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Cahill Rebel

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Everything posted by Cahill Rebel

  1. I have a question regarding swat when people make custom custom gametypes using this. Since there is no radar on swat, PV people would be hard to find unless everyone has it for that gametype. Besides that fact, I think swat should be able to have a variety of ability for you besides sprint since that gets boring.
  2. This also works if you are backed up in a corner too. PV is pretty a last resort during this time since they could go to the back of you.
  3. I am curious about how it shows your player in the campaign screen. Could this mean they are bringing back the ability to play as your character in campaign for at least the multiplayer version of it. It seems that way pretty much.
  4. Since we are kind of talking about clan battle plans for the game, what are yours. I could actually change mine and say people are fireing promothean weapons at the enemy with the protection of HSs while enemies are shooting them. Depends on the time limit of the abilities. They always needed to let you time the ability end and recharge rate.
  5. Yea. I do like the idea of the guys leading the way of an attack having hardlight shields. Reminds me of how the Roman used there shield to guard the people behind them.
  6. Glad I ordered mine around august. Glad I didn't wait another month. Now I can have the goodies the LE has including the gamestop camo skin you get for pre ordering the game!
  7. I think they really looked into the clan thing for this game. A lot of these AAs do look like they are combine able, so to speak, to produce a good strategy for a team. I can't wait to see 3 with HSs on being used as shields with the rest of the team behind them. Once those HSs are turned off, they will probably use either active camo to flank around to confused the enemies, use hologram to do something similar to the camo idea, jetpack straight up(not the best idea ever), use auto sentries, or use thruster packs to evade out of the away of the gun fire. Whoever uses idea for a plan and makes it work needs to tell me about it. LOL!
  8. Will they change at all? I bet many will want to get their hands on Promothean weapons for loadouts and experiment with all of the other new things in the game. Spartan Ops seems like a good clan training thing because you are your own Spartan that you are playing as. I can imagine four clan members training in SO. What do you think?
  9. We are still working on a ranking system. You see, we were a part of a clan call Brothers at War(BAW). Recently it was lost due to the leader having a lack of wanting to keep the clan going. He let us use the clan's ranking system. We aren't completely done with the site so some things haven't been added. We are also trying to find a person that can help us film a promo video of our clan.
  10. We have a site. teaminfinitygaming.enjin.com. We are planning to make some squad if people want to start them and recruit people into them. I have already made one called ZEUS.
  11. Hello Spartans. My name is Cahill Rebel. Me and two other guys are getting a new clan started call Team Infinity Gaming(TIG for short). We are planning to really get going around the time Halo 4 is released. Actually, I based our clan name off the UNSC ship in H4. LOL. Anyway, we are recruiting for our clan and want you all to join. So come join to we can kill some of those squid heads.
  12. Halo endings by far are the best endings. I even liked Reach's ending. I could feel the sadness of the character and I could also feel I accomplished something. Chief would have died without 6's help.
  13. I agree. I don't like the default map picture because it can't so the map you are downloading. How can you tell if its a good map?
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