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Mafia 6.0


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I told everyone I was Mafian


No one voted for me


Good logic. 

Except according to the rules, if you are Mafia you cannot tell us that except to make us believe that you aren't Mafia. And if you're not Mafia, you aren't allowed to make us think you are, because lynching a pro-town would aid the enemy team.


"You may not under any circumstances intentionally aid the enemy team"

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Except according to the rules, if you are Mafia you cannot tell us that except to make us believe that you aren't Mafia. And if you're not Mafia, you aren't allowed to make us think you are, because lynching a pro-town would aid the enemy team.


"You may not under any circumstances intentionally aid the enemy team"

That was never a rule. 

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Except according to the rules, if you are Mafia you cannot tell us that except to make us believe that you aren't Mafia. And if you're not Mafia, you aren't allowed to make us think you are, because lynching a pro-town would aid the enemy team.


"You may not under any circumstances intentionally aid the enemy team"

The thing is


You don't know.


You cannot prove that I am intentionally doing so. You don't know my motivations. 


A word of advice Axilius. Use the sword as a sword. Best of luck 

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Tis' there was Axilus

He who thought reform Mafia

To prove Bnus was innocent

Thou' for what he shan't do


In the end

The plan fell

Farther and farther than any well

Hurry Prophet Delpen.


The nogoers must not discover our secret.

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Actually, check the front page of this topic. That is a rule and it's been one for literally half of this game's existence on this site.


Under certain circumstances, breaking that rule can be proven. The host would only have to analyze your position, words, and actions to determine whether or not you are breaking it. And while I want to win as much as anyone else, what fun is it if the Mafia simply stab themselves? Furthermore, if you break any rule you want simply because you can get away with it, what honor do you have?


That being said, it's still to early to tell whether you really are Mafia or not.

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Below in the cold and damp cell rrhuntington was sat down with his head up at a crack which was dripping water which he was trying to try catch a few drops in his mouth so he could feel a tiny bit more refreshed before he was executed but the drips kept on dripping on his face, "Ugh! This is useless." Moaned rrhuntington as he stood up and walked over to his pile of hay. As he started to drift off to sleep he heard footsteps approach his cell.


"It's your time to die." Said one of the guards. The sleepy rrhuntington sighed as he got off his pile of hay "Well I guess it's time to entertain my fans." rrhuntington walked over to the guards and was taken to the entrance of the coliseum. As they got closer the crowd began to cheer louder, rrhuntington looked up to the crowd and shouted "Your god has arrived! Cheer for me!"


The crowd immediately started to boo rrhuntington and throw cups, tomatoes and other stuff at him, he simply smiled and walked over to the stand. The sky suddenly opened up and threw rain down all over the coliseum and lightning began to strike near the coliseum. The crowd started to scream with fear except for two people who was hidden and separated from the rest of the group. 


"Rule number one. Kill silently and isolated. Don't do what that idiot did by attacking someone at 9am on a foggy day, that just gets you caught. Rule number two. Do not do what he's doing and acting arrogant to other people, it doesn't give us a good reputation." The new recruit looked at him confused. "We don't have a good reputation anyway so why..." He was cut off by his master "Rule number three. Never ask questions concerning reputation."


The new recruit stayed silent and turned back to rrhuntington who was stood in the rain cackling to himself. A bolt of lightning struck inside the coliseum which made the crowd scream even louder. Another one struck the wooden platform that rrhuntington was stood on, when the bright light went away the crowd saw rrhuntington on the floor unconscious.


The crowd cheered except for the guards who looked sad, they ordered someone to set rrhuntington alight but they wasn't able to use him because it was raining and lightning struck rrhintington. "Hmm... We can always just slit his throat and let his blood wash away into the soil." Said one of the guards, "What about the pyromaniac that we hired for today?" "We can always do a roman funeral and light his body on fire then, we can just pay him a little extra and wait until nighttime."


Once the sky was covered in black the pyromaniac set his arrows on fire, drew his bow and fired it at the boat before pushing it into the river and let the wooden boat carry the corpse away, "You know you was meant to push the boat out then set it on fire right?" "FIRE!!!!!!!!" Shouted the pyromaniac and ran off into the darkness.


rrhuntington - Mafia - Dead 

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