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Bots? What do you think?

Son Of Anarchy

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When i was a kid the best times i had playing video games other than halo, happened playing Nightfire for PS2. The bots in the multiplayer made that game endless. I've always wanted this in Halo, this sounds like a firefight forge, and in MP i'd love this too. Covenant or UNSC in either would make Halo 4 that much more fun and lasting.

Any indication as to what type of matchmaking this would be a feature in?




meant matchmaking like everything save actual MM, except maybe one playlist in the Community section that could have some kind game including this in a large scale battle or something. That could always be a part of firefight though. That may not be realistic but that's what i meant when i posted this.

Edited by highplainsdrifter
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Well i have mixed feelings on bots. For starters while they may be a great addition, AI has evolved a long way, and with Halo in particular and the BSP (binary-Space-Partition) format, working good AI requires a lot more than just simple pick and place style creating, like with other titles.


For starters, each biped AI requires a base "group" to be placed with, even if it a standalone AI, it has to be assigned a group name. This group name also needs to be included in the script that spawns it. Also, the groups require individual orders. Orders range from assaulting, defending, etc. These are also known as "styles". After that, the AI then requires another section of data called "zones". these zones are defined by creating trigger volumes, that correspond to the AI script name and groups. Beyond that, you need what we call "pathfinding". Meaning that to have the AI function good, and not walk into walls or other objects like dummies, you have to give the AI a data set that includes the collision of the map and all spawnable objects for it.


All or some of these things are able to be edited in Forge as it is, because they are all defined in the scenario file of the map. What we cannot due in the scenario file, is create scripts, new group names, new pathfinding data, etc...


In short, short of having a full fledged stadalone mode in which users can create new tags...there is no current way I can see them including them. The only possible way, would be to include these data sets in the stock maps by default, but then again, it wouldn't be much fun using them on stock maps. The whole point of having this type of feature...is to be able to use it in forged maps, where things have been moved and placed outside the original design of the stock maps.

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I wouldnt like that idea... I didnt like combat training in BO too. The bots are or extremely stupid or like a freaking aimbot at highest difficulty.

And besides this would give call of duty fanboys something to ***** about...

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Bots would be good. Maybe not incorporated into online MM, but something similar to BO combat training would be a welcome addition in my view, especially when your internet/server goes down.


Twinreaper is it possible to have locations on a map that covenant bots can spawn out of like they're entering the area? Keeping this feature to strictly stock maps? Because if i understand what you're saying then you could customize firefight maps to release covenant into the map by turning certain spawn points/methods on and off and customizing which covenant forces are arriving. (but without changing any structural elements)

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Yes you are correct. If and I mean if.....343i were to include the entire sub set of AI related tags and scripts in the scenario resources....then yes you could control what groups arrive, when they arrive and also move the spawning zones to any location you desire. The reason it works in firefight custom settings....is because the scenario file allows you to speci the ai that is already designated in the scripts and map file.

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The only possible way, would be to include these data sets in the stock maps by default, but then again, it wouldn't be much fun using them on stock maps. The whole point of having this type of feature...is to be able to use it in forged maps, where things have been moved and placed outside the original design of the stock maps.


So you're saying it would definitely be possible to play with Bots on vanilla maps, even if not Forged ones?


I'm not sure I agree that this sort of thing would only be fun if it were to be used outside vanilla maps. If for whatever reason I wasn't able to get online to play Matchmaking, I'd certainly consider it to be a lot more fun playing against Bots on something like Countdown or Reflection tan not being able to play multiplayer at all. It definitely wouldn't be as much fun as playing against real people, but I'd still enjoy it all the same.

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I completely agree Red. The main issue with bots is, outside of standard reaction styles that we have come to know and love, making AI react to things such as objectives has yet to be done even a fraction in Halo. I myself have tried many times in Halo 2 for the xbox to find a way to force AI to actively stalk and track a simple objective like the flag...but they would never actually pick it up or even camp it out. Now with a scripting system as powerful as Megalo, I am almost sure 343i would be incorporating a similar or sister variant to this, to help out controlling such things.


As long the bots could be used in the appropriate way, aka learning and actively engaging players in all gametypes, then I would have to agree that bots would be a welcome addition. I mean c'mon...who wants to play 12 hours of single player slayer against bots when Live is down right?

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True, playing Slayer endlessly really wouldn't be a lot of fun, an considering how poorly populated the Objective playlist usually is - and how high the average rank and skill of its community is - I'd imagine a lot of players would be nervous about going into it for fear of losing badly, and that's definitely where bots could come in well. I don't suppose you happen to know anything about the 'Ghosts' sometimes encountered on certain maps, do you? From what I've heard and with my admittedly very limited knowledge, they sound a little like proto-bots.

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The phantom players were all fakes. The only time an actual ghost type player would appear, is when there was heavy lag in the server you were playing on. There have been hundreds of fake ghost videos, and it was all explained early on during their appearance by the modding community, that they were not bots or any other type of trickery...just bad lag creating player after effects...hence the frozen animations when moving.

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I think bots would be great. It would give players without xbox live to play with more than 4 people.


yeah and imagine the 'forging' potential for 'firefights' with more than 5 AI spartans (vs enormous numbers of covenant [or flood]), or even this kind of thing being incorporated into a vs gametype.

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Perfect way to make the bots would probably to be is to mirror the moves the bot is playing with ( lets say u strafe left left right left right an kill the bot the bot will familier the moves an possibly use it against the player! However that can come with difficulty or depending on rank if ur a lower rank the bot will play on that rank difficulty an if ur a higher rank whether its number an or symbol. But there def will be bots wether they use it for testing on there own time or if they impliment it in the final game itll be great an i beileve h4 will be a success with or without it! Happy valentines day to you all!

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When i was a kid the best times i had playing video games other than halo, happened playing Nightfire for PS2. The bots in the multiplayer made that game endless. I've always wanted this in Halo, this sounds like a firefight forge, and in MP i'd love this too. Covenant or UNSC in either would make Halo 4 that much more fun and lasting.

Any indication as to what type of matchmaking this would be a feature in?

All I know as of now is that bots are in multiplayer.
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no bots that would just ruin the game


Would you care to elaborate on that? In what ways would bots ruin the game? I can only see them improving it. Think about it for a second. Bots could be used by those without an internet connection to play against to emulate a matchmaking experience. It may not completely do so, but it would allow them to play against multiple opponents without necessarily having to gather a bunch of people.

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Would you care to elaborate on that? In what ways would bots ruin the game? I can only see them improving it. Think about it for a second. Bots could be used by those without an internet connection to play against to emulate a matchmaking experience. It may not completely do so, but it would allow them to play against multiple opponents without necessarily having to gather a bunch of people.

So like mw3 survival or black ops training
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