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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. Welcome to the forums OG SCAVENGER! Hope you have a great stay here at 343i!
  2. Actually, it would be put into a list that would consider it a "rouge" site, giving us either a warning or not even allowing us to go onto it. Basically our internet would be like China's.
  3. Thanks for the update! Can't wait till it's back up!
  4. Thank you Spec, I will continue on it later tonight!
  5. This looks like JTAGage, didn't know they had JTAGs again for Reach... EDIT: Maybe I should of read the other posts...
  6. Will try, give me one second. Nope, it doesn't. It says Error need to access Terminal 5 before Acquiring whatever.. Lol.
  7. Then Master Chief jetpacked in...
  8. I really feel great when my voice actually gets heard. Sorry that its sideways. I didn't know it would end up that way.
  9. Hope to see you again sometime in the future! Goodbye PWN!
  10. I know that starting a game with absolutely nothing can be a big turn off from the game, so let me explain how to get started right away! 1. Find a tree, and cut it down! Tree's will give you wood, but you can't actually do anything directly with wood, but it's the first step in the game! 2. Use the wood to create wooden planks, use the wooden planks to make a crafting table. then use those to create an axe, pickaxe, and shovel. 3. After you have created these items, you should gather some dirt and other solid objects to create a home. After you have created a home, look for some coal and make torches (Torches are super important, make sure you have some in your home before nightfall. A door would be good to have also. Hopefully by now, you have achieved "House with Door and Torches" status. And while you're at it, make a chest and bed for yourself! (Not quite sure if you need shears to receive wool or you can just kill the sheep) Surviving in Minecraft This part will not have as many pictures, as I really only need to explain some things. Sorry if you were in the picture mood If you are new to the game, then you should most likely read this part. The enemies in the game are called mobs. They range from zombies to green exploding penises called creepers. This is why your house is extremely important to have before nightfall because they all come out then. (Some stay out in day, but I'll get to that later. A "Creeper" looks like this. Stay away from them... Don't even bother with these bad boys. They make a sound similar to a "hiss" and if you hear it, you should run away because they explode... Violently. Creepers do not burn in the sunlight so be careful. Endermen look like this. They come out at night and usually steal your blocks, and place them around the area. They won't bother you until you point your cursor at them. They are also not that hard to kill, but they do teleport. The other mobs are self explanatory so no need for pictures. Mobs that burn in the sun. -------------------------------------------- Zombies Skeletons Endermen(I think) Traveling at night is not recommended, I usually sleep through the night (That's why it's good to have a bed) and continue the next morning. Building a sword is just like building a shovel, except you use 1 stick and 2 ore/wood instead of 2 sticks and 1 ore/wood. In the newer version of Minecraft, you now slowly decay if you don't eat, oh yay! To get food, kill sheep, cows, or make food by using sugar, wheat, or other cooking materials. (I'll have a section for that later.) MAKE SURE YOU ALWAYS HAVE FOOD WITH YOU!!! You never know what might happen. Cooking Guide! Survive Longer! Bowls could be helpful for soup! Mushroom Stew, restores x4 (Bowl is reusable) Bread, restores x3 Not edible, but used for cake! Restores x2 on every use. Can be used 6 times, x9 restored. Heals 5 hearts automatically. Only food you can eat with a full hunger bar! MORE TO COME!
  11. Holy crap... How did you find this out? Do you need to have the "unlock all terminals" achievement to do it?
  12. That's what I'm afraid of... I mean we already bought the game, give us something for being awesome
  13. In anthropology we were discussing spartans and whatnot, and I couldn't think of anything else other than Halo Spartans.
  14. I swear they mentioned a little bit about the engine in Game Informer. I can't find the one that had it at the moment, but I'll keep looking.
  15. I think buying the game is totally worth it. The fact that you can do pretty much anything you want in it is amazing. But there are a couple NL versions that you can download. Not sure where though.
  16. Custom challenges are absolutely uhmazing! They are extremely helpful and I love how you could do as many as you want!
  17. Not in the classic playlist, but I personally think that sprint was sort of needed seeing that it would make it be more realistic (not saying that Halo SHOULD be realistic but have more of a variety) and make the gameplay a tad more fast pace.
  18. I thought he was implying that there were guests in the game that weren't playing and was scared that since they weren't playing, he would get banned.
  19. Basically, they need to get one kill and there shouldn't be a problem, but if they get no kills it could be a possible ban.
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