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Fraggy Muffin

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Everything posted by Fraggy Muffin

  1. if you paid for the limited edition to get the DLC or you payed for the champions bundle you basically wasted your money the maps never ever get played its a joke i got all the achievements for the DLC when the playlists were available and legit i might add except the hardlight shield which is impossible without boosting. i didnt play halo for like 7 months and went on randomly the other day and discovered new DLC, i like to have complete achievements so i bought it. it never comes up, also all the other DLC maps never come up either. basically once the dedicated playlists are gone the maps are never played again
  2. i was with you for every single point until the last one, CSR should not be tracked for individual performance unless its an individual playlist . all that encourages is playing selfishly
  3. i dont know if trolling or extreme fanboy here. people who enjoyed the original halos do not like the way they are going with the franchise i personally thought halo reach was terrible gamplay wise the TU made it playable but i still didnt really enjoy it. Halo 4 isnt a bad game but its the small things like: cant drop flag(and no option in custom settings to drop flag) no descope when taking damage, noone starts the same anymore and you have to go and earn an advantage for e.g getting weapons, powerups they are all given to you no challenge, vehicles just get plasma pistoled and sticky naded, no option in custom setting to have a respawn time (there is but u can press x and it cancels it) DMR is not a balanced gun its basically a weak sniper rifle, boltshot its my opinion that if they make another halo where they deviate again from the orginal halo model the model that made it popular the series will be all but dead
  4. i didnt say there was anything wrong with casuals but when game developers develop a game for casuals it always ruins the title. as for you i would say u were a casual. campaign is a big part of halo as a series but its the multiplayer that gives it its true fanbase thats what has made the billions of hours of game time on xbox live you may not like multiplayer but its the core of halos success
  5. this thread is really just about casuals, casuals ruin games, developers go after them because theres money in them and how they go after them is dumbing a game down(reducing skill, removal of competitive elements) which sells games but kill the franchise this has happened to alot of games halo, gears of war, world of warcraft. basically the mentality is if we make a game with a BR starting weapon, no perks, no customization and trueskill ranks its going to put off the casuals
  6. i think you need to read the quote again
  7. i think everyone is missing the point here, i think everyone can agree that a one shot gun should never be a starting weapon but its not the power of the boltshot thats the problem its the great functionality of it. you can literly charge it up briefly and let it go and kill someone or wait a while and let it go and kill someone. It should be like the spartan laser a charge period where it cant 1 shot until its fully charged that would make it alot harder to use
  8. who cares if people boost seriously, i dont want a 1v1 playlist but to not make it because a small minority might boost who cares let them boost till there fingers bleed for all i care. and then let the majority enjoy a playlist they want to play
  9. the sign of a game game say pre launch ur game will have a ranking system and not get it until 5 months after release
  10. great post and video i couldn't agree more everything has been dumbed down and to be honest i cant see it going back to the original formula as developers would see it was too simple and not enough content to sell games
  11. i had a few games 2 of the maps were great and one didnt play well at all. the one i didnt like was the one with a middle structure and 2 grav lifts at the bottom. but its a nice change i guess
  12. theres some good points here but i think ur looking at whats happened to halo and making excuses. we are up to 9 CODS! 9 with exactly the same formula yet it still pulls in a massive following every game why? because they have a formula that works and they dont change it. instead of saying cod comes out and everyone goes to cod you should ask urself why? if halo was a good game and stuck to its roots and continued the formula that made it popular people wouldnt leave to play another game. all my friends and me included dislike this halo infact i go about 2 games before i wanna get off and we dont play. you can make excuses about other games coming out stealing population all you want but its the game that isnt fun to play that loses people
  13. a little annoance of mine is in all previous halos you would load up the game and the music would play and then when you started the countdown for matchmaking the music would stop. It doesnt now so the music is constantly playing all the time which is annoying when im just sitting in the lobby
  14. i prefer no radar myself but if your gunna make a classic slayer playlist it needs to have radar to appeal to the masses, no radar has always been for the competitive few
  15. There should be just a normal TS playlist without ordinance and instant respawns, slayer has always been the most popular playlist i think it would go down well?
  16. i remember when halo 3 came out and everyone was moaning "its the same game with better graphics and different guns" that died down a few months after release and became one of the best halo titles ever. i know the thought process when they came to making reach "halo 1,2,3 are all the same we need to change" so they brought in bloom which in a game that is based around accuracy and hitting a small area of the head is ridiculous and beating down just takes out shields regardless of how much health was remaining this lead to a broken multiplayer and a game which was very unpopular. but i generally believe that the halo where everyone spawns with the same gun and fights over weapons on a map and that's it will never ever be made again, i think developers and game companies see that as too simple and not enough "content" to sell games. Thats what COD has done to shooters they have made it so loads of crap and customization has to be stuffed into the multiplayer which is fine for cod because thats what the game is based around but halo is really at its heart a very simple game. the original halo is gone, and a side note what is it with 343 not putting in a ranking system, seriously everyone was screaming out for a ranking system i dont think ive heard anyone say they dont want one, casuals dont care either way. and they come out with some joke of a ranking system where ur rank is hidden on the game and the only way to see it is to go on an outisde application to view it...id love to know the mindset of this decision because it makes no sense to me another nail in the coffin of the franchise
  17. yea lol and ironically released in 2007 when there were ALOT less xbl players yet had much higher population
  18. we want more!! uve not only let the OP down, uve let urself down and the whole halo community down. u sicken me.
  19. wow thank god ur not in charge of creating a balanced multiplayer. the boltshot has the same range as any other "shotgun" and way better than the sword. instant respawn is a joke you dont get 5 seconds to get ur shields back before the guy you just killed has sprinted and headshotted you. instant spawns also make a players death not as much a big deal as it used to be for the team.
  20. boltshot is OP, having a 1 shot kill weapon as a starting weapon is stupid and the answer to making it balanced isnt to change armor abilities....
  21. halo 3 assault yes, halo 2 assault no. halo 2 assault was the worst objective gametype it was near impossible to score unless you absolutely dominated the other team
  22. halo reach did suck and you mentioning bloom like yea it was annoying but everything else was good is stupid, bloom is a core game mechanic. Making a game thats based on accuracy and having bloom is utterly retarded it led to a game that was frustrating and random
  23. interesting at first but boring and campy also after 3-4 minutes the current king will never swap because they get extra points for everything they do.
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