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Choot 'em

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Status Replies posted by Choot 'em

  1. Hey guys let me baby sit your new born baby, I'm strustworthy now

  2. I am purple lol

  3. today this Vitamin is one year closer to it's expiration date

  4. Pray for my girlfriend, she has a severe migraine and a bit of nausea. I don't like seeing her in pain. :(

  5. 'Cause I'm as free as a bird now And this bird you can not change

  6. just finished my map for the contes! it took all day but atleast i got it done early!

  7. I'm forming a game company with a few friends, any ideas for a name?

  8. I'm forming a game company with a few friends, any ideas for a name?

  9. Just finnished a huge chunk of work that i thought i would never complete...Yay for me.

  10. RAM Upgrade sometime tommorrow, Should get rid of all lag during peek hours.

  11. Gonna build a computer used for Ultra High Quality gaming, should be able to run ANY Game in high quality, need specs guys, ideas?

  12. Happy Valentines Day!

  13. 2 words......Gauss Sniper!!!! Epic ownage!

  14. This life owes you nothing, you owe it everything. Live, love, relax and be happy.

  15. Community playdate this Saturday!! Can't wait to get pwn'd by A-dog again.

  16. Look up the band skillet and tell me what you think :)

  17. Going away for a while, maybe forever. Check my goodbye message...Mystic, Dog, I hope you understand.

  18. Anyone else bummed abour Steelers losing?

  19. Suggest me a good "bad" movie, just so you know i've seen alot so something obscure :)

  20. Happy Birthday Choot'em1

  21. Happy B-Day Choot 'em!!!

  22. Happy birthday choot'em! have a good one!

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