meaningless.


This. Anyone who wants the join session in progress either lacks the ability to comprehend it's implications, or intentionally wants it so halo becomes even more of a casual (win/loss ratio will mean nothing).

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