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Everything posted by az2d

  1. funny how all the casual players stil hate the level skill based ranking system, yet they don't see the benefits it brings with it. without it a game is as good as dead after a few weeks. Remake halo 2 imo.
  2. with the technology atm they could make killer consoles. but that probably wont happen lol. cheap build high profit is whats it all about...
  3. caps lock got stuck or just 12 year olds ?? give visible level system in each playlist or H4 will die down no matter how awesume you made it, would be a waste of money wouldn't it. 343industies claims their listening to their fanbase but if so they would just put the visible level system in like Halo 2 wich we've been whining for a couple of years now. give it back! our precious!!
  4. true that. they should make it visible on playlists instead of only on a site. i mean who's gonne search the whole enemy team online every time you play a match? nobody.
  5. again no skill based level system such as halo 2. another disappointment. whats so fun with the current happy rank system in games were u only get rewarded and only level up, not down. this is taking the competitive side away. if i wanne play useless happy games ill buy a WII. such a shame this could have been so great. whats so hard about implementing both systems?
  6. think i heared something said about 26 spartan ops episodes or something like that
  7. yea im gonne read the guide when i can just play the game right away ?......... lol
  8. they should make a GTA 18+ version, would be way cooler with the amount of stuff you can put in for a 18+ audience
  9. yea getting banned 12 days for verbal talk or trolling............. retarded. make the kicking/booting a democratic vote wich requires several votes instead of giving so much power to one person. lol if the setting gets hacked or a drunk moderator goes on a rampage banning hunderds of people just for the fun of it.
  10. agreed, it gets boring quickly without level system like halo 2. i always get my hopes up when a new halo game arrived, hoping they will reinstate that level system but yet again they go for failure
  11. so again there is no level system whatsoever like halo 2, it only goes up up up............ were is the challange in that ? the only competition is racing to the top where u can't fall down. another disappointment.
  12. az2d


    halo 2 online was perfect to be honest, the halo's after that were less fun to play or in some cases even total ****. if only i could go back in time to the halo 2 days, the happiest days in my gaming history online. btw Reach ranking system sux balls and if H4 is anything like CoD im going to hang myself
  13. i agree with reach's **** ranking system, a person can have the highest rank possible and stil suck or play average, it only indicates that he plays a damn lot. i was really dissappointed in this because you couldn't even downrank, thus people leave when it starts to look like their losing, wich causes unpleasant gameplay, atleast for me it does. go play a few games of reach and you'll see. basically the reach rank system = * play this much time to receive your next rank up* so for the love of god im really hoping H4 will have a ranking system similar to Halo 2, were people with a high level were scary and you knew they were good ( or a modder/standby'er etc ) anyway please fix a ranking system with levels like halo 2 based on skil and not how much time you invest in the game.
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