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The DMR has ruined this game and destroyed balance and variety


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Im sick and tired of this OP gun completely destroying every other gun in the game at close/medium/long range. It simply outclasses every other gun, why do you think so many people use it? No its not because its a reliable weapon its because its OVERPOWERED!


Countless DMR users will flame this thread claiming "its balanced fine" you're obviously very incompetent if you actually believe this. Obviously you dont want your favourite OP gun to be balanced why do you think you do so well with it?


Why is it OP?


-Massive aim assist

-Rate of fire is too much considering the damage it deals

-damage is too great

-beats every other gun (yes including BR)

-No bloom so its very noob friendly just spam trigger and let aim assist do the rest!

-Range (which its supposed to have) however with its high RoF and no bloom combined with auto assist makes this gun outclass the sniper. Why even have a sniper in the game?


Why do you think you see no people who use carbine, AR, Storm, Suppressor? They all stand NO chance against the fist of God...I mean DMR.


This gun has ruined the matchmaking of the game and it doesnt promote map movement if some asshat is off in the corner on the other side of the map doing a little strafe and staying put for the rest of the game *cough* ragnarok *cough* in fact BTB is ruined because of the DMR and so are the other playists (which are lacking)



the solution...no its not buff the BR or carbine as that already adds to the unbalance of this game. The solution are:


1. Nerf the DMRs rate of fire AND add bloom, sorry to say people but bloom like in Reach is the only way this gun can be balanced. For the power this gun has, it needs bloom but don't nerf range. Sorry about your favourite toy being nerfed

2. remove the DMR from the game (very very unlikely)



It will be interesting to see how many people would suddenly have to use skill and would suck if the DMR was nerved haha. And the DMR isnt the only thing ruining this game but its one of the main issues.


Apparently theres a "massive update" in January and if the issues of this game aren't fixed (including weapon balance) I think most people will be getting rid of this game



Dont believe me? The population speaks for itself

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I'm using the DMR right now to get the XP, then I will go back to the BR. I've already mastered the BR, and my KD ratio is 1.2 or something. In addition to that my Assist pr death ratio is 0.6 or something. That's all using the BR since day one.

I'm using the DMR right now to get the XP, then I will go back to the BR. I've already mastered the BR, and my KD ratio is 1.2 or something. In addition to that my Assist pr death ratio is 0.6 or something. That's all using the BR since day one.

I do well with the BR, I do better with the DMR.
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Yesterday, I was playing some CTF on Complex. I hadn't used the DMR in a while and I was trying new weapons, such as the Light Rifle, Carbine, etc (keep in ming that I barely use the DMR, I'm not even past Expert.) Well, I ended up running out of ammo in my Light Rifle so I run over to the closest weapon and pick it up. Its a DMR. About a minute or so later I had about 10 kills and single-handedly pinned down the enemy team so they couldn't get out of their spawn. The only reason I died was because I ran out of ammo. Something tells me that something is wrong when me, a person that barely uses the DMR, can roflstomp the other team in a matter of minutes. I do believe a nerf is necessary.

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i think the ROF for the BR should be amped up a notch and the scope for DMR shortened a bit


The problem with upping the BR's ROF is that it then makes the Carbine completely worthless. Really, the way I see it, is if you buff a weapon it throws all the other weapons out of wack. The only solution to the DMR (at least the way I see it) is to nerf the ROF to be a little slower than the BR.

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You thoroughly exaggerate the power of the DMR.


It just looks a lot better since every other gun sucks.


BR should be 4 shot, Carbine should be 7-shot (Should REALLY be 6-shot, but you'd have to slow its RoF to make that work). Lightrifle is actually fine, but it's kind of a specialized niche weapon so you don't see a lot of people talking about it. It's also fine, as I said, so people don't complain about it either.


If you make the BR 4-shot the DMR will have to stay back at its intended range in order to survive. Same deal with making the carbine better (10% damage boost is a decent band-aid for both weapons, but a real fix should happen sometime).


Your problem is not that the DMR is too good, it's that the alternatives are terrible (or in the case of the lightrifle, fill a specific niche).

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i think the ROF for the BR should be amped up a notch and the scope for DMR shortened a bit


Improving the BR is not the way to go. The BR is definitely competitive with all the other primary weapons already. Also, shortening the range on the DMR is nerfing what it is supposed to be good at (long range) when the issue is that the BRs niche should be middle-range and the issue people generally have with the DMR is that it matches or beats the BR in that niche.


If the DMR is going to get nerfed then I'd suggest dropping the fire rate marginally (perhaps up the kill time from 1.6s to 1.65s or 1.7s) or add a small amount of bloom. I think a lot of solutions being proposed are going to put the DMR well below the BR etc which might suit some BR fans but isn't great for the game.

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Whats wrong with buffing all of the guns except the DMR and the Light rifle?


It's harder than nerfing one gun. I want them to buff all the others up to the DMR's level, but I also understand that buffing several guns is harder than nerfing one. Most developers take the easy way out and nerf the one instead of buffing the many. Developers who are serious about creating a good matchmaking experience tend to focus a lot on stuff like this.


They need to buff the BR and the Carbine.


Ideally make the BR 4-shot (This is accomplished with a 10% damage boost, but it may be BETTER accomplished with a slightly lower boost of 8% or so. The idea is that you make sure it's 12 bullets - 4 shots - to kill. No less.) A slight RoF decrease may be necessary to balance it against automatic weapons, but it should definitely have a faster kill time than the DMR because its lower accuracy and recoil allow the DMR to defeat it at longer ranges anyway, where the DMR SHOULD defeat it.


The Carbine should either 6-shot with a slightly lower RoF or 7-shot with its current RoF. The Carbine should either have an equivalent kill time to the BR with 3 kills in the clip or a better kill time than the BR with a 7-shot kill and its current clip.


I don't really see anything wrong with the lightrifle, it has the most striking balance of any long range weapon in the sense that it actually does less damage when unscoped. There is no "ease of use" assumption of balance, that weapon just does less damage.


The DMR is fine, at most they could stand to add another bullet to its clip, but really it's fine. I think it's an excellent rifle.

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I think the DMR should have its ROF tuned down a bit, because it is OP get shot by the team at once and your obliterated due to being slowed down when shot at.


Lower its scope effectiveness range, and increase the BRs not so their even but rather a bit closer together.

The DMR ruines wide open maps because of that ability.

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Keep in mind that we cannot be sure that any major update to weapon mechanics...will be limited to MM only. I'm sorry guys, but when I am playing thru campaign and Spartan ops, the last thing I want is all the weapons to change. I use the DMR and BR as my weapons of choice for both, and having either one change is not going to sit well.


Historically speaking, in every other Halo game starting with 2, the global damage parameters reside within the mainmenu.map file. Which means that fixing it with a patch would apply the change to all areas of the game. Again I don't know what types of changes they made to the baseline of MegaloScript so it is very possible that they can script in basic mechanic changes that only load and apply to specific stated areas of the game. Ig uess we will all find out next month.

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