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Everything posted by BumblePumpkin

  1. The water thing is bothering me to no end! I wanted to make an infection map with my mate on Erosion and we wanted to have the map just an inch below the water level in the cave but we DIE everytime we go near the water. Good going 343...
  2. It's not as good as Reach maybe, but you are blowing it WAY out of proportion. I have no idea what you are talking about with the "horrible stitching problems" I find the maps all very well made and I'm looking forward to having them in matchmaking :DD
  3. You're wrong? ;o I would LOVE Sandtrap in Halo 4 :'DD Such a fun amazing map. Also, I agree with the Ravine thing, as well as the other two forge maps. I don't feel like waiting any more for forged maps to be in matchmaking >:OO
  4. Does anyone think that 343 would ever have a Pelican, Mammoth, or any other big vehicle for any future DLC maps? We actually have a drivable Pelican in campaign so the vehicle is in the game now with full controls and whatnot. I'm hoping for a really big map with each team having a Pelican to drop off teammates. :3 Of course they could make it so that it doesn't have missiles and it has severely weakened guns that would have about the same firepower as the Falcon from Halo Reach c: ja?
  5. Well, noone is really feeding him thought. Everyone's replies are polite, which is what he DOESN'T want. He posted this because he thinks we are all raging fan boys who will attack him, he was wrong.
  6. I want Team Doubles in matchmaking. > I'd prefer Action Sack, FFA, and a CLASSIC PLAYLIST. Mostly the classic thing. I don't like the loadout thing at all D:
  7. The neck thing was not a problem, if you were good at Halo you could kill them in matchmaking no problem. Also, the elites weren't the main enemy in Halo 2 or Halo 3. The Brutes were. There was ABSOLUTELY no reason to take them out other than them being extra things to deal with. Elites added VARIETY to matchmaking, I loved being one and I loved seeing an elite in the battlefield as well. It just added an amazing feeling to the game by letting you be an alien or a human in multiplayer. I'm hoping they will bring it back in Halo 5. :'[
  8. Oh yay c: Not much longer! I'm hoping they will add forge maps to matchmaking soon as well.
  9. I really want some actual info on the Crimson map pack. It comes out next month, you'd think they'd show us screenshots or something. ;o
  10. Spartan Ops definitely deserves a 5/10. It's very boring and offers no challenge whatsoever. If you die, OH WELL INFINITE LIVES!!! -.- Like, firefight was perfect. Why change it? There is no point to having something like Spartan Ops if there is no point-based system or challenge to it. You just keep throwing yourself at the enemies on Legendary until they all die and some very weak thrown together story connects you to the next "Mission" where you do the exact same thing over again. It's extremely repetitive and awful :/
  11. One of the main reasons I love Halo so much is because it's a light-hearted game with tons of humorous qualities. In Halo 4 it seems to me like that light-heartedness has been taken out completely. The new Halo is great, don't get me wrong, but it just seems to me like they made it far too serious and competitive. There are no funny or non-competitive gametypes and even though it's only week 2, it still doesn't seem like they care about anything but competitiveness. I miss knocking fusion coils off the grav lift in Valhalla and it splattering or betraying someone. x'D While it's arguable that certain things were IMPROVED such as taking betrayals out of Infinity Slayer, it just doesn't feel like Halo to me. Betrayals and goofy little things you could do was what made me REALLY enjoy Halo over anything else. You can't even be an Elite anymore just because people complained about it. I never had a problem with killing elites, as long as you were good at the game, they'd go down like anyone else. Now it just feels like someone took Halo and zapped all the funny things out of it and put it on the starters path of every other competitive game out there. I'm a little worried for the future of Halo a bit. Halo 2 is still my favourite and I hope they look to that game for inspiration since it focused on FUN and not how high you can climb in ranks or how "cool" your Spartan or Elite looked.. ;o I may just be rambling on, but I just wanted to know if anyone else feels the same way.
  12. You can sit around and make arguments AGAINST betraying all day but that is just part of Halo. There is almost no other game out there that you can betray teammates. It's just something Halo has always done and it makes for funny scenarios a lot of the time. I don't like how serious this game is getting.
  13. I don't know if anyone else has noticed this but people are extremely huge dumbasses in Halo 4 team games such as Capture the Flag. I remember running into this problem in Halo 3 every so often, but in Halo 4 it is nearly EVERY match. Your teammates try and betray you so that THEY can capture the flag, They treat objective gametypes like a slayer game, and they are generally idiotic. I thought it was just the people I was getting matched with but I think it can ultimately be blamed on the "Commendations" being award for capturing flags, getting ball beatdowns, and many other things that you actually have to be somewhat competent to do. Anyone else noticing this? Or am I just getting incredibly unlucky?
  14. So I cannot find a bloody straight answer for this anywhere I search. I have people saying they are in there and then people saying they aren't... Has 343, SOMEONE FROM THE COMPANY, actually CONFIRMED a FACT about their inclusion in multiplayer? I saw an argument about them being "Unbalanced" in Halo 3, but that isn't true. You could kill an elite just as easily as a spartan if you weren't retarded. You have to do something, it's called THINKING.
  15. The people who made Bungie good LEFT and ARE 343. The people that made Halo, well...Halo, are part of 343. Reach just isn't the best Halo, I'm sure we all know that and there is no way to fix it. Halo 4 will make us all have that amazing feeling again.
  16. I REALLY want a bigger version of Highground. That was my favourite Halo map on 3. My favourite overall map was probably either Terminal or Colossus. Just because they are SOOOO fun to play on xD
  17. Does ANYONE like this vehicle besides me?? xD I thought it was awesome!
  18. Hey me and my friend have been REALLY bored lately and I was wanting to know if anyone knew of a GOOD website where they had like flash games or something of the like to play with other people that you choose. Like something me and my friend could mess around on for a few hours. Anyone know of anything?
  19. I see alot of people voting for the BR. Thats because it was an unfair weapon in Halo 3 that they could be "MLG" with. The DMR takes skill to use. Leave it.
  20. No your not thinking about it. That would encourage people to boost and camp to get to a higher rank. It's incredibly pointless and would cause NOTHING but problems.
  21. I have REALLY high hopes for Halo 4's forge. 343 PLEASE do what bungie could never do. D: bungie sucks. You guys rock :DD
  22. There are 13 maps from them to choose from. Bungie gave us Blood Gulch in Halo REACH. They custom made that area so it IS BLOOD GULCH. It's not an exact remake but it is blood gulch. Halo reach would suck on the original blood gulch because the original was only balanced for halo 1 and 2. I don't get why everyone is wanting it so badly. We have it.
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