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Everything posted by Melody

  1. Locked status updates is one of my pet peeves

  2. Damn, I'm impressed SD. You certainly have an interesting artstyle, the cartoon-ish nature of it just makes it stand out even more.
  3. You know... for a fish you can be pretty cold blooded.. Love is a two way street Fish. It can be really nice, or it can hurt really bad.
  4. Why don't you love me like you do? </3
  5. Did you play the following missions in order? Other than that I can't think of what messed it up. Check your notification menu, I've noticed sometimes achievements don't always display on screen.
  6. Would you rather be stuck in a really terrible game like Superman 64? Or.. Be stuck in a awesome game but become trapped.. FOREVER.. in that one single game.
  7. Licking the blood of my fallen foes from my finger tips ;D By fallen foes I mean in Halo.

  8. No, Elites in multiplayer didn't make sense. It was generally poorly used by children in multiplayer anyway.
  9. Impressive Bean! Thanks for the heads up!
  10. Wake me up when September ends.. This song actually managed to make me cry.. Good job Green Day.

    1. Twinreaper


      Billy gave u dem feelz huh?

    2. E-Runner


      why did they use September anyway

    3. rrhuntington


      It made me cry too,



      For all the wrong reasons

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