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Everything posted by John-117

  1. Exactly! You save a lot of money in the long run! With the money saved, you could buy one standard edition game!
  2. Congrats on reaching dedicated! Best of luck to you for the rest of your forum life!
  3. Why Collector’s Editions of Games are the way to go* Hello everyone, I know that times have been getting tough lately financially for many gamers around the world. Many people lately have been saying that collector’s editions of games have not been worth the money. They are wrong. Collector’s edition’s are just like pre-ordering future content for games that will release to the general public in the future. I will be using Halo 4 as an example. Halo 4 has a limited edition that costs around one-hundred dollars (not including tax.) Halo 4 includes many things and I will be going through each one and giving an estimated price per item.** Game: Halo 4-$60 Media: Special featurette: Bringing gaming into reality-$5.00 In fiction content expanding on the characters and story of Halo 4-$5.00 Making of Forward Unto Dawn- $10.00 Special Edition of Forward Unto Dawn-$25.00 Downloadable Content: Unique in game Spartan IV Armor Skin-$2.00 Unique in game weapon skin for the Assault Rifle-$1.50 Exclusive in game emble-$1.00 War Games Map Packs- $30.00 (800 MS points each) Six specializations-$10.00 (800 MS points) Xbox Live Avatar Prop-$2.50 (240 MS points) Xbox Live Avatar Spartan IV Armor-$4.00 (400 MS points) Physical Content: UNSC Infinity briefing packet-$15.00 Total estimated amount: $171.00 (not including tax) As you can see, buying limited editions usually result in a large amount in savings! Finish the fight, John-117 *Please note, this is just subject of opinion. **This is just an estimated amount, does not represent final/total amount
  4. This is a very nice trailer, I am happy to see we are finally getting some insight into the villain of Black Ops 2. I am with Biggles though, I am not convinced enough yet to buy the game. I do understand that you are excited for the 8 player zombies that they will be integrating into the game but, you must realize that this won't exactly be a good addition. This will result in 4v4 Team Zombie Death Match where you must kill zombies and the opposing team. Also what worries me is having a full team of eight. This will result in people getting the bulk of the points and not leaving some for the other players. It also might create a new version to where in the future, CoD will become known as the 'Zombie' game franchise. Please use this as a learning tool based on opinion. Finish the fight, John-117
  5. This is very interesting and it is the first time I have seen this glitch. As I know you would like to see this in Halo 4, it would be very difficult because this is Halo: Reach. Maybe we can hope to see something like this in Halo 4 where you maybe take the newly revised Elephant, flip it, and launch yourself onto the UNSC Infinity! Just think, Master Chief landing right inside the War Games simulator on the Infinity! Finish the fight, John-117
  6. MIne is a brown circle that looks like a Halo on my stomach, no joke!
  7. We at 343 Industries know that many people feel this way. The Promethean Vision is not seeing through wall, it is like have a working visor like in firefight in Halo: Reach. They only show the names of weapons for weapon drops so people know what they are getting when they randomly drop. The guns sound better, you have to play the game to realize the beauty of the sounds. Also, the scoring is the way it is so we can reward, you the player, with more ways to earn points and XP for weapon drops, leveling up, etc. You must also remember this system is just for Infinity Slayer and other select game types. The matchmaking we are using will be stream line so we won't have the problem of lack of players for certain game types. Take slayer for example, we will have Slayer as a matchmaking type but in that will be many game types like, Infinity slayer, normal slayer, classic slayer, etc. I hope this helps change your perspective of Halo 4 some. If you have any questions, please contact me at my email or just PM me through this site. Finish the fight, John-117
  8. The level where you had to destroy your banshee a little bit so you can get it through that hallway and through the door with all the brutes. Or the levels they had to take out because lack of dev time and resources!
  9. Heres what I would do.... You keep the limited edition and the maps. When the maps later come out on the Xbox LIve Game Marketplace, have your 9-year old brother buy the maps himself for a price of probably 800 MS Points (10 bucks) therefore he will only need to pay about 30 dollars.
  10. Back from a sudden trip to India #BGaE2

  11. This may sound stupid of me, but what are the specializations....the perks?
  12. Spider-man is by far the greatest Marvel super hero ever created!
  13. Finally connected the xbox with windows media center...it is slow :/

  14. After all they did say, they has more promethian enemie A.I. to unveil and the ancient evil hasn't been revealed yet!


  17. Hey everyone! I thought I would create a way to reach me other than the forum: Twitter: Subject_18 Facebook: Spartan John Email: [email protected] John-117
  18. Yes, but think of the lives it will save. It will also create less pollution for our Earth and the possibility to run cars on the tech.
  19. Hey, you know what they say, through the fire and the flames we carry on.
  20. Yes, in fact this has actually been created before but, it would be REALLY hot. In fact hotter than Senor Fire
  21. I am more interested in the technology and energy design of it but, it would be a good way to get instant peace!
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