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Armor lock is trash now


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Think of the TU Beta as a test. You don't have to play it, but feedback is always appreciated. Let's see how much traction your thread gets and that will help to show how others feel. Are you and avid user of AL? Did you see a need for some kind of change with it, and if so, what would you have done?

im alright with the reduced time from damage but having bleed thru + stickies not poping off ( they don't even bounce off if hit while in AL)

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The way you guys complain about armor lock, you make it seem as if you have no choice in using it, or having others use it against you. The TU is a seperate playlist, so quit complaining about that. As for the before mentioned who just hate it period...that is why we have custom games. Seriously...have you read through a majority of the AL hate threads around here? Half of them are from people who hate AL and hate the players they are matched up against. So why do it to yourself, then come in here, and hurt my eyes with your flamey craptacular turd piles of rants about it? Just go play some custom games with custom settings with all your (**sarcastic**) **uber l337** self appointed ******-bag friends and leave the general community of fun loving folks(***thats us!***) alone!


The TU trial and error crap has been over for what? 3 weeks now? They will take down the TU playlist in a couple days, then you can see the final product and start crying about that as well. I thnk it's high time we made a seperate forum section devoted to just rnats about stuff in the games. I say we make the new forum section, and start moving all this crap over to help clean up the regular, non flamey threads a bit. Hell, I'll even do the thread moving for you guys!

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Haven't bothered to play it? You should go play it for yourself, rather than rely on the word of others. You won't know if you like it until you've tried it.

Ya i did play it still it was OK not the greatest ever but OK.

- <3 jake

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