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Status Replies posted by Fishy

  1. And....it's done.

  2. I was away from home and we have seem to be having some technical issues... Working on them now.

  3. Back from a crazy but fun weekend. School projects are almost complete....

  4. looking for xbox 360 slim hard drives. anyone can tell me some ideas on where i can get some for less?

  5. Well I'm going to be gone for a while until I get my grades up. I'll see you guys later.

  6. How does one get 6 kills on a row as a zombie on complex? With an overkill xD

  7. i want to get some of my ideas to 343

  8. Welp, my old man decided to come back and screw everything up when I moved, meaning I have had to repack all of my stuff and move back for another week. Seriously thinking of just fleeing the god damn country. Family just keeps piling crap onto my shoulders. Anybody need a lodger? lmao

  9. I just realized I've been on this site for over a year.. wow time went by fast

  10. todays a great day the servers are up and 2 more days till dlc

  11. Anyone have a 3DS?

  12. Help me reach level 50 in Halo 4! ^_^

  13. I hate making simple mistakes.

  14. Valentine's Day without a Valentine tomorrow. Share your pain. 3

  15. I broke the school record for sit ups lol. 137. I am strong now!

  16. Just finished making a map on Ragnarok if anyone is interested in taking a look! Add me (Faulkzor) on Xbox Live and download "Ragnafaulk" (Map Variant) and "Shadow Lurkers" (Game Variant) off my Fileshare! :)

  17. Thinking of taking a week or so off the site..

  18. Hi Billy Mays here with the magical depressing power of boredom....

  19. Hi Billy Mays here with the magical depressing power of boredom....

  20. Going Easter Egg hunting with a friend in some hours... anyone want to join say so :)

  21. Thinking of switching my Xbox for a PS3. Need peoples opinions.

  22. can someone help me use the shout box?

  23. New Han Solo and Boba Fett SPINOFF FILM! :D

  24. Id like to welcome one of my best friends Ryu back after such a long hiatus :)

  25. So apparently people from Minnesota have Jamaican accents.

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