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Everything posted by Melody

  1. People who live in the United States can sign up for Pokemon Go field testing.

    1. Twinreaper


      Already did. Just waiting for my email

  2. Anyone around here shorter than 5'2"? I need a tiny Senpai too. :3

    1. Melody


      5'6" is also reasonable, since I'm 5'7" :P

    2. Azaxx


      Might as well be an ant at that size ;)

    3. Melody
  3. I miss Twin.. I think of him as senpai..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Twinreaper


      Im honored actually. I've never been a senpai before. Does it come with any benefits? Pie maybe?

    3. Melody


      Pie, Cake, and lots of Ice Cream!

    4. Azaxx
  4. Have you tried contacting someone on the Xbox support forums for the loss of the money or live chat a Xbox Rep? Sorry to hear about the inconvenience, but when it comes down to recovery of money/refunds we can't help with that here. What I would suggest is checking your downloads and removing the DLC REQ pack and installing again. See if that helps.
  5. What was the most ridiculous thing you've purchased in your life?
  6. 4k Would you rather get abducted by aliens? or.. Abducted by kidnappers (With no risk of death or harm, but possibly trapped somewhere)
  7. Banned for responding to my response by being responsive.
  8. Happy Birthday Twam! I was kinda shocked we have birthdays so close to each other, xD. Have a delightfully awesome birthday!

  9. Happy Birthday to me! :D Turned 21 today :P

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2.  Twam


      Your Birthday is May 5th? Mine is May 6th :D

    3. Melody


      Ooh, well happy birthday Twam! :D

    4.  Twam


      Thanks! Happy Birthday to you too :)

  10. Omg this is amazing! Gyarados looks funny. xD Excellent work ^^
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