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Everything posted by A R C A S I U S

  1. I honestly could not argue any better than you have. I played 5 games of team doubles yesterday and 4/5 were pro, and the 1 that was infinity was actually a 2v1 because my teammate dashboarded (probably due to it not being pro). Personally, I dislike not using the radar. it makes me have to do a 360 every 3 or so seconds and it feels rather like cod in the sense that whoever moves out of cover first or is in the line of sight of the enemy first is the one to die. Not a whole lot of skill involved. You were correct sir in your statement regarding the repetitiveness of doubles pro, spawn, run shoot, spawn run shoot etc... personally it frustrates me but I guess that makes me a well "semi-circled" player
  2. beautiful looking map, generally im dissapointed in most peoples lack of creativity and attention to detail but this is truly fantastic. For some reason I am reminded of reflection from halo reach... my only issue with it is that it is such a beautiful map that it should be made bigger to encompass some 4v4. I can just imagine a 4v4 map with all this detail and design aspects... would be truly amazing 8.5/10
  3. Thanks buddy The halo 4 forge is great give it a try, although it does have some bugs like anything
  4. thanks for the feedback the map is constantly undergoing modifications tho as im trying to prep it for matchmaking, but its proving more difficult than previously anticipated i myself was about to begin a sword base remake but if somebody else is then i dont see much point good luck with it
  5. Hi Guys GT: A R C A S I U S Map Title: Contingency Recommended Party size: 4 - 10 This is a remake of Halo Reach's Countdown and there are two variants. The first variant is "Contingency" which has been modified to adhere to the halo 4 style of play. A few changes were made however, instead of the shotgun, a scattershot was put in place as it is not as powerful as the shotgun so power weapons are evened out. grenades also spawn in a lot less frequently as your loadouts will suffice. The second is entitled "Contingency (Reach)" and has everything that the original countdown had as far as spawns and weapons and overall game play as it goes with the gametype "Reach Team Slayer" also on my fileshare. This gametype does not have instant respawn, each kill is 1 point and a total of 50 points must be achieved in order to win, as per the original. Creation: Basically I started out on halo reach, measuring every single doorway, corridor, open space, floor, the height of the roofs etc with the wooden pallet large. I did this because the pallet was the only piece that was the same size in halo reach as it was in halo 4 forge. I then hand drew up a diagram of the entire map and wrote down the measurements. then I constructed a basic outline of the map using the building blocks and from there the map started to take shape. overall it took me about 3 or 4 weeks to complete because I tried to make it ravine first, then ran into serious dynamic lighting problems, so i recreated it on impact, but then had extreme screen lag problems. so after finding info about how to avoid dynamic lighting, i created it all over again on ravine and now its perfect. lighting works great and no framerate issues. the biggest problem was budget at the end where I had to start substituting expensive pieces for cheaper ones however it actually turned out looking better. Contingency has slightly more aesthetic detail than Contingency (Reach) as ordnance drops are free thus more budget was left over in order to add in a few more details. Both maps are polished smoothly however. About the map: Contingency Supports CTF, Infinity Slayer, Regicide, Team doubles, oddball, king of the hill, flood, basically everything besides extraction, dominion and obviously griffball. Contingency (Reach) Supports CTF, Reach Team Slayer, Regicide, Team doubles, oddball, king of the hill, flood. Like the original countdown, the map supports 2 - 16 players however id recommend about 8 players, 2 teams of 4, Both play great on koth, oddball, ctf, flood and their respective slayer gametypes. Close to completion of the map I had a very big decision which was looming over me constantly, and that is wether I should make the map exactly like it was in reach, with no ordnance drops and the weapons spawning periodically, or should I make the map more modern and halo 4 style with ordnance drops. I decided to create two different maps, one with an infinity style with ordnance drops and one with the standard weapons like the original. so that's basically it, sorry about the essay guys but it was such a popular map and i'm sure some of you are interested in how it was created. Thanks! and I hope you enjoy the map and get back some of that good old Halo Reach nostalgia Note: I am the map creator. I created this acc after I was halfway through the creation of the map on my other acc Q U A R l S M A, hence why the map creator comes up as Q U A R l S M A and not A R C A S I U S however it is on the fileshare of A R C A S I U S. As proof of this go to the profile of Q U A R l S M A and you will see my tag. A R C A S I U S
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