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Moose PWNS Alex

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    Moose PWNS Alex

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  1. So, what we have is a smorgesboard of playlists, but they are all completely separated. CTF, KotH, Ball, and the other objective playlists should be narrowed into a single playlist of team objective. Regicide is alright, Infinity Slayer is alright, Slayer Pro is lacking, but alright. As for BTB, why is it only slayer? Add some objective types to it, or at least make a BTB objective playlist. Also, we have a FFA in Regicide, but there are no objective based FFAs. Bring in a classic Rumble Pit playlist with a mix of traditional slayer and objective game types. Im glad you all wasted no time getting Snipes and SWAT out there. But, now as a classic Halo-er... I don't mind ordinances and special loadouts and such... but that is freaking COD. I want to play REAL Halo. I want everyone to start with an AR and a magnum and two frags. I want the weapons to be on the maps like they used to, with spawn times I could track and control. I want the maps to be more balanced for real STRATEGIC map control, none of this spawn in random locations nonsense. You can't lock down maps any more competitively. There are no decent maps like Lockout/Guardian for one on ones and small FFAs in customs anymore. (I am actually working and close to finishing a Lockout remake in forge that is beautiful.) None of the maps have a sense of true urgency to them. The best ones I have to say are Haven, Ragnarok, and Adrift. The rest, I feel you could port onto COD and play the exact same way. Five shot kills? Adjust player health and damage in the custom setting for four shot kills again. And reduce the rifles on the map to BRs only, no DMRs. I don't know why you guys separated the original role of the BR into two different rifles other than to appease both the Reach kids and the old fags like myself. And I wish you would have followed through with your promise to be able to disable sprinting. Sprinting really ruins the flow of the games. The only way you compensated it by was making the maps way larger, giving the DMR a more natural edge over the BR anyways. And... thats not a good thing. These massive maps, as I said earlier, aren't as urgent.
  2. Dude, headshots are still there. I get like 15 a game. You just suck.
  3. My five favorite Halo maps: Lockout, Guardian, Midship, Wizard, Coagulation. I wish these would return. Notable mentions: Headlong, Waterworks, The Pit, Construct, Hang em High. These would be great to see return as well.
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