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How the Plasma Pistol is going to affect BTB???


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This is just something that I have been thinking about a lot in my head and am interested in sharing with these forums. In Halo Reach the plasma pistol was a commodity in the BTB playlist. For ground-pounders (anti-vehicle) like me... the Plasma Pistol was legitimately a power weapon that I searched out upon spawning.


Now that 343 industries is introducing the plasma pistol directly out of spawn I feel that that will create a sort of unbalance in vehicular gameplay. Perhaps 343i got rid of the homing feature on it?


This is but a minor concern for me.

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I'm pretty sure the homing feature is activated within only a 10 meter radius. And, possibly, they either have the plasma pistol disabled for BTB, or it's lik halo CE where it doesn't even affect vehicles. Believe me, it'd be hell for me as well if they were enabled for so many.

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Maybe there is some percentage the plasma pistol will disable a vehicle, but I doubt this is true. It would be funny though to see it fail on a ghost as it charges right at you.


This would be a cool idea. I always thought that it was funny when you'd EMP a charging ghost and it would come to a skidding stop right where you were standing and still get the splatter kill.


In response to it not being in loadouts in H4 BTB: I think that this would be a proper solution. My only wish is that they still place many PPs in places that are safe from vehicles within a teams base. They are very important in breaking a vehicle spawn trap and they need to be easily an readily acsessible.


Thanks for all responses and ideas so far.



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i doubt they would change the effects of a weapon so it is tailored to a certain playlist. Thats like babying the btb players so they get special goodies. Maybe you will not be able to use loadouts that have the plasma pistol as your secondary, because some game modes will have default loadouts. or this problem will just have to be delt with the hard way

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Playlists will have pre-set loadouts, so perhaps no PP. Also from what it seems in the videos, the PP has a faster energy drain while charging. I hope they remove the PP as a starting pistol. Too much easy accessibility for noobs to 'noob combo'

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Playlists will have pre-set loadouts, so perhaps no PP. Also from what it seems in the videos, the PP has a faster energy drain while charging. I hope they remove the PP as a starting pistol. Too much easy accessibility for noobs to 'noob combo'

Yeah, same here. I think it is a map weapon, not a starting weapon. Likely, 343 will update the game to fix certain aspects of the matchmaking that just aren't working.
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The most likely solution to the problem is that they will simply disable PP in BTB, if that is what they wish. For all we know, it might not be a major unbalancer in the game and they could possibly leave it enabled for BTB. All depends on their point-of-view.

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what if they introduced another covie pistol, that wouldnt be able to EMP with?

I like the PP, to get kills with and troll with. So to me it would be a shame if you wouldnt be able to spawn with it, but i aslo see your concern about the EMP. but what about if the vehicles would be harder to hit, like it wouldnt be stunned if it was hitting the armor on a vehicle but if you hit the engine the vehicle would be stunned, or as wonder wombat said, if there was a procent meter on the weapon and you had to load it more to stun bigger vehicles.

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