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Status Updates posted by SternuS

  1. Some time ago I uninstalled and reinstalled the MCC, since I couldn't play online. Since then, it kind of works- it still takes a lot to get into matches and sometime just won't, but at least I managed to finish a couple games. For anyone that still has problems with it, I suggest you to try this solution.

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      Has the latest patch not helped you out SternuS. Another thing that I find works is giving your Xbox One a hard restart before searching every time (turn it off and unplug it) and this should reset your connection. By the way good to see your name on here again!

    2. SternuS


      Thanks! Glad to see you're still working around, Drizzy.

      Unfortunately, the last patch did absolutely nothing. After that, I then tried to uninstall and reinstall again, and that kind of fixed it. I'll absolutely try your solution, as I did with every other I could think of. Anyway, I managed to play some games, and I had a ton of fun already, so I'm just happy with that.

  2. I wish I could play the MCC multy, has anyone any solution for this? I've already asked on Waypoint, but it's been 2 weeks and 343i hasn't responded me yet.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      For now, the beta seems to be working fine.

    3. Adam91


      How do you know it's only 5%?

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Estimate based on stuff I read.

  3. With this reveal, 343i is back in my top 5 Software houses list. Been a while since Anniversary came out.

  4. E3 tomorrow. My God, I remember last one as it was yesterday.

  5. "Wake me, when there are Halo news" sounds more appropriate, huh?

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      Looks like I wont see you again. :D

    2. SternuS


      Well they better show us something in this year's E3!

  6. The armour the Arbiter wears in Escalation is quite awesome. I hope we'll see his return in the next installment.

    1. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      It's likely we will see him again in the second issue. Many people didn't like it but it seemed alright to me. ;)

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I prefer his armor in the games. I was hoping to see a Halo 4 styled version of the original armor instead of something entirely new.

    3. SternuS


      I like it, it resembles Zeratul from Starcraft.

  7. The Desolation of Smaug is astonishing. PJ added some parts, but he managed to make everything fit wonderfully in the movie. Congratulations, Peter Jackson, you've produced another masterpiece.

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      I prefer lord of the rings if I am honest

    2. Guts


      Gonna see that in the next week or so. Can't wait the first was great

    3. SternuS


      @Ranger It surely is more...serious, more epic. This is funnier, more relaxing.

      @prometheanpwner You won't be disappointed!!

  8. Theros is out! Goodbye wallet, I loved you.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SternuS


      Heck I don't really know...maybe Intro Pack-White

    3. Cooliest


      I think blue and green were by far best at the competition I went to.

    4. SternuS


      Combined? Because that's my favourite combination.

  9. Should I be surprised that our government fell again? I mean, should I? Because it happened so many times in the past 2 years that I'm getting used to it...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cooliest


      lol you saw my comment om his page huh?

    3. Spyro


      What? No, I just noticed what his pic was is all.


    4. Cooliest


      lol thats so weird because I just noticed what his pic was after like a year of seeing him around here. And I posted about it on his wall just earlier today.

  10. Rome II is the best Total War ever made. And believe me, I was really skeptical about this game. But they made a wonderful game.

  11. 40 years ago, the greatest fantasy author passed away. Thank you for making my life a wonderful life, Tolkien.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Church
    3. AnimalDenWinter


      moment of silence alllso long live the hobbit.

    4. Spyro


      At least we have George R.R. Martin now. He shall fill the void until he passes.

  12. Ook, just found a Destiny reference in Halo 3 ODST. There's no sign of it on Halo Wiki nor on Halo Nation.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. BaconShelf


      It's the HALO wiki. Not Destiny.


      I'm getting sick f seeing it everywhere, I like knowing there's at least one place I can go for only Halo.

    3. SternuS


      You don't say? But it is an Easter Egg in a Halo game.

    4. SternuS


      Also, it is on Halopedia. It's the last sentence in the trivia section. Sure I must've been drunk to miss it.

  13. Right now the Halo 4 and Halo Universe section is full of topics with 1-3 replies, arguing about why "X" sucks, why "X" ruined "Y", "Ideas for..." (some of which are good but unlikely to happen), and generally people bitching about multiplayer. God, I miss the discussions about the history of Forerunners and the Halo lore.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Well all everyone wants to write Topics about nowadays are all about Wishlists and what not. I would also love some good insight and discussion at least once in a while.

    3. SternuS


      Yeah but the problem is 343i ruined Halo and CoD sucks.

    4. BaconShelf
  14. Last day of shooting on The Hobbit's set. :( Thank you Peter, my life would be much darker without you.

  15. 4000 random Magic cards at 14.00 €. Hehehe...

  16. Oh God, oh God. Ok Guillermo, we understood your message. You want to be venerated, the message was loud and clear.

  17. Rome 2 Total War preordered, anxiously awaiting 3 September.

  18. EARTHQUAKE!!!! ...what really upsets me is not the fact that now we'll live with constant fear of another earthquake, but the fact that I was in the middle of a match! They killed me 9 times!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SternuS


      Well maybe they're not that bad, but sure as hell they scared me a lot! :P

    3. Maestro


      Got treated to a 5.7 90 miles away when I went to California in May. XD

    4. Zelda


      Northridge was a 7.9 in 1994. The little one here was only s 3.4 in 2010. :)

  19. Borderlands 2 finished, now I have to buy the DLCs...I had a ton of fun with Borderalnds 1, and it seems 2 is pretty much the same. Wonderful job at 2K.

    1. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      Mr. Torgue's DLC is easily the best. the others so far have been decent.

    2. SternuS


      Yeah I'm really interested in that one.

  20. Halo: Armored Core of Diablo 2.

  21. Halo Spartan Assault... I abhor Tablets, they are the worst thing humanity ever invented.

  22. It's been a while I don't see the Director around the forums, I hope he's ok

  23. Ow... CGRC has been part of my life for too much. I'll miss that game.

  24. Dude i was like: "Ok, that's interesting...yes, yes, go on...ok, EA, sports etc...WHAT THE- STEVEN SPIELBERG AND HALO? YEAH!...ok, CoD Ghosts, yeah, blah blah blah..."

    1. EliteSniper


      They should have CoD presented at the beginning and Halo last so the viewers would leave is epic-ness :D

    2. SternuS


      Indeed....or they should have not presented CoD at all ;P

  25. Sins of the Prophets. Where your dreams of epic Halo space battles become true.

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I'd try it if I had the game.

    2. SternuS


      12€ (or $) well spent.

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