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Everything posted by Lazmarr

  1. Sounds like a really good idea, although I think the forums fine the way it is.
  2. Nuuuuuu, I lost a PM buddy. Hopefully you shall return soon.
  3. Vampire lord all the way xD Also TES: V Dawnguard is beast, why? Craftable arrows Duh.
  4. Can't wait for DS3, including drop-in coop, will be so fun
  5. Lazmarr


    Hello and welcome to the forums
  6. Andraste's Knicker Weasels are in too
  7. You forgot that you need to wash your hands afterwards, with soap. Back on topic, The barber shaves only those men in town who do not shave themselves. Who shaves the barber?
  8. I don't play, I role-play. In his native toungue (Jel) his name is J'Zar'ree-ei. In Cyrodilic it translates to - Shadow of Hunters Sight, which roughly means, "From the depths of the shadows a hunter is born, with the sight of a thousand wolves his enemies will fall." <---- I may edit this if I can come up with something better. I also play as a Male Bosmer, named Iorvaen. I don't play as female charcters for the fact that it just doesn't feel right, and is harder to RP as something you are not. Also I play on Xbox 360.
  9. I say go into the panic room in the house with 7 inch thick steel (on both sides) hydraulic door, with 5 13 inch thick cylindrical locking mechanism, and 12 inch thick steel walls. Also there is monitors a radio, satelite phone a t.v and 6 months worth of esentials and two seperate backup power supplies (main power is created via geothermal electrics).
  10. Hmmm let me see, these are the Halo 4 Headsets :- http://www.trittonusa.com/prod/warhead.asp At OP, why not get the Tritton Detonator, I have them, and I can say they are the best headphones I have bought so far.
  11. Like: Bioware, Bungie, Blizzard, Bethesda, 2K, Treyarch, Naughty Dog, Mojang, Square Enix, (Some) THQ. Some others too, but can't think who they are. Dislike: INFINITY WARD, (EA, even though it's a publisher).
  12. Awesome I haven't lost a PM buddy
  13. No offence or anything, but word of advice, try to use trustworthy sources to get your information from, because in this thread "http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/11958-182/" you link to a youtube video, where a guy talks about "what he thinks" will be in the next MC update. In addition, try to use a better text layout and some better colours, and try to make the title intriguing.
  14. Welcome to the forums MikeyReach
  15. Lazmarr

    FPS ghost

    I hate how some RPG's, like Skyrim, don't have it so when you look down you can see your feet. I think it totally kills the immersion factor. I'd love it if in skyrim you looked odwn, you could see your feet and if you looked left and right you could see your shoulders and whatnot, and when you run you could see your arms. I'd love it if they had all that in halo 4.
  16. Bill Gates donates half of the profits each year to charity. He never rides first class, if he is asked to he gives his ticket to someone else. I don't think he's that much of a money hog.
  17. Mr. Wolfy, it's easier to comprehend and it sounds cleaner on ther tongue. :3
  18. Fuuuuuuuuuu. Why people always link to their computer??? Y0u n33d to up104d y0r'r3 p1c7ur3 t0 7h3 Interwebz.
  19. Neither, they are both good and bad in their own ways. I like Halo 3's multiplayer before the update, and I like Halo 3's and Reache's storyline equally.
  20. This site isn't a rip-off, so far I have accumulated over 2000 MS points. Also we get competitions and VIP rewards, such as trips and avatar items, free DLC and more. I have got a Halo banshee avatr prop worth 200 MS points and two Avatar T-shirst worth £5.00 each.
  21. Why shouldn't it be discussed? Anyway back on topic. If it is a legall fight between two companies then perhaps MS could make money depending if they win. However if it's MLG then no, I don't think so as it is MS who sponsors MLG.
  22. Halo 4 Limited Edition Borderlands 2 Limited Edition Assassins Creed 3 Limited Edition WoW Mists of Pandaria Limited Edition Darksiders 2 Limited Edition Black Ops 2 (Probably Limited Edition, depends what's in it, if I get it) All on the day of release (I think)
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