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Fraggy Muffin

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Everything posted by Fraggy Muffin

  1. im a long time halo fan but man i had no clue what was going on in the campaign am i alone? anyone else think the campaign was very confusing?
  2. to be fair i dont think one argument for not toning down grenades is that people wouldnt be able to destroy vehicles in BTB. in halos past thats what plasma's were used for.
  3. anyone know any details or experienced the power of grenades in halo 4? im hoping they will be toned down abit they are like mini nukes in reach
  4. if i had my way dmr wouldnt be in halo and shooting across map with no bloom is stupid. br had spread which was fine but at close - mid range my br shots went where i pointed my gun. there is nothing more annoying than kids who you say "spamming br" yea that was the real flaw in the br during halo 2 and halo 3 xbl all you heard was "damn this br is badly designed all this kids spamming the br to get cheap kills they need to pace" why would you ever fire the br at its max rate of fire its not spamming its called shooting the gun
  5. i really cant believe that they plan on putting bloom in halo 4 granted im not that read up on what it will be like but have they learned nothing?. reachs major failure was bloom, you cant have a game that revolves around accuracy and then have guns that make it extremly annoying to hit anything. you may say well slow down but even slowed down every now and then shots dont go where you want them too and you die not because your aiming is bad. the reticle is directly over the guys head pull the trigger and roll the dice it works in call of duty because the kill times are very very short and accuracy is important anywhere on the body is fine. Its such a shame they have put bloom in again people have told me it resets really fast but thats not the point bloom is a bad mechanic for a game based on accuracy. also if it resets so fast why put it in anyway. imo i dont like all the loadouts and aa's they are adding but can except them as i understand they have to add something new to the halo series to keep it fresh but bloom is such a bad gameplay mechanic that ruins the game and doesnt make it flow well. when i heard i couldnt belive they had added it in again
  6. i love the halo 2 music brings back alot of memories
  7. again the ranking system in halo 2 was not broken it leveled people up and down in an easy and predictable way it worked perfectly. cheaters found a way to cheat the system and hence get high ranks, however the ranking system is only there to provide a method of ranking players on performance its not there to detect cheats. what about that dont you understand? team A is modding and beats team B, the system recognizes team A has won and awards EXP thats all it does.
  8. no the ranking system wasnt broken you won around 3 games and you would level up lost 3 go down, it worked fine everyone knew where they stood. the problem was back then online gaming was in its infancy and halo 2 was THE game where everyone discovered ways to force host and have modded profiles to make them win. The ranking system had nothing to do with people modding.
  9. i think its something to do with people possibly finding exploites
  10. that was only becuase cheating was rife, the ranking system wasnt broken people cheated to get high ranks that doesnt mean the ranking system was broken. its like saying people boost achievements to get high gamerscore so the achievement system is soooooooooo broken. dumb post
  11. im going to have to say the flood aswell i remember every halo game i played through except ce. it was a big oh here we go again the flood levels......lets get them over with. Every flood mission is boring the libary and the one in halo 2 where the arbiter is getting the index comes to mind. for me though i find the campaign intresting but multiplayer is way more important i would only play the campaign max 3-4 times so i dont care too much
  12. Fraggy Muffin


    im going to say it i have never liked brutes i always thought they were a boring class to play against and not partically intresting to kill. im hoping that they wont be in halo 4 anyone know if they are going to be?
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