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Everything posted by Delpen9

  1. Darnit, youve foiled me again. and now i have made your guess correct... stupid me i choose you Silent Alpha!
  2. I, JXZAW, have responded. I summon Silent Alpha...
  3. Banned for moving away from each other before i can take a picture.
  4. Im not going to sit here and let you children disgrace Sarah Connor! I just have to think of reasons why shes awesome.... hmmmm.....thinking
  5. So the forum members agreed that im the collective unconsciousness of all the staff members. its so true that i put it in my profile.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BeckoningZebra1
    3. Buns


      You have my humor

    4. Delpen9


      @Bnus i dont have your anything! i didnt take your anything! i dont have it i swear!!!

  6. Yes, its me, Maestro. I choose JXZAW
  7. @Bnus !!! hey you! my mainframe is waiting for maintenance. whats keeping ya?

  8. ummm... excuse me! what if Sarah Palmer died? i would cry for ages
  9. naaooooo! this is worse than i could have ever imagined. wait...no it isnt
  10. This is a duh but so many developers don't do this. Its refreshing to make miniscule changes every so often, so over a period of time you notice monumental changes. In short, its good to have a game that is willing to succumb to change, as opposed to those that are finished on release with a few minor glitches. Since your game isn't a AAA title, its even more detrimental to replay ability. I like the concept, especially since its something I'll be able to play. Thank you!! edit: I see that you said something about funding? Will this affect anything in talking about?
  11. -Sparky_

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spyro


      Too late little brother, it's already a thing. ;)

    3. Azaxx


      You don't have any idea what a thing is Sparky.

      Take a look for what people call me in the shoutbox...

    4. Delpen9


      @Azaxx i more original. i wont call you a pathetic name like Mudkip, id call you a Ludicolo.

  12. Banned for not mentioning Latin. I'll use your sacrifice to revive the dead language. *I KILL YOU!!!!*
  13. Chief had a touching conversation with Laskey at the end. had a. touching. conversation.
  14. this sounds like a mixture of killzone/Mass Effect/ halo. the open world sounds amusing but overall i dont like it at ALL.
  15. banned for banning me for banning you for what made me laugh about banning someone.
  16. this is the funniest one XDD. you sir are banned for making me laugh
  17. I like the burlesque comedy aspect to it. Its been done a myriad of times but that never snuffs how lively and energetic the formula is. This is something that would never get old, though some people will be compelled by the cliche scripting. Hopefully 343i isnt the bunch to be like that. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/types-of-comedy.html#blue-humor
  18. Twin's role seems to me like something Lady Gagga could have done.
  19. For all you DBZ fanboys, Hunter x Hunter is a thousand times better.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL



      joke of the day much

    3. The Stig

      The Stig

      DB and DBZ are better. (Well at least to me...)


      But then again, I have never seen Hunter X... so... who knows! For all I know I could love it equally! But never more than Pokemon or DBZ... ;P

    4. Delpen9


      @The Stig watch the 2011 version. the first arch is childish but it gets darker and psychological afterwards.

  20. Yeah, Halo Reach has the falcon but you can never 'reach' it. hardyhardyhar *snort snort*
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